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09-15-2009, 03:28 AM
The world hates us because we are us, hate to burst your bubble on that. Powerful nations are hated because they are powerful, it's the nature of the game.
The economic collapse was caused by stupid loans being given to people who never should have had them. It was done through mandatory law put in place By Chris Dodd and Barny Frank and signed in 1999 by Clinton. Bush warned about that situation in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, and 2007. Each time it was rebuffed by Frank and Dodd who claimed it was just "republicans" trying to wage war on poor people. Bush's main fault was not stopping that crap before it got out of hand. This situation is going to get much worse with how things are now. The great depression was compounded for years, by government getting in the way. This will be no different. |
09-15-2009, 03:38 AM
Interesting alternative opinion.
I don't agree with everything he says, but I like his angle. the oft-stated logic of "government out of my life" is a fantasy existence you've never experienced, and that you'd whimper in fear over were you ever subjected to it for an instant. Make a list of the industries you're aware of: medical, chemical, automobile, steel, housing, whatever. Each and every one of them would crush you with glee without government regulations if it added to their profits by one one-millionth of a percentage point. They'd sell the juice they squeezed out of you as a refreshment drink, if they could get away with it. As corrupt and inefficient as your government is (and it clearly is), it's the only thing keeping you alive moment to moment. Reform it, by all means. Keep it honest. Throw out the bums who aren't protecting you adequately enough. But, end its involvement in your life? Scale it back? You're kidding yourself. That's a joke. Take one look back at history (please, just one look!), and see how workers, and children, and consumers are now protected where they were once injured and exploited. That's called "progress," and we're hoping to add a little more. |
09-15-2009, 04:00 AM
Anyway, what were we talking about? Oh yeah, tea parties. なんてしつけいいこいいけつしてんな。 |
09-15-2009, 05:19 AM
The American model – democracy – must be regarded as a historical error, economically as well as morally. Democracy promotes shortsightedness, capital waste, irresponsibility, and moral relativism. It leads to permanent compulsory income and wealth redistribution and legal uncertainty. It is counterproductive. It promotes demagoguery and egalitarianism. It is aggressive and potentially totalitarian internally, vis-à-vis its own population, as well as externally. In sum, it leads to a dramatic growth of state power, as manifested by the amount of parasitically – by means of taxation and expropriation – appropriated government income and wealth in relation to the amount of productively – through market exchange – acquired private income and wealth, and by the range and invasiveness of state legislation. Democracy is doomed to collapse, just as Soviet communism was doomed to collapse. Hans-Hermann Hoppe's "Demokratie. Der Gott, Der Keiner Ist" |
09-15-2009, 05:28 AM
Let's all just keep in mind that Democracy--which has been implemented in countless other societies to great success--is an idea that came from humans. Humans are imperfect beings and as such imperfections are bound to arise. Live with it ![]() There's a reason the United States has historically been called "the Great Experminet"! なんてしつけいいこいいけつしてんな。 |
09-15-2009, 05:32 AM
Have you ever heard of windshield glass companies breaking car windows? Corrupt private tow-truck companies? Private ambulance companies getting paid off to take patients to certain hospitals, even if they were father away? This is "no government regulation". Again, imagine if your police station, prison, and fire house were all for profit...and we complain about government corruption now. |
09-15-2009, 06:44 AM
By the way Ryzorian, as I'm sure you know, Frank, Dodd, and many others collected huge campaign donations from Fannie and Freddy for many years. But in the space of less than 2 years, a certain young Senator from Illinois surpassed all recipients total amounts except Chris Dodd. That Senator hit them extra hard, threatening lawsuits for racial discrimination if they wouldn't lend to minorities whose credit ratings and background suggested they were unlikely to ever be able to repay the loan. But the Senator assured them that the US govt would bail them out if/when the loans were defaulted on... |
09-15-2009, 06:48 AM
lol, "spouting lies". This sounds like... Big Brother? Or fundamentalism. Or extremism. Or right-wingers. Or something like that. spouting lies... honestly. Who even uses the word "lies" like that anymore! Just because you don't agree doesn't make it a "lie". Silly repubs. ![]() なんてしつけいいこいいけつしてんな。 |
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