Originally Posted by Kyousuke
int he current state of the economy its the right move to make. taxing marijuana will bring in a large revenue for the state of california. most people will find this hard to deal with but living in these times doesnt come with hard decisions. but what most people dont understand is that marijuana is not bad. its just seen that way now. it was made illegal by a paper company who seen its use in making raw materials from it cheaper and better. they made it illegal to protect their interests. if im wrong about this feel free to correct me
This is true, partly. Hearst newspapers owned a bunch of timber to make paper for newsprint. When he found out Hemp was better and cheaper, he was afraid he would lose money. So with the Drug Czar of that time, he helped make the myth that pot smokers were crazed sex fiends and it should be gotten rid of. Since most Mexicans and African Americans were the biggest users at the time, this helped them scare the Mexicans back into Mexico and arrest the other smokers. After prohibition was repealed, the liquor companies paid to keep it illegal since they knew people would prefer it over booze.
It is impossible to overdose on pot. They have found it to kill cancer cells and no one has ever (legally on a death certificate) got cancer from it or died in a car accident from it. Smoking it can cause lung irritation and there are better ways to do it like eating or vaporizing it.
Almost all religions have used it in their ceremonies and it has been used for medicine since the early Chinese discovered it's uses. Not to mention all the uses for the Hemp fiber, like clothes, fuel, oxygen, etc.
Don't always believe what the government tells you. Governor Schwarzenegger used it and was caught on video. He needs to quit being a hypocrite and legalize it.