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01-06-2009, 09:21 AM

Originally Posted by minimin View Post
Yeah I agree I watch the news tho, when they say stuff about how good Govt and politicians are helping, its hard to believe tho. What you see on tv does change your perception of reality. I say trust no one with news they tell you unless you hear it yourself. I see the government as a money hungry waste, as much as you put into it its never enough and you still suffer of course they wouldnt have it any other way.

I say violence is a good thing if it makes someone change there ways. very good thing and definitely helpful at proving a point. Usually you see violence is the only way to change a problem.

P.S. I like this thread, and I don't really much try to change peoples minds of anything.
Originally Posted by OliveJuice View Post
That's the thing tho, the ideal is always nicer the the actual result lol. It looks good on paper, but is it realistic.

I don't trust human nature that much. Large communities of people working together with no leadership, all toward the greater good. I personally love the sound of it, but there are too many snakes in the grass, too many glory hounds, too many crazies wanting to "play God"; they ruin it for everyone. It's sad, disappointing, and I wish we lived in a society where greed doesn't gobble people up whole, but it seems we haven't evolved to the point of self-sufficient societies.

As for rural communities and tribes, they may lack a formal government system, but that doesn't necessarily mean that a form of government is toally absent. There may not be official laws and elected rulers in place, but there are wisemen, shamen, or the council of elders, etc. There's almost always a person or persons with some sort of standing within the community to which the people turn to or are advised by. It's not a monarchy or a democracy, but there are a few in place guiding the greater numbers in a cooperative collective effort, which is essentially what a government is.
Me Watching the News = Weather ONLY, but I'd rather
use the internet for that. Naturally, tv is the enemy.
Though I don't see how the computer is that much different.
You can read lies online as well as listen to them on the TV.

Sometimes violence is the only voice you have. If you're
peaceful, the government will just wait until it subsides and
not once listen to what you really have to say about a
certain situation. If you're not shoving it down their throat
to prove that "YEAH, I'M SERIOUS!" it's not use at all.

It's one of those "take a chance" kind of situations.
I can easily see how it could turn wrong, and quickly.

There is usually (even if it's not official) some kind of
person who people look up to as a leader, just because they
have the right charisma and such and these are the
politicians in our community. Sheeple* are quick to believe in
whatever sounds safe for them and they'll just turn the
other cheek, because they don't want to deal with the real
world. Unfortunately, that won't cut it. You can't just
conform** to everything you hear.

So I see what you mean, it could simply be a disaster to
start with! But if every citizen in the anarchy community
has the same goals (like most of them do) then problems
would easily besorted out, as anarchist's don't like to take
decisions from leaders, which would make it harder for any
crazies. Though this is untested theory. It's just a guess
at what could actually happen.

So really, the main question is "Would Anarchy Work in Modern Times?"


I've been reading up on the riots in Greece that were sparked
over the "accidental" shooting of 15 year old Alexandros Grigoropoulos.

This seemed to have taken place Mid-December, but it seems it's
still continuing as there has been a recent report of a riot cop being
shot ? Not fatal, though.


*From Wikipedia - What are Sheeple?

Sheeple is a term of disparagement, a portmanteau created by combining the words "sheep" and "people."

It is often used to denote persons who voluntarily acquiesce to a perceived authority, or suggestion without
sufficient research to fully understand the scope of the ramifications involved in that decision, and thus undermine
their own human individuality or in other cases give up certain rights. The implication of sheeple is that as a
collective, people believe whatever they are told, especially if told so by a perceived authority figure believed to be
trustworthy, without processing it or doing adequate research to be sure that it is an accurate representation of
the real world around them. The term is generally used in a political and sometimes in a religious sense.

The term is also used more broadly to describe any person a speaker feels is exceedingly conformist.

The term also has been applied to zealously religious people. In political usage,
it can be used to refer to anyone who is unduly trusting of the media, a politician,
a party, the government, or in the worst case where the person is in denial when
faced with overwhelming evidence contrary to their belief.

**From Wikipedia - What is Conformism?

Conformism is a term used to describe the suspension of an individual's self-determined
actions or opinions in favor of obedience to the mandates or conventions of one's peer-group,
or deference to the imposed norms of a supervening authority.

One manifestation of conformism emerges in the practice of "going along and getting along"
with people who appear to be more powerful. Conformism holds that individuals and small groups
do best by blending in with their surroundings and by doing nothing eccentric or
out-of-the-ordinary in any way.

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Last edited by CarleyGee : 01-06-2009 at 10:11 PM.
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01-08-2009, 01:27 PM

Unfortunatelly,anarchy is a uthopy.
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01-10-2009, 02:40 AM

Get off my lawn, damn violent hippies.'

Just kidding. =D

I;m not sure what to beleive in about the government, so I don;t care. I regret it now, but I don;t care. =D

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01-10-2009, 04:17 AM

Originally Posted by OliveJuice View Post
but there are a few in place guiding the greater numbers in a cooperative collective effort, which is essentially what a government is.
That's how a GOOD, and WORKING government runs.

Unfortunately, that's not the case in most places.

Coincidentally, I was asked the question of "would anarchy work?" by my english teacher earlier this school year.

My reply was that I think things would disolve into total chaos.

However, only for a short time.

Eventually, anarchy could become a stable system. But it would take time. A very long time.

And this is because it would take a complete rewrite of present-day human nature.

The people would have to learn to function on their own, and right now only a very slim minority can do that. The majority of people need a government, or a large corporation, or some other system, to rule their lives. They never learned to think for themselves, they never had to.

So a complete collapse or disappearance of government or other ruling bodies would lead to absolute chaos.

Eventually, things would sort themselves out, however... We would essentially have to start over.

That's why I don't really want anarchy, but I want to stage a coup. Get a group of people who actually know what to do in power, instead of the bastards that normally gain power because they have money and charm.

Squad 11 - Sanity isn't our style.

Emilie Autumn, in the middle. She's amazing. That is all.

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01-10-2009, 06:17 AM

you have the "chaos anarchists" to... those who only want to se the world burn in total chaos... but i guess all of us have our moments when we want that XD

i also think the world would go in to chaos at the start... if we get a world wide anarchy i dont wanna be in a city with a population at 100000... and i dont think there would be much left of the biggger citys... i think smaler towns would do good :P and some day it would get calm...

until one day when some one gets the bright idea "hey lets make this our own country! i can be the king!" pick up a history book and you can find the rest of the story there...
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01-10-2009, 10:50 AM

As much as I'm into punk beliefs, I don't fully support anarchy. I fully agree with some laws, but others are piece of crap made by governments. I'm partially ok with anarchy, but I don't like to riot.

BUT, I fully support anarchy on internet laws xD.

Since when is it immature to talk about pudding? Seriously, do you know the meaning of mature?
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01-10-2009, 02:05 PM

Originally Posted by CarleyGee View Post

I'm not sure if this is an apporpriate thread or not, but as
someone who is strongly against the government, media,
politicians, etc, I was wondering if anyone else had the
same beliefs.
Most people I know are against the government, and all stuff that is related to it. Not teenager-anger, but in a serious way. Thing is, 0% of them are punks (or followers of trend, media).

And I quite do to. This punk-thing long lost. Now any person, who sees through the thick fog of bullshit that is created by the media and the government, is against it. Can be a metalhead, hip-hopper, rasta or insert what you would like to insert.

That's me and my experience though, now let's go and do the high school musical dance and dress as Velvet says and lets Womanize

Man I'm busy as hell. Hit me up on MSN or pm me.
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(#18 (permalink))
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01-10-2009, 05:30 PM

I would say that the vast majority of government set-ups are broken. It really does not matter to which country it belongs. A broken chain does not really work.

I was under the impression that anarchy is sort of like the apotheosis of Socialism, no central form of organization. Which in fact to me, is a form of organization. Governments are going to be flawed, always. Humans, as imperfect creatures can not make anything so called perfect.

The way that most societies are set up, majority always has correct views, and with that there will always be those with different opinions.

=No win situation, ever.

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(#19 (permalink))
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01-10-2009, 10:49 PM

Originally Posted by Thunda View Post
Most people I know are against the government, and all stuff that is related to it. Not teenager-anger, but in a serious way. Thing is, 0% of them are punks (or followers of trend, media).

And I quite do to. This punk-thing long lost. Now any person, who sees through the thick fog of bullshit that is created by the media and the government, is against it. Can be a metalhead, hip-hopper, rasta or insert what you would like to insert.
I kind of fit into all genre's, but I know it's not just teenager-anger or
anything, because I've basically been raised on that saying "Don't trust
anything you hear on the news, etc." and my mom is constantly telling
us (me and my sisters) about some new conspiracy she read.

I don't generally follow trends, no matter who I hang out with
(Who are, actually, a group of misfits really I.E. Jock, Stoner,
Anarchist, Metalheads, etc.)

Honestly, I wish more people would believe me when I try to tell
them stuff about the government, but they seem perfectly fine
with it, and choose not to believe stuff that makes complete sense.

Originally Posted by Altaru View Post
That's how a GOOD, and WORKING government runs.
Unfortunately, that's not the case in most places.
Coincidentally, I was asked the question of "would anarchy work?" by my english teacher earlier this school year.
My reply was that I think things would dissolve into total chaos.
However, only for a short time.
Eventually, anarchy could become a stable system. But it would take time. A very long time.
And this is because it would take a complete rewrite of present-day human nature.
The people would have to learn to function on their own, and right now only a very slim minority can do that. The majority of people need a government, or a large corporation, or some other system, to rule their lives. They never learned to think for themselves, they never had to.
You're probably very correct about that. Especially the part I put
in bold. Anarchy has a 5% chance of working smoothly at first
because not everybody wants that, and not everybody would

That makes me wonder, if Anarchy ever did happen, what would
it actually be like? Would it be a whole country, a state or region,
a major city, a minor city? It would definitely be the hardest thing
to get used to, because your whole life would be different. You
would have to start from scratch learning how to live like that,
even if it's what you've always dreamed of your entire life, it would
probably still be very overwhelming at first.

P.S : I like your siggy.
"We're all puppets. I'm just a puppet who can see the strings."

Also, my full opinion on rioting:

I believe that if you only did peaceful-protesting, the government
would wait until y'all got tired of it, and just let it pass through,
without actually listening to what you wanted. Which is where I
think the rioting comes in, and this is what brings their attention
to y'all. I do agree, that rioting causes a lot of damage, and to
innocent people, but you have to sometimes understand where
they are coming from. Usually, they have a strong cause that
they are supporting, for example, in Greece, the boy that got
shot by the police, and even though it says "accidental" they
believe that it wasn't, and the protesters are calling for justice
and such, and the rioters are drawing attention and they're
pissed off at their government because something like that had
happened in the first place.

Also, I'd like to give them props on standing up to the riot police.
Especially on their skillful homemade Molotov cocktails. :3

It takes a lot to continue fighting back when you're surrounded
by tear gas without any gas mask.

Help my Cause for homeless teens!

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Last edited by CarleyGee : 01-10-2009 at 11:03 PM.
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(#20 (permalink))
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01-10-2009, 11:30 PM

Originally Posted by CarleyGee View Post
You're probably very correct about that. Especially the part I put
in bold. Anarchy has a 5% chance of working smoothly at first
because not everybody wants that, and not everybody would

That makes me wonder, if Anarchy ever did happen, what would
it actually be like? Would it be a whole country, a state or region,
a major city, a minor city? It would definitely be the hardest thing
to get used to, because your whole life would be different. You
would have to start from scratch learning how to live like that,
even if it's what you've always dreamed of your entire life, it would
probably still be very overwhelming at first.
It would be dark times, but like I said, it would only last for a while. Eventually, things would sort themselves out, or so I believe.

Originally Posted by CarleyGee View Post
P.S : I like your siggy.
"We're all puppets. I'm just a puppet who can see the strings."
Thank you. I've been changing my siggy quote once or twice a week, but I think I'll keep this one.

It's a quote from the Watchmen comic series. My friend has a book with the entire series in it, and he's been letting me read it at lunch. I can't remember who says it, though...

Squad 11 - Sanity isn't our style.

Emilie Autumn, in the middle. She's amazing. That is all.

"We're all puppets. I'm just a puppet who can see the strings."
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