11-04-2008, 04:15 AM
I'd have to disagree with all the harshness against Ms. Meyer's story. It's bad, but not that bad. It's a lot like Frank Beddor's The Looking Glass Wars, it's written simply so it can gain in popularity beyond it's target audience; it's a book intended to try to gain popularity and make money. I'll say that it'll take me a great while to pick up the rest of the series.
Gotta' give credit to Meyer for two things at least. First, for giving a slightly unique look upon a genre and idea that's been beaten to death with a wooden stake, and secondly, for having an incredibly amazing ability to write passionate scenes well. Of course, that amazing ability of hers is used to write love novels about vampires. Bummer. How in the world do people reach 1,000+ posts? Skadoosh.
11-04-2008, 04:26 AM
the Twilight series isnt horrible to me. heck, im actually planning to see the movie (got wrangled into seeing the premier too ). It was like my previous post about the Princess Diaries. yes Mia & Bella dont seem confident at first, but then they gain this strength on their own when they need to make things right. thats one of the reasons why i'll read her whole series. one of my guilty pleasures... s the 10th doctor s Verbal & Taku
11-04-2008, 04:36 PM
11-05-2008, 01:24 AM
Alice is like the most awesome out of the whole book.
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