I like all types of chocolate. But I do want to try chocolate from other countries like Paris, Japan, and Mexico. It would be nice. If I had to choose, I would say that milk chocolate goes great with PB like the PB M&Ms i like so much How about anybody else up here?
I like all types of chocolate. But I do want to try chocolate from other countries like Paris, Japan, and Mexico. It would be nice. If I had to choose, I would say that milk chocolate goes great with PB like the PB M&Ms i like so much How about anybody else up here?
Location: Japan 日本国, Jk Jk I live in Mexicali Mexico Baja California.
03-25-2009, 08:38 AM
wow im not the only chocoholic.>^_^<
I could never be happier.
I found my missing piece and i know he wont leave me.
song by simple plan.
+{Member of the Crusnik Clan--Crusnik 04}+
+{Codename: Abel}+
I'm sorry for acting like this...
Location: Japan 日本国, Jk Jk I live in Mexicali Mexico Baja California.
03-25-2009, 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by Cypsis
I just totally love all kind of sweets
I think I´m addicted to sweets...
hahaha i think i am too.>^_^<
I could never be happier.
I found my missing piece and i know he wont leave me.
song by simple plan.
+{Member of the Crusnik Clan--Crusnik 04}+
+{Codename: Abel}+
I'm sorry for acting like this...