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(#271 (permalink))
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08-14-2009, 11:49 PM

Originally Posted by SSJup81 View Post
Out of curiosity, how is it wrong when a Puerto Rican would be considered a Hispanic? It's just how it is. I know Puerto Ricans who aren't offended by that term and use it. The offensive term is "Spic", not "Hispanic". They call themselves Hispanic. Now, seems that a Puerto Rican might feel offense if you assume they're something other than Puerto Rican.

My friend is from El Salvador (so he's technically Latino/Latin American), and if you called him say...a Mexican or assume he's from Mexico, he would take offense to that, but of course, it'd probably depend on the person saying it. My Puerto Rican friend is the same way. Call him Hispanic, but don't assume he's Mexican.
Puerto Ricans are not hispanics, they are latinos/latinas. Why? because hispanics is used for people from Spain and Spaniards Americans, and Latinos are from Latin America. True some people dont get offended, but that doesnt mean they like it. Some people who dont get offended is not just because they dont care, it could be that they dont even know the difference between those words themselves. It would be nice to let them know the difference if you know.

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(#272 (permalink))
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08-14-2009, 11:51 PM

Originally Posted by Zagato289 View Post
Puerto Ricans are not hispanics, they are latinos/latinas. Why? because hispanics is used for people from Spain and Spaniards Americans, and Latinos are from Latin America. True some people dont get offended, but that doesnt mean they like it. Some people who dont get offended is not just because they dont care, it could be that they dont even know the difference between those words themselves. It would be nice to let them know the difference if you know.
To me, taking the time to ask "Are you Hispanic" instead of the immediate assumption "Are you Mexican" is very considerate.
(#273 (permalink))
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08-14-2009, 11:52 PM

Originally Posted by Megabyte117 View Post
For the record, I just asked my grandmother who is from Colombia if she was offended by the term Hispanic or if anyone she knew had ever taken offense, and she laughed in my face. I really don't know what you're trying to pull here.

To hell with political correctness.

It seems with your constant "Caucasian/Hispanic/Negro is racist! It really is!" that you're insecure with yourself. Notice very few people agree with you on that.
Colombia is from Latin America, so they are called Latinos/Latinas. Some people dont care what you calll them, but others do.

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(#274 (permalink))
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08-14-2009, 11:54 PM

Originally Posted by Zagato289 View Post
Colombia is from Latin America, so they are called Latinos/Latinas.
No shit Sherlock.

Some people dont care what you calll them, but others do.
Have you directly spoken to any that do?
(#275 (permalink))
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08-14-2009, 11:54 PM

Originally Posted by Megabyte117 View Post
To me, taking the time to ask "Are you Hispanic" instead of the immediate assumption "Are you Mexican" is very considerate.
yeah ,it alot better to ask them if they are hispanic or latinos.

It's so easy, To think about Love, To Talk about Love, To wish for Love, But it's not always easy, To recognize Love, Even when we hold it.... In our hands."

(#276 (permalink))
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08-14-2009, 11:57 PM

Originally Posted by Megabyte117 View Post
No shit Sherlock.

Have you directly spoken to any that do?
myself Im mexican and I dont like to be call hispanic cause im not. Im Latino. Some friends dont care, but i prefer to call them the right way.

It's so easy, To think about Love, To Talk about Love, To wish for Love, But it's not always easy, To recognize Love, Even when we hold it.... In our hands."

(#277 (permalink))
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08-14-2009, 11:58 PM

Originally Posted by mercedesjin View Post
Here's why some people might find it offensive:
If you're going to argue your points, I would like to request you stop copy+pasting the same links repeatedly. This is the 4th time you've posted this one alone.
(#278 (permalink))
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08-15-2009, 12:03 AM

Originally Posted by mercedesjin View Post
To me, "suck it up" and "nothing we can do" are the mentalities of people who don't wish to challenge themselves or others to make a positive change in the world. That's fine. Not everyone wants to sacrifice themselves and their peace of mind.

I do, though. I want to sacrifice my peace of mind because I want to see that change in the world. Believe me, it'd be a lot easier to ignore. I could have ignored the word "negro." If I'd done that, I wouldn't have gotten into an argument with the mods, I wouldn't have spent a good few hours of my life on this thread, and I wouldn't have had to endure the insistent flames that now seem to follow me throughout the forum.
You make assumptions. You have always made assumptions against me, whenever I post against you. It looks like an innocent post, but I know assumptions when I see one, you weave insults into words well.

But frankly, it's pissing me off. I'm doing as much as I can, and have done (including going to Uganda and going to help the people there. I helped build a well, I did a few hours of teaching kids at the school there, and through my school and with the help of others, I helped provide electricity to a school.) many things to try and help people. It was something small, but I feel I've done as much as I can at the age of 18. You'd do well to sort your assumptions out.

Thing is, trying to get rid of racism, is not going to work. You have the change people, not the words. If you want to get rid of weeds, you have to pull the roots out.

Let's say the racial slurs are gotten rid of. What then?


Nah. People will just make up new ones.

Originally Posted by mercedesjin View Post
I'm all for knowledge is power, though. Let's leave "caucasian" behind in the history books, along with "nigger" and "negro" and all other ethnic slurs. The only way to do that is to spread the facts.
Read up.

Also, if you get rid of ways to identify a group, how will you explain them to people? You can't.

Or, you'll make up new ones, and then people will just use THOSE VERY ONES and use them as racial terms.

It's futile.

"He's black kid."
"He's a f***ing black person."

"He's Caucasian kid."
"He's a f***ing Caucasian person."

"He's a Nigger."
"He's a f***ing Nigger."

"He's a Turk."
"He's a f***ing Turk."

The last two, I can understand if you want to get rid of them. But the top is fully dependant on how the person says it. Which you keep on failing to understand.

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(#279 (permalink))
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08-15-2009, 12:20 AM

Originally Posted by mercedesjin View Post
Similarly, though more slowly, “slut,” “whore” and “c**t” are being reappropriated. “The young people use those terms all the time teasingly and sometimes to even refer to themselves,” says Hill. “It is more common to hear someone say ‘I am a slut’ than ‘I am a whore.’ ” “C**t” is gaining currency among some young lesbians, though Baim says it is a word that gets stuck in her throat. “While it is a reclaimed word, it is one I can hardly say, the same way some older blacks have trouble saying the n-word.”

I love the reclaiming. It's like fan girls claiming J-rockers.

Fag (faggot): The new “queer.” “Like the n-word, it’s a word that can be said by gay people,” says Hill. “I hear ‘fag’ a great deal, especially among queer-identified young people, like ‘don’t be such a fag’ or ‘you are such a fag.’ “

It's wonderful to see young gay people cutting themselves on sexual lines down much in the same way young blacks do on racial lines.

Girl: “‘Girl’ is used by older women,” says Baim. “It is kind of nice because it used to be used derogatorily and now it is used in a fun way.”

I missed that one. When was "girl" a derogatory term?

Guys: Very controversial. Used, especially in the Midwest, when referring to a group of people. “In Chicago that word gets used a lot,” says Hill. And Baim says, “I use it all of the time.” Some feminists, like Andi Zeisler, the editor of Bitch, find “guys” problematic. “We assume the descriptor ‘guys’ denotes a quality of universality,” she says. “It would be hard to imagine a group of men being addressed by their server as ‘hey you gals’ and not taking offense, but the reverse happens all the time.”

"Guys" is a "very controversial word? Again, news to me.

This is great reading. Thanks Mercedesjin. It's nice to see there are people in academia with this kind of time on their hands. I used to think I was PC, but now I see the PC of the 90s I subscribed to is practically racist, and I must sound like a Klansman the way I talk.

You guys should really read it.

(#280 (permalink))
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08-15-2009, 12:25 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Similarly, though more slowly, “slut,” “whore” and “c**t” are being reappropriated. “The young people use those terms all the time teasingly and sometimes to even refer to themselves,” says Hill. “It is more common to hear someone say ‘I am a slut’ than ‘I am a whore.’ ” “C**t” is gaining currency among some young lesbians, though Baim says it is a word that gets stuck in her throat. “While it is a reclaimed word, it is one I can hardly say, the same way some older blacks have trouble saying the n-word.”

I love the reclaiming. It's like fan girls claiming J-rockers.

Fag (faggot): The new “queer.” “Like the n-word, it’s a word that can be said by gay people,” says Hill. “I hear ‘fag’ a great deal, especially among queer-identified young people, like ‘don’t be such a fag’ or ‘you are such a fag.’ “

It's wonderful to see young gay people cutting themselves on sexual lines down much in the same way young blacks do on racial lines.

Girl: “‘Girl’ is used by older women,” says Baim. “It is kind of nice because it used to be used derogatorily and now it is used in a fun way.”

I missed that one. When was "girl" a derogatory term?

Guys: Very controversial. Used, especially in the Midwest, when referring to a group of people. “In Chicago that word gets used a lot,” says Hill. And Baim says, “I use it all of the time.” Some feminists, like Andi Zeisler, the editor of Bitch, find “guys” problematic. “We assume the descriptor ‘guys’ denotes a quality of universality,” she says. “It would be hard to imagine a group of men being addressed by their server as ‘hey you gals’ and not taking offense, but the reverse happens all the time.”

"Guys" is a "very controversial word? Again, news to me.

This is great reading. Thanks Mercedesjin. It's nice to see there are people in academia with this kind of time on their hands. I used to think I was PC, but now I see the PC of the 90s I subscribed to is practically racist, and I must sound like a Klansman the way I talk.

You guys should really read it.

Crap. I think my mind just exploded.
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