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Exclamation Hiya :) - 07-30-2009, 05:02 PM

Hey there,

I'm new to this forum however I have been obsessed with Japanese culture for a very long time. It is only recently that I have decided I want to learn the language and go there!

My name is Joel, I am a 17 year old male from Yate (South West England) and I know barely any Japanese. I currently learn speech from romaji, completely online however I would love to move on to Hirugana... The symbol system seems so daunting though!

I am addicted to Dragonball and Dragonball Z. I have watched both series through so many times I have lost count. I have a love for yaoi, and am currently watching Junjou Romantica. In my spare time, I love to write poetry and short stories. I'm even considering writing a boy's love novel!

I have signed up to this forum to make friends with and talk to like minded people, and hopefully learn Japanese! Feel free to add me, my details are in my siggy.

Joel Marriott
ジョエル マリオット

If anyone wants to add me for a chat I'm always looking to meet new people... I need to learn Japanese properly.
MSN: joelmarriott@hotmail.co.uk
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07-30-2009, 05:23 PM

Howdy Joel, welcome to the forum!

Some advice:

- Don't learn Japanese from anime.
- Learn Hiragana and Katakana as fast as possible, since the pronunciation is within those systems of writing.
- One step at a time! It's daunting at first but stay confident in yourself!
- Don't do "self-study". Do "real study". Get some textbooks--I highly recommend "Genki I" for you. It's a FANTASTIC book!

Most of all... がんばって! (Ganbatte!)
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hamza2030 (Offline)
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07-30-2009, 05:56 PM

ohayo joel
you are in right place to get the help to learn Japanese language.
is difficult, but with practice & talking with ur friend will make it easy to learn.
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08-03-2009, 10:10 PM

Originally Posted by Joeru View Post
Hey there,

I'm new to this forum however I have been obsessed with Japanese culture for a very long time. It is only recently that I have decided I want to learn the language and go there!

My name is Joel, I am a 17 year old male from Yate (South West England) and I know barely any Japanese. I currently learn speech from romaji, completely online however I would love to move on to Hirugana... The symbol system seems so daunting though!

I am addicted to Dragonball and Dragonball Z. I have watched both series through so many times I have lost count. I have a love for yaoi, and am currently watching Junjou Romantica. In my spare time, I love to write poetry and short stories. I'm even considering writing a boy's love novel!

I have signed up to this forum to make friends with and talk to like minded people, and hopefully learn Japanese! Feel free to add me, my details are in my siggy.
Hi Joel. I just want to say I'm happy to meet you and that I am a complete YAOI LOVER!! If you want a recommendation for what to read I would recommend Gravitation. It's so good!!! Like you, I am in love with Japanese culture and would like to go there once I master the language and customs.
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