
View Poll Results: Are Amur Leopards super ultra cute?
Yes! 37 78.72%
No... 10 21.28%
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(#51 (permalink))
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08-07-2008, 09:21 AM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
Yes, but the prospect of pissing off a religous person or at least causing a recession that goes against the views of millions of people world wide - for me, that is worth stiking into it!
You're the only one here bringing religion into this. Act your age please and don't argue just for the sake of arguing.
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(#52 (permalink))
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08-07-2008, 09:25 AM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
To hell with the "With great power comes great responsibility" thing then. Just nuke em all. That is a poor attitude. In a sense we are superior in that we can build all the functions that animals naturally have, yet that is irrelevant to the concept, really.

The point is; Noodle has the attitude that human expantion should be conducted as necessary, and all wildlife is second class to us because we are the most productive and powerful. This is a very poor attitude. I hope you can see why, it would be a shame if you can not. Many things that are looked down upon in history are actually the result of this exact same attitude, and the greatest of men, even a religous prophet, Jesus (but not Muhammad), are regarded the way they are for the exact reason of their ability to be able to lower themselves to the level of the inferior. Humility is the most productive skill you will ever learn, not self ordained superiority.
You don't read other's posts do you?

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(#53 (permalink))
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08-07-2008, 11:01 AM

Originally Posted by Odin View Post
OK, so now I'm very curious. I'm not so proud, that I would never admit if I response was misplaced. So please, explain why you said that to him?
Because a) he told me to kill myself based on an earlier reply by me and b) he was derailing the thread from the beginning.
What I said was not because he was German but because he totally misunderstood what I was writing. I would've said the same thing to anyone else in the same situation.
Hope that clears it up for you.

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
Yes, but the prospect of pissing off a religous person or at least causing a recession that goes against the views of millions of people world wide - for me, that is worth stiking into it!
Lol I bet the simple reason you believe Humans are the same as animals is because of your view on Evolution. You believe that any animal, given enough time, has the potential to evolve into a higher conciousness, kinda like what the whole Mario universe is based on.
Lets say for arguments sake i'm right about you here and that you are hypothetically correct.. that still makes Humans superior to animals right now.

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
I actually really care about this kind of thing. I just find it really sad.

I certainly don't think animals are inferior. The ability to kill someone in my opinion doesn't make you superior. Just because a big strong man would have the strength to kill me because I'm a little girl doesn't make me inferior in my opinion.

They have the ability to think and feel, they are living creatures. Of course they don't have the 'brain power' that humans do, but they have other features and things that we could not possibly imagine.

A singular human is a very weak creature indeed, the only reason we are any stronger is because of all the technologies we have.

In any case I think it's pretty selfish to suggest that animals don't matter. These are beautiful creatures that the human race has probably destroyed, and I don't think it is acceptable whether you think animals are inferior or not.
Anyone who suggests that animals don't matter is an absolute f***wit, just like some posters earlier on in this thread I had a problem with. I don't think the majority of people here have a problem with respect for animals. They are highlighting reality though and that is that humans might not have the "extra special" abilities but they can easily reproduce them with technology.

Truth Hurts


Last edited by ivi0nk3y : 08-07-2008 at 11:23 AM.
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(#54 (permalink))
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08-07-2008, 11:19 AM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
If this is about brains; do you understand the brain power it takes to sonar see like a dolphin? Many animals have larger parts and more powerful brain parts than we do, we just have a certain one that few others have, and none have on our level.

How can you blame me for brining religion up. I know I do this every time, but it is because the shit you say is so common in all religous people (all most) that of course I am going to assume that as a reason. Dont blame me.

So, assumeing you never considered the "soul" thing, basically, what you are saying is anything that can not keep up is inferior, right? That kind of attitude is pretty vacant minded. I do agree, retards should be "put down" at birth, yet the majority of people struggle to keep up with a mere few who possess the skills to create our world. Perhaps that is our solution. Belief in superiority (such as Nazi Germany) and we can just execute the stragglers in gas chambers, no?

Correction: I am superior to all people (at least, of what I have ever seen). Dont go thinking you are special just because you believe in people flying around in golden palaces with wings...

Like I said, we are out done in many ways. If this is not about God, then it is left up to basic respect. And you are lacking.
Are you on Crack??!!! This statement is like saying a calculator is on the same level or superior as/to us because it's more powerful at calculating numbers... You're stupid...

Hahaha... that's a great one... like the Nazi's... Why didn't I think of that

I think you have the same problem as people like Ronin4hire... You get too caught up on your prejudgment and you don't even read people's posts... First of all, if you wanna make this about religion, you wouldn't have said half the shit you've said because you'd know that in Islam, we HAVE to respect other animals... So you talking about lack of respect is just stupid and just make you an obnoxious fool.

Hahahahaha... you superior? You're a joke mate... But then again, it depends on the perspective right? I guess you can easily be superior at being an idiot that tries to relate everything to religion because you have no arguments... I bet if someone had the same opinions as me and wasn't religious, you'd spend your whole time trying to prove that they are ... Get over yousrelf... you're nothing special.

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
The point is; Noodle has the attitude that human expantion should be conducted as necessary, and all wildlife is second class to us because we are the most productive and powerful. This is a very poor attitude. I hope you can see why, it would be a shame if you can not. Many things that are looked down upon in history are actually the result of this exact same attitude, and the greatest of men, even a religous prophet, Jesus (but not Muhammad), are regarded the way they are for the exact reason of their ability to be able to lower themselves to the level of the inferior. Humility is the most productive skill you will ever learn, not self ordained superiority.
Tell me, if we are more powerful and productive, then why aren't we superior? What's your definition of being superior? Maybe you'd think we're superior if we had psychic abilities? Or would you just come out and say, oh... well, a bat can navigate in the dark, so THERE!!!!
Oh and btw, like I said a million times before... stop prejudging me and putting me into your own little made stereotype of religious people.

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
I dont believe you. That is either really arogant, or... really arrogant...
There is a fine line between the prey and the hunted. When a springbok spots a lion crouching 10 meters away from it, the lions sees it has been spotted. What happens? Nothing. There is a pause of up to 30 seconds before either animal moves. When the stakes are so high niether wants to initiate the chase, they just focus and reflect. Why? Because both have evolved to superiority in their roles. The springbok will never kill the lion, never, yet the lion can rarely catch one. Niether is superior to the other, they are equals, and this is why they take the moment to reflect on each other before the chase begins.

You saying that only shows your lack of reflection on nature. Now we have the upper hand, but that does not call for disrespect. If you paid attention you would be able to compliment many animals on their abilities, not just yourself, and perhaps you would grow a heart instead of being specially selfish; for whatever reason, dont blame me for guessing.
aaaaaaaahahahahaha... Is that like you asking how to spell arrogant? Like I said before, you need to stop prejudging me... Lack of respect... Dude, the only creature I have a lack of respect for on this planet is YOU... Everytime I think you say something decent or you prove that you're not a retard, you just go and ruin it with your huge ego.

MissMisa... My answer to your post is exactly the same as ivonkey's...

Last edited by noodle : 08-07-2008 at 11:34 AM.
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(#55 (permalink))
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08-07-2008, 11:34 AM

Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y View Post
You believe that any animal, given enough time, has the potential to evolve into a higher conciousness, kinda like what the whole Mario universe is based on.
*insert expression that shows how much I'm laughing*

Noodle; Don't you also pity Hentai-man aka Hyakushi?

As for Tenchu, I'm not against you.

Man I'm busy as hell. Hit me up on MSN or pm me.
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(#56 (permalink))
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08-07-2008, 11:39 AM

Originally Posted by Thunda View Post
*insert expression that shows how much I'm laughing*

Noodle; Don't you also pity Hentai-man aka Hyakushi?

As for Tenchu, I'm not against you.
*Copies Thunda with the excessive laughing" lol

Ahh yes... you're right... I apologise... I don't have any respect for Hyakushi and Tenchu...Oh, not to forget Ronin4hire...

Last edited by noodle : 08-08-2008 at 07:08 AM.
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(#57 (permalink))
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08-07-2008, 11:46 AM

I don't know where some people here get their "you don't respect animals" - shit from. Noone ever said that here, we just try to tell some truth. I have very much respect for just about every animal, but that doesn't mean I don't know there's a hierarchy in nature. There are some very intelligent animals, and we should respect them (which we're not really doing).

I don't think Tenchu understands what I or noodle mean when we say "superior". It's not meant as "we are superior, so we should kill them" (like that crappy nazi parallel you tried making). The meaning of the word here instead implies that "we are higher on natures hierarchy of survival". That means that e.g. lions can not threaten humanitys survival, but we can threaten theirs (and we do). Noone ever said we should.

Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y View Post
Anyone who suggests that animals don't matter is an absolute f***wit, just like some posters earlier on in this thread I had a problem with. I don't think the majority of people here have a problem with respect for animals. They are highlighting reality though and that is that humans might not have the "extra special" abilities but they can easily reproduce them with technology.
Thing is, that is our strenght. The power to work together, build, develop. I like to believe that this was a specific step in evolution: instead of getting more muscles, bigger bodies etc, we in fact got weaker and less deadly (as a naked being). Instead our minds developed, which made possible what we are today. Just look at big apes(gorillas etc.) that are much stronger and more deadly than a human.

What's sad is that humans are brilliant, but also arrogant, violent, and stupid. Sometimes I wonder what the purpose of all the negative behavior of humans is (seen on an evolutionary scale). But then again, other animals rape, eat and kill mates and children,etc.

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(#58 (permalink))
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Thumbs up 08-07-2008, 11:48 AM

Nah its cool if you guys are arguing but someone always brings religion in it and fucks it up. Should get rid of this habit.

Man I'm busy as hell. Hit me up on MSN or pm me.
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(#59 (permalink))
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08-07-2008, 11:50 AM

Originally Posted by Thunda View Post
Nah its cool if you guys are arguing but someone always brings religion in it and fucks it up. Should get rid of this habit.
Points finger at the so callled superior human ... But then again, it's like a defence mechanism... No intellegent response so "HAH, you're a religious folk, you're stupid!!!"

Edit: Henbaka, I agree with your response to Tenchu... I'm glad someone gets what I'm saying...
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(#60 (permalink))
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08-07-2008, 12:18 PM

Originally Posted by Henbaka View Post
Thing is, that is our strenght. The power to work together, build, develop. I like to believe that this was a specific step in evolution: instead of getting more muscles, bigger bodies etc, we in fact got weaker and less deadly (as a naked being). Instead our minds developed, which made possible what we are today. Just look at big apes(gorillas etc.) that are much stronger and more deadly than a human.

What's sad is that humans are brilliant, but also arrogant, violent, and stupid. Sometimes I wonder what the purpose of all the negative behavior of humans is (seen on an evolutionary scale). But then again, other animals rape, eat and kill mates and children,etc.
Its quite evident that even in strength and athleticism we can go quite far. It all takes work that the majority of people just won't put in because of the "box" they put themselves in or are put in, when they are born.

Truth Hurts

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