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Is anyone vegetarian. Please talk to me. - 01-05-2009, 10:47 AM

Just wondering who's a vegetarian and why, I feel so alone, no one I know is a vegetarian and they all treat me like crap because I am.
And call me anorexic =.="
So I would really appreciate it if anyone else is like me so I have someone to talk to about it.
I would really appreciate it =]

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01-05-2009, 11:01 AM

I'm a vegetarian too and I can understand what you're saying. On a Geography trip, I had this guy who kept calling me 'Veggie' instead of my real name >.> that got on my nerves.
You shouldn't let people get you down. Of course you're not anorexic, you just choose not to eat meat which is your own personal belief. Technically, if someone calls you that, you could turn around and call them obese because they eat meat...of course that's not true but it's what they're doing to you.
Just tell them that not eating meat isn't a way of life, it's what you chose. It doesn't make you any different to any other person, it just might mean you pick the vegetarian options in a restaurant.

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FreddyLea (Offline)
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01-05-2009, 12:23 PM

if the anorexic comment was out of spite because of what you eat ... that is mean ... but if it was because of your height vs weight ... thats another story ..

i know several vegetarians that are in their 'ideal' weight range without consuming meat ..

i am not one ... but i don't look down on someone who is ...
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01-05-2009, 04:09 PM

People call vegetarians anorexic? WTF?? I'm not a vegetarian, but I think that's just stupid.
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01-05-2009, 04:15 PM

Yeah wtf seriously I have never heard anyone take the piss out of someone for being a vegetarian before. But take it as a compliment because they obviously can't find anything else to say about you.
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(#6 (permalink))
candioussays (Offline)
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01-05-2009, 04:42 PM

I'm a vegetarian. I've been one for basically all my life. My mom says as a baby I would only want to eat green baby foods and stopped liking milk at a really young age. I'm not a big animal rights activist. It's just a textural/taste thing for me.

However, I do relate with being made fun of or gtetting a hard time for being vegetarian. Now that I'm older and my social activities circle around eating dinners with friends, people get more annoyed with me. One of my friends said "Everything would be so much easier if you just ate meat" the other day. They always feel the need to make picking a restaurant such a big deal. Someone will suggest a place and then they'll say "Oh, but what is Candious going to eat?" when I'm honestly not that picky. As long as they have a salad or maybe I can get side of fries it's all good. If they have a vegetarian meal option, even better but not necessary.

I also get ganged up on in group situations often. People ask "Why" so much that they start to sound like 3 year olds. I just try to ignore it or I wont hang out with those people.

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iGhid93 (Offline)
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01-05-2009, 06:37 PM

I was a vegetarian at a time, mostly for spiritual purposes, but I have come to a conclusion that it does not matter. Pure is pure.
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Replies - 01-06-2009, 07:30 AM

Tsuyako- >=D I should insult them instead of just taking it, call them obese. That's slack I hate it when people do that, my best friend calls me veggie aswell and at camp when I had to seperatly get my food because I am vegetarian he was like (in a mocking voice) You're vegetarian? BHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. And pointed and laughed at me.
I hope that guy has stopped calling you 'veggie' If not you should push him down some stairs xp just kidding...sorta. Thank you.

FreddyLea- Thanks, we need more people like you who don't see the difference. I'm pretty sure I'm just normal, my weight hasn't changed except a few .0's since my change so it's nothing to be worried about.

allie2590- Well I'm not sure about any other vegetarian, but my mum did alot until I lost it and went off at her. But I know she still thinks it *glares*

MissMisa- Wow must just be me xp Yeah that's probably why, heh losers.

candioussays- Jeez, that's slack, they don't sound like very nice friends. And those random people ganging up on you! It's none of their business, like you'd waste your breath on them =.= Yeah just because you're vegetarian doesn't mean that you have to have a big proper vegetarian dinner, chips is just fine.

iGhid93Well at least you tried it. Spiritual purposes, like buddishm?(Pretty sure I spelt that wrong) Or was it something different?

Thank you everyone for posting, it made me feel alot better =]

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01-06-2009, 09:28 AM

I'm not a vegetarian, though I do eat a lot of veggies. And prefer them over meats...and I turn down the biggest mea tof all down down in the south.
Living near chicken houses in the country and bein an animal lover doesn't mix...who near they killed them so brutally. And how they stack them after they kill them *shudders* Haven't touched chicken in almost 3 years.
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01-06-2009, 10:03 AM

I do not mind vegetarians. It doesn't bother me if that is how you choose to live your life.

What sometimes grinds my gears is when veggie eaters try to attempt to convert me. It happens often, and we get into a fight about morals. We have different outlooks on life and we make our own decisions on life.

However, being a veggie is a good thing, especially if you feel better about yourself because of it.
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