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A quick passage for those that care. - 06-13-2009, 06:38 AM

I've met a very wise person in the past few days, my life hasn't been quite what I wanted in the past few years.

I used to be a straight A student grade 1-6 and I would always think that my life was great.

Then once I was held back from 8th grade I started to smoke pot, it was a choice of free will, I chose to do it and take the lazy way out of my life.

Right now, I'm sitting here, 3 years later drunk, and sitting in a very comfartable chair of a person I've known for 3 days now and having a revolation of my life.

I apologize for the misspelling of a few of these words because of my current state of mind, but hopefully you will be able to understand what I'm saying in this blog.

This man, Jay, I met a few days ago when I decided to hang out with Nancy and taking CCC's with her, thinking I have nothing better to do with my life. It was a fun time, filled with nothing I can really remember, thinking this is all I have to look forward to, thinking that this is as good as my life as is good as its going to be.

Jay has had me at his place for a few days now, I was drinking tonight and we got on the dicussion of life, he brought up "Free Choice" Which is something I really never thought about, that everything in your life is something that you made happen, wether it be something good or bad, it was your choice, the bad choices are mostely lazyness because you didn't want to take the hard way out. But there are people that choose to take the harder way, the better way of life and make desictions that may take longer to complete but end up quite a bit better in the long run.

I thought about my life in the past few years and have realized thatmost of the desicions I have made were out of lazyness and sloth, I'm not one to bleieve in faith but, I do believe in Free Choice.

This has made me quite determined to make myself a better person, no matter what it takes, I will live a better life than what my dad has. I now plan ongoing back to High School and finishing with all AP classes completed with high grades I then want to go to college and teach english in Japan.

I have to thank you Jay, even though you are the person I possibly know the least in mylife, you have left the biggest influence, much more than my father ever could. You are my insperation to living a better life. I thank you.

You haven't dug your hole too deep until it's killed you
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(#2 (permalink))
hoshikuzu (Offline)
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06-13-2009, 06:53 AM

I'm glad to hear that you're gonna do something better with your life, Aaron.
It makes me happy and I wish that you'll succed with it.
Drugs don't do anything good unless if you need them for medicale(sp?) reasons.
They can both hurt you and the people around you.
But I wish you good luck and don't give up!
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06-13-2009, 07:08 AM

two things come in mind here
actions speaks louder than words (drunk words from what i'm hearing)
old habits die hard
wish you the best of luck though
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(#4 (permalink))
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06-13-2009, 07:12 AM

If you are really serious, then more power to you.

I have successful friends and unsuccessful friends.

My successful friends credit their own choices for their success.

My unsuccessful friends blame others for their unsuccess.

Which do you want to be?
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06-13-2009, 07:19 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
If you are really serious, then more power to you.

My unsuccessful friends blame others for their unsuccess.

Which do you want to be?
unsuccess sounds like a funny word
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(#6 (permalink))
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06-13-2009, 07:20 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Which do you want to be?
You talk as if life is a choose your own adventure story book. My life is niether unsuccessful nor is it successful, it's just amazing (amazing may not be the best word, I more so mean hard to believe). That is because I had to make the hard decisions. Not the ones where the easy way out is just being lazy, but where there is no real choice.

A lot of things you attempt, they'll never work. I just got back from one night in Sydney... what did I go to Sydney for one night for? You'd probably never believe me. All I did was lay in a hotel bed crying all night, missing my wife. In the end, I just came home. But now my life is going to be a lot harder. This isn't the easy way out, this was just one of those hard decisions.

People who credit their success to making hard decisions, I don't really believe most of them. I mean, do barely any of them even know what a hard decision is? I don't think so. Perhaps if I had a weaker heart, I'd be one of those "successful" people you're thinking of.

In the end, if you're going to measure your life by how many penies are in your pocket, I'd say you never lived life to begin with.

The eternal Saint is calling, through the ages she has told. The ages have not listened; the will of faith has grown old…

For forever she will wander, for forever she withholds; the Demon King is on his way, you’d best not be learned untold…
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(#7 (permalink))
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06-13-2009, 07:21 AM

Originally Posted by JackIsLost View Post
unsuccess sounds like a funny word
I am sorry. I used it for ease of understanding, but the correct phrasing would be "lack of success"
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(#8 (permalink))
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06-13-2009, 07:34 AM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
You talk as if life is a choose your own adventure story book. My life is niether unsuccessful nor is it successful, it's just amazing (amazing may not be the best word, I more so mean hard to believe). That is because I had to make the hard decisions. Not the ones where the easy way out is just being lazy, but where there is no real choice.
But it is "choose your own adventure". You know that, Tenchu. The other option is life chooses your options for you, which is how too many posters here think. You are the best example of a man who has "chosen his own adventure".

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
A lot of things you attempt, they'll never work. I just got back from one night in Sydney... what did I go to Sydney for one night for? You'd probably never believe me. All I did was lay in a hotel bed crying all night, missing my wife. In the end, I just came home. But now my life is going to be a lot harder. This isn't the easy way out, this was just one of those hard decisions.
"Choose your own adventure" doesn't guarantee success. Where's the excitement if it did?

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
People who credit their success to making hard decisions, I don't really believe most of them. I mean, do barely any of them even know what a hard decision is? I don't think so. Perhaps if I had a weaker heart, I'd be one of those "successful" people you're thinking of.
Whether you are successful or not is probably a personal decision. Certainly there are successful people that fell into their success and were lucky, but I am talking about risk-takers who create their own success.

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
In the end, if you're going to measure your life by how many penies are in your pocket, I'd say you never lived life to begin with.
Did I mention wallet-size as a measure of success?
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(#9 (permalink))
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06-13-2009, 09:00 AM

good luck!
Maybe one day we'll pass by each other at Shibuya Crossing

[<--Nan's heart!]

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(#10 (permalink))
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06-13-2009, 10:12 AM

Originally Posted by TheLastFortnight View Post
As far as I know this isn't your blog, were you drunk and mistook JF with your blog or what?

All of this is quite moving and all that and I understand your point, but sincerely what kind of reply are you expecting?

First you were stealing for the thrill and now you were smoking pot, what next Quail?
I accidentaly copy and pasted it from my blog that rarely gets updated.

I want to thank all of you for the support from all of you.

You haven't dug your hole too deep until it's killed you
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