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(#41 (permalink))
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10-07-2008, 04:05 PM

Originally Posted by ThirdSight View Post

This is the silliest statement I've read so far. The only time depression isn't a choice is when it's literally become an uncontrollable psychological disorder for the person. Please think about what you're trying to say before you type it out, otherwise you just sound silly.

Take away all the drama of life/death/suicide/dealing with it and you get this: everyone's just trying to live their lives the best way they see fit. They're writing their life story, with their friends and family as characters in it; themselves being the main character. Problems arise when other people think they're important enough to try to live other people's lives for them. Let them do what they will, though strictly personally, I find it a bit foolish to end yourself.

But that's just me.
Depression is always a 'psychological disorder for the person.' It is the same as getting cancer, it is never a choice. Nobody chooses to be depressed - why the hell would they? Are you getting sadness confused with the actual medical condition of 'Depression?' Saying that - it can be treated and controlled with time and effort, but it doesn't mean somebody can choose not to be depressed.
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(#42 (permalink))
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10-07-2008, 04:20 PM

Originally Posted by ThirdSight View Post
This is the silliest statement I've read so far. The only time depression isn't a choice is when it's literally become an uncontrollable psychological disorder for the person. Please think about what you're trying to say before you type it out, otherwise you just sound silly.
So you're saying it's a choice you make to be depressed; in the emo-world, maybe. I know people who've had something HUGE happen to them and were really affected by it, to the point where they didn't feel capable of carrying on. My best friend's sister died in a car accident when she was 16. Her mother was crushed, no words can describe what it's like to lose a child, and at such a young age. She was depressed for many years and even now, 10 years later, she's still not fully recovered, and I don't think that's something you can ever get over; so according to you, my friend's mother decided she'd be depressed because having a 16 year-old daugther die isn't enough to bring one's life down? Oh and it's not really a "psychological disorder", she was perfectly aware of what was going on, just couldn't cope with the pain of knowing her doughter was forever gone.

everything is relative and contradictory ~
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(#43 (permalink))
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10-07-2008, 04:22 PM

Originally Posted by theAlphaDuck View Post
People that kill themselves are Idiots....

there is no problem in this world that can't either be solved...or that you can't run away from
Walk a mile in their shoes and then say that. The reason that they are choosing to kill themselves is because they don't believe their problems can be solved and that there is no point in living any longer.

And suicide is a way of running away from problems for some people.
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(#44 (permalink))
theAlphaDuck (Offline)
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10-07-2008, 04:29 PM

People that Kill themselves are WEAK.....

I've gone through some REAL tough shit in my life.... but i never once thought about Suicide...because i'm not an idiot....

people kill themselves because they can't see a way out of the situation (be it physical or emotional) that they are in...

but in reality...there is ALWAY'S a way out.

If it can't be Solved...it can be escaped...that is a fact of life...

yea things like Losing friends and relatives is harsh...i know because ive lost plenty....i know ALL about grief....but again...i never wanted to kill myslef....

the problem is alot of these people that top themselves are SO involved in thier own little world they can't see more than 2 ft infront of thier own face....

SO they don't see the sollution...the don't even look for the sollution...they just give up.....they accept thier fate...and then that brings them down...

i have NO SYMPATHY for people that kill themselves...

they are selfish... stupid..narrow minded fools....and while the world is of course better of without them...that doesnt justify the hurt that suicide causes.....

SUICIDE...is the most SELFISH act you can do....
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(#45 (permalink))
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10-07-2008, 04:36 PM

Originally Posted by theAlphaDuck View Post
People that Kill themselves are WEAK.....

I've gone through some REAL tough shit in my life.... but i never once thought about Suicide...because i'm not an idiot....

people kill themselves because they can't see a way out of the situation (be it physical or emotional) that they are in...

but in reality...there is ALWAY'S a way out.

If it can't be Solved...it can be escaped...that is a fact of life...

yea things like Losing friends and relatives is harsh...i know because ive lost plenty....i know ALL about grief....but again...i never wanted to kill myslef....

the problem is alot of these people that top themselves are SO involved in thier own little world they can't see more than 2 ft infront of thier own face....

SO they don't see the sollution...the don't even look for the sollution...they just give up.....they accept thier fate...and then that brings them down...

i have NO SYMPATHY for people that kill themselves...

they are selfish... stupid..narrow minded fools....and while the world is of course better of without them...that doesnt justify the hurt that suicide causes.....

SUICIDE...is the most SELFISH act you can do....
The world is never better without a loved one, I think that's a really awful thing to say. Yes it's selfish, yes it's certainly harsh on the people left behind, as I know myself. But not everybody is the same as you - people are weak in different places, but it doesn't mean they are weak everywhere.

You are assuming people are thinking rationally when committing suicide. It can be an act of manic fear or sadness that causes it - it's not just done randomly when someone's feeling sad. When you are depressed it is extremely hard to think rationally, it wouldn't always occur to them to weigh up the bads and goods in life.
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(#46 (permalink))
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10-07-2008, 04:41 PM

Originally Posted by theAlphaDuck View Post
People that kill themselves are Idiots....

there is no problem in this world that can't either be solved...or that you can't run away from
There is...its a thing that you are lucky.

There are state of minds....well, theres no turning back

Man I'm busy as hell. Hit me up on MSN or pm me.
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(#47 (permalink))
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10-07-2008, 04:42 PM

Originally Posted by theAlphaDuck View Post
People that Kill themselves are WEAK.....

I've gone through some REAL tough shit in my life.... but i never once thought about Suicide...because i'm not an idiot....

people kill themselves because they can't see a way out of the situation (be it physical or emotional) that they are in...

but in reality...there is ALWAY'S a way out.

If it can't be Solved...it can be escaped...that is a fact of life...

yea things like Losing friends and relatives is harsh...i know because ive lost plenty....i know ALL about grief....but again...i never wanted to kill myslef....

the problem is alot of these people that top themselves are SO involved in thier own little world they can't see more than 2 ft infront of thier own face....

SO they don't see the sollution...the don't even look for the sollution...they just give up.....they accept thier fate...and then that brings them down...

i have NO SYMPATHY for people that kill themselves...

they are selfish... stupid..narrow minded fools....and while the world is of course better of without them...that doesnt justify the hurt that suicide causes.....

SUICIDE...is the most SELFISH act you can do....
People who commit suicide often suffer from a psychological condition that does not allow them to see any hope. It has nothing to do with the "shit" in their lives. Like you, I've gone through tough spots in my life. Unlike you, I HAVE wanted to kill myself. I came really close one time, but at the last moment I felt some hope and that prevented me from going too far. People who commit suicide do not feel that tiny glimmer of hope. Everything is just black for them. They don't see a reason to keep living. At times, it is selfish, but mostly it seems like a last resort.
But really, you don't know what you are talking about, and nobody wants to listen to your empty-headed, self-righteous yapping. It's fine that you have opinion, but at least explain yourself in a way that you aren't offending people.
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(#48 (permalink))
clairebear (Offline)
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10-07-2008, 04:43 PM

I'll admit, there was a period in my life when I just wanted to end it all, and I attempted to do so. I lost one of my best friends and didnt want to go through the pain of having to cope without ever seeing them again...I didnt really think "Oh, what I'm about to attempt is selfish and cowardly, I'll get over their death someday so there's no point in doing this." If you've never felt so depressed that you feel like killing yourself, you wont understand. Its easy to say "suicide is selfish." when you've never been in that situation...
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(#49 (permalink))
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Exclamation Whoa whoa whoa.... - 10-07-2008, 05:43 PM





and others…..

Whoa whoa whoa, please calm down, no ONE person here is wrong, ALL of you have a part of the PIE when it comes to the negative and positive aspects of suicide, that is why I said there are MANY reasons for such an action, rather I provided the point,

“Survival of the fittest.”

Ones mental or physical state in which a person can comprehend the ramifications of suicide are in desperate need of attention and are not a typical suicide threat. Those are the ones that slit their wrists get sown up and then show it off, okay someone said EMO, hey be nice, they used to say that about rock and roll and punk rock, as well as techno, EMO is just the new crap.

On a side note, most “victims” yes it is a mental infliction or infection of the brain caused by ones level of mental state to BREAK the bounds of sound judgment either by caused / by chemical induction i.e. drugs or self indoctrinated mitosis of the brain cells caused by a person who is in fact truly insane.

Don’t say they are weak, or pathetic, ….

But also don’t say they DON’T have a choice, even mentally handicapped people have choices to make, …

However, one has to include in BOTH relative accounts for WHY, to include the “OUTSIDE FACTOR” –

Once a person is indoctrinated into believing what they are doing is for a better cause then that cause becomes the REPLACEMENT FOR logical thinking and ah ha! What did I say needs to be removed or lost or damaged, “Logical Thinking” -- This leads to some examples YOU ALL have not addressed when it comes to suicide.

Suicide bombers –
(Google it, you get the idea)

Women throwing themselves off a cliff in Okinawa Japan during WW2 –
because the Japanese soldiers told the Okinawan women that if an American Soldiers (man) captured you, they would eat you alive and throw your babies about like play toys.

Kamikaze pilots –
Crazy? No
Dumb? Heck no!
Angry? Not really

So why, because the chemical reaction that is built into the human brain to fight or flight is SHUT OFF or OVERRIDDEN by a devotion to an idea.

So, I think you guys get the idea, hope that helps, now lets stop all this sad talk and lets post funny pictures!!



U.S. Army Retired
38 years old
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Virginia, USA

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(#50 (permalink))
theAlphaDuck (Offline)
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10-07-2008, 05:44 PM

Originally Posted by allie2590 View Post
It's fine that you have opinion, but at least explain yourself in a way that you aren't offending people.
ok...if ive offended anyone...especially those with suicideal thoughts...allow me to explain......in clearer language.

1. people with mental disorders..need help...and more often than not in all major western nations....get it

2. people that feel suicidal...HAVE closed thier mind to realising sollutions to thier problems...i say it is weak because if you stop fighting...if you stop looking for answers...then you are giving up.

3. i fully stand by the statement word for word that
"suicide is THE most SELFISH thing you can do"
people that kill them selves are always in a frame of mind that is me, me, me me, me
I cant go on, I cant take any more of this stress, I dont know what to do....I want to kill myself


what i find funny is:....that all these suicidal angsty teenagers are always living in such NICE countries....

people with REAL hardship do not commit suicide....because keeping it together or staying alive on a day by day basis takes so much effort....

its only the people who have the ability to sit around and wallow in thier own depression that kill themselves...

people in Africa...Live in mud huts...have to walk miles for dirty drinking water.... most children DIE before the age of 5...if you have a daughter...and she lives...there is dealing with the fact that she will probably get raped by the time she is 14....

yet these people DO NOT COMMIT SUICIDE....yet they have alot harder lives...

but some 15yr old in some plush western country...with a belly full of food...a warm roof over her head...internet...mobile...trendy clothes... etc.....
has a life SO hard she can only think to top herself?

with NO regard to what that will do to her mother or father or siblings?

someone mentioned that they had a friend who topped themselves...

let me ask you....if she was still alive....and that friend did something to you that made you THAT SAD...that effected you SO deeply that everytime you think of that action...it breaks your heart....would you still be that persons friend???

no you wouldnt...

and would your friend do that to you on purpose...no...

simply they did not think about you....they only think about them selves....

there are HOT sunny countries in this world where you can live FOR FREE!!!!
never having to worry about food, shelter, or the direction your life is taking.....

there is NEVER AN EXCUSE....

especially if you have a belly full of food...

IVE seen and experienced hardship...and i know that i am stronger than most....but that does not mean that those that kill themselves are not weaker.

no offence is meant....

im sure that if you tried to commit suicide..or have a friend that has...this may offend you....sorry...please dont kill yourself...

by the way...this thread reminds me of a japanese joke.

what does a japanese mugger say to you?
Give me your wallet or ill kill myself :P
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