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08-10-2009, 12:01 AM
Well then the bomb was dropped wasn't it? What point do you get other then bashing the person who dropped it? AT the time it was decided to be the right then to do (in war). Point is there is nothing to be gained from deciding on how the past should of happen. All it does is drum up polarized sides. Stop pulling stuff out of the magical hat you have. The Status of Nuclear Inspections in Iraq Can you back that up? As I'm aware there was "alleged" that the US had supported Jundullah. Point is there is no credible source to say that the government does. Same goes for IRA there is no credible source to say the US officially supports such a group. You're in complete denial if you Thank Iran is a peaceful State. Did you even look at the evidence I gave to contradict what you have been saying? 9/11 truthers are pulling crap out of the sky, EVEN Bill Maur tossed one out of his studio. There is no 9/11 conspiracy you morons. NIST's Investigation of the Sept. 11 World Trade Center Disaster - Frequently Asked Questions ! Warning ! Free Thought Ahead ! : 9/11 conspiracy crap - Editorial and Opinion Miscellaneous - horror, conspiracy, lies Debunking the 9/11 Myths: Special Report - Popular Mechanics Did you not get the part about faulty intelligence? What are you trying to say with "Brightest Corporation, Argentina, and Unocal? Which by the way Unocal is NOT around anymore. They mean absolutely nothing to me as I cannot even find anything on them on Google. Listen to Carl Schwarz on what? No the war in Afghan was forgotten about that is why is not being won quickly. Regardless of what help you have our tech is not going to help in the mountain region. You need actual man power to clean them out. Pakistan boarder doesn't help also. In war people die, point and simple. In all honestly you also must point your finger at the aggressor in war if you lose people. It comes down to me or you, and I don't think a country is going to lay down and let you walk over them. Hard decisions are made in war, dropping the bomb was one of them. It's already been said that was my signature as such don't go there for two reasons one being it's against forum rules and also you don't know what your talking about. Hint there are plenty of wars in the bible, point being they are not white washed. qouted for the truth from Sinestra I will not be one sided i will not pretend America is and has been saint but i refuse to sit and watch as people cant even turn their pointing fingers in ward. Iv said this before if you and or anyone else thinks they have the answers to fix whats wrong not in America not in Japan and not in Iran but with the world then get your ass in office and do something about it. No one here has ever had to make a difficult decision that decided the lives and fate of millions. So dont pretend that the leaders of old made a bad decision because you can criticize it. Im sorry Seanus that im not up for you US bashing party but i would rather focus on how to fix current problems then to dwell over something that has happened and cant be changed neither of us were born yet so in return i would not hold a Japanese person born after WWII responsible for Pearl Harbor it ludicrous. 31 Whether therefore ye eat or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. 32 Give none offense, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God. 33 Even as I please all men in all things, not seeking mine own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved. |
08-10-2009, 01:02 AM
Edit: fixed... tricky Korean translation and added more comments. Quote:
http://www.japanforum.com/forum/japa...he-resign.html Quote:
08-10-2009, 01:16 AM
Im noticing a trend here.Whenever there is discussion of this type here its always the same postes on 2 different sides and those who flee for fear of getting caught up in it.
solemnclockwork I agree with you on many of your statements im not going to dwell on a past that i can not change i would rather work towards a prosperous future for all nations even if i dont see it in my lifetime. ![]() |
08-10-2009, 06:37 AM
No... simply an expression of my impatience with you. And why is it not worth discussing? Because I'm right? Because I exposed your inability to take into account the bigger picture? Quote:
I'm suprised that this is your argument considering you claim merit to be so important to you. Ideas succeed or fail based on their merit. I'm familiar with the perception you hold but I think it is erroneous. The rejection of an idea because it is deemed non-traditional goes against modern rationalist thought. Quote:
Maybe... but it was a valid question at the same time. I now know you're tactic when you want to retreat from a discussion without looking like a tard. Quote:
BTW... Could you please not pick apart this any more than it is already. It's troublesome having to seperate quotes out. I'm more than able to read paragraphs and to connect which of your counterpoints correspond to my points. |
08-10-2009, 06:57 AM
I see no points of keep discussing as we totally have very bipolar opinions.
I see no reasons to keep this debate because of some New Zealander keeps insulting. No wonder a lot of people avoid you here in this forum. Anyway to answer your comment: not really. You know we have this same or similar discussions over and over again, right? It seems that you keep insisting that you can only think in one way like a Borg from Star Trek. I try to diversify my opinion because I already know that my beliefs and opinions are very unpopular (hence I said, "You see, I never criticize the West having democracy") but still maintain my core opinion. But hey, I can see your epic intolerance of my opinion that you really have to insult someone. Even before this discussion with you, I said to myself "this will not end well because we already have this massive difference of opinion in the first place". What's the point of you arguing with me several times when you already know the outcome? Do you want to keep doing this again and again, so I can have the justifications to say you are a fool to others and the rest of my Chinese buddies? In your perspective, don't you see the Hegelian notions in our discussions (remember what we discussed about this last time)? As a Korean, I would say semi-comically: 지랄하네~ ![]() |
08-10-2009, 07:43 AM
ABC News Exclusive: The Secret War Against Iran - The Blotter, this is one of many sources on Jundullah ties.
On the Iranian issue, if you read the press you will encounter the same old drivel that has been written for years. Namely, paranoid concerns and unsubstantiated allegations. Read the scientific research, however, and a different picture emerges. Compliance in almost every area. Informed Comment: IAEA Inspectors: Iran not Producing Weapons-grade Uranium, one of many many. 9/11 Truthers simply aren't heard most of the time. They are either cut off or turned away. I could give you a video which clearly shows explosions throughout the WTC. Who was in charge of WTC security/access? Marvin Bush Brightest Corp wanted the pipeline deal but they got tied up in the US courts for years. That left only the Taliban to sweep aside. Unocal has been wound up but Karzai was a consultant and look where he is now. The war was forgotten about?? So why did Obama send so many more troops in? The problem is there is an insufficient commitment to getting them the proper equipment that they need. It is a major issue for Obama and has been for some time. |
08-10-2009, 08:11 AM
The only thing I'm guilty of is being sucked into and continuing this discussion. I mean you're the one that brought up the culture element. I would've preffered to have kept the discussion at a purely rational level. |
08-10-2009, 08:14 AM
See for yourself.
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