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(#11 (permalink))
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09-05-2008, 08:54 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post

I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a "community organizer," except that you have actual responsibilities. I might add that in small towns, we don't quite know what to make of a candidate who lavishes praise on working people when they are listening, and then talks about how bitterly they cling to their religion and guns when those people aren't listening.

Get ready for this statement to sting her.


I told the Congress "thanks, but no thanks," for that Bridge to Nowhere.

Except that she requested that Bridge to Nowhere until it became an obvious embarrassment

3)"Our opponents say, again and again, that drilling will not solve all of America's energy problems — as if we all didn't know that already.

But the fact that drilling won't solve every problem is no excuse to do nothing at all."

Again...bullshit...the McCain camp wants to drill now and ask questions later and McCain wants to drill Alaska land when Palin has always been against it, and still is. Drill, baby, drill...but not in MY state. Palin has made that opinion clear.

"This is a man who can give an entire speech about the wars America is fighting and never use the word "victory" except when he's talking about his own campaign. But when the cloud of rhetoric has passed ... when the roar of the crowd fades away ... when the stadium lights go out, and those Styrofoam Greek columns are hauled back to some studio lot — what exactly is our opponent's plan? What does he actually seek to accomplish, after he's done turning back the waters and healing the planet? The answer is to make government bigger ... take more of your money ... give you more orders from Washington ... and to reduce the strength of America in a dangerous world. America needs more energy ... our opponent is against producing it. "

The answer to your question is all here. And it is all bullshit.

Sarah Palin is Chicken Little.

I hope America does not fall for her.
Wow, you REALLY need to do a little homework before you make a post like that. You have it backwards... McCain is the one that doesn't want to drill in ANWR, only off the coasts. Gov Palin, and the vast majority of Alaskans, do want to drill in Alaska, perhaps in part because they know it will bring many good jobs and more wealth to the state.

Look it up.

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(#12 (permalink))
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09-05-2008, 10:15 AM

McCain has not always been a party man. You might remember McCain/Feingold, or the McCain/Kennedy bills that were debated not too long ago. McCain votes in what he believes in, which is sometimes contrary to the wishes of his party.

McCain was a soldier for 22 years, and has been a senator since then. He's spent more time in government that Biden and Obama combined, and much of it was in quite unpleasant circumstances. McCain has had a courageous career. Obama can speak courageously, but he has yet to prove that he can act the same way.

Obama was a "community organizer", and Palin was right in saying that it was a position which required no responsibility. A cheap shot, maybe, but not an inaccurate one. The statements Obama made about Americans "clinging to their religion and guns" did happen, and guess what? They are coming back to sting him.

That said, I very much dislike McCain, I always have. On the other hand, I dislike Obama far more. I've been suspicious of him since he was recruited for the senate, when the rumors were first spread that he would one day become president.

Obama is not his own man. Almost all politicians have leash holders, and the few that remain hold the leashes of others. Obama is one of the former, and McCain is one of the latter. Obama's rise has been carefully engineered; Obama is intelligent, but not on this great a scale. Obama's policies will have nothing to do with his personal beliefs or ideals, he will do what he is told by those who carried him to where he is now.

It's not as sinister as it sounds, all politicians have made deals with the devil in one way or the other. McCain is one of the devils, but at least he and his actions are visible to us all. No one pulls his strings.

I can only choose between the lesser of two evils, and McCain is that choice. I was going to sit this election out, and I would have if McCain had picked one of the numerous Republican automatons as his vp. I'm amused with his choice of Palin, and shock and outrage which this has has caused the media (who are far and away the biggest string-pullers and story spinners of this election).

I only requested an absentee ballot so I could vote against Mel Martinez (the Republican US senator from Florida, whom I truly dislike), but I'll add my vote for McCain and Palin to the ballot.

Last edited by Sangetsu : 09-05-2008 at 10:47 AM.
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(#13 (permalink))
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09-05-2008, 04:48 PM

Originally Posted by samurai007 View Post
Wow, you REALLY need to do a little homework before you make a post like that. You have it backwards... McCain is the one that doesn't want to drill in ANWR, only off the coasts. Gov Palin, and the vast majority of Alaskans, do want to drill in Alaska, perhaps in part because they know it will bring many good jobs and more wealth to the state.

Look it up.
You are right. It was late. My mistake.

McCain wants to drill off coast lands and not ANWR and Palin does want to drill ANWR.

Both don't realize that the decision to drill today won't lead to oil in our tanks for seven+ years.
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(#14 (permalink))
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09-05-2008, 05:10 PM

Originally Posted by Sangetsu View Post
McCain has not always been a party man. You might remember McCain/Feingold, or the McCain/Kennedy bills that were debated not too long ago. McCain votes in what he believes in, which is sometimes contrary to the wishes of his party.
Indeed, McCain had often been a Maverick. But those days seem behind him. His choice in VP...a very right-wing governor who believes in no-abortion ever, very pro-gun, creationism in schools, and put a no gay marriage clause in Alaska's constitution...seem to indicate who he is trying to appeal to.

Originally Posted by Sangetsu View Post
McCain was a soldier for 22 years, and has been a senator since then. He's spent more time in government that Biden and Obama combined, and much of it was in quite unpleasant circumstances. McCain has had a courageous career. Obama can speak courageously, but he has yet to prove that he can act the same way.
Are you counting his time as a soldier as "being in government"? McCain has a long career, that is very true. Most men his age are retired.

Originally Posted by Sangetsu View Post
Obama was a "community organizer", and Palin was right in saying that it was a position which required no responsibility. A cheap shot, maybe, but not an inaccurate one. The statements Obama made about Americans "clinging to their religion and guns" did happen, and guess what? They are coming back to sting him.
A cheap shot that is going to bite her in the ass. Obama's statement has been morphed into an insult. Palin's statement doesn't need to be. She doesn't understand the needs in large communities.

It is great Palin is a small-town gal with small-town values and small-town vision. However, that doesn't mean she is qualified to be in the White House.

Originally Posted by Sangetsu View Post
That said, I very much dislike McCain, I always have. On the other hand, I dislike Obama far more. I've been suspicious of him since he was recruited for the senate, when the rumors were first spread that he would one day become president.

Obama is not his own man. Almost all politicians have leash holders, and the few that remain hold the leashes of others. Obama is one of the former, and McCain is one of the latter. Obama's rise has been carefully engineered; Obama is intelligent, but not on this great a scale. Obama's policies will have nothing to do with his personal beliefs or ideals, he will do what he is told by those who carried him to where he is now.

It's not as sinister as it sounds, all politicians have made deals with the devil in one way or the other. McCain is one of the devils, but at least he and his actions are visible to us all. No one pulls his strings.
The first I heard this one. Just because someone doesn't have as independent a career as McCain doesn't make them a puppet.

And as much as I like to think no one pulls McCain's strings, I also heard that McCain wanted Lieberman to be his running mate...to be a truly independent ticket...but was "convinced" by the Republican Party to choose an anti-abortion candidate if he wanted any chance to win.

Originally Posted by Sangetsu View Post
I can only choose between the lesser of two evils, and McCain is that choice. I was going to sit this election out, and I would have if McCain had picked one of the numerous Republican automatons as his vp. I'm amused with his choice of Palin, and shock and outrage which this has has caused the media (who are far and away the biggest string-pullers and story spinners of this election).
Again, the Democrats love their candidate and the Republicans are choosind the "lesser of two evils".
VP choices shouldn't be "amusing", they should be well thought-out and intelligent.

Originally Posted by Sangetsu View Post
I only requested an absentee ballot so I could vote against Mel Martinez (the Republican US senator from Florida, whom I truly dislike), but I'll add my vote for McCain and Palin to the ballot.
Every American should vote, no matter where they are.
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(#15 (permalink))
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09-05-2008, 05:39 PM

OH yeah, speaking of experience dealing with that potshot Palin made at Obama, here's a response of his to that...

YouTube - Barack Obama on Community Organizing
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(#16 (permalink))
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09-05-2008, 07:11 PM

This is great too...

Sarah Palin Gender Card | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
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(#17 (permalink))
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09-06-2008, 02:23 AM

The Daily Show clip was priceless. A special circle of hell must surely be reserved for Karl Rove.

Here's a rundown of the lies in Sarah Palin's speech. Basically one nose-stretcher after the other.

Factchecking Palin, By Hilzoy - CBS News

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09-06-2008, 07:52 AM

Originally Posted by Tyrien View Post
Though I didn't hear Mcain's speech... I'm against him because he's against Net Neutrality (actually I saw an article about how he apparently doesn't even know how to use a computer, and thus doesn't care about them). Which uh... net neutrality is a freedom America, or the world can NOT afford to give up.
I agree about being against Net Neutrality but... he doesn't know to use a computer? What the hell? Is he supposed to know it?
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(#19 (permalink))
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09-06-2008, 08:31 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
That was AMAZING!
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(#20 (permalink))
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09-06-2008, 08:39 AM

Originally Posted by SSJup81 View Post
Since MMM did the thread for Obama, might as well have one for McCain too. What did you all think of it, for those who watched?

IMO, it was a decent speech. I liked it, just like I liked Obama's, especially since McCain said quite a few things that Obama seemed to mention in his campaign as well. No mudslinging and such, not like Palin's speech.

So...discuss away.
News media in my country have focused on the Palin speech so I don't know much about McCains speech.

While the speech may have beat the republican drum, I think it will take much more than this to sway undecided voters McCain's way. I'm interested to see whether Palin will hold up to the scrutiny she will now be under due to her dubious appointment as McCain's running mate.
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