Originally Posted by Sinestra
Yea i know i use the other features on my phone more than the phone itself. I find myself sometimes just not answering. I know cell phones are suppose to make our lives easier but i really find them to be a hassle sometimes. Like today i left my iphone at home didnt miss it all day at work after all i was working. Got home and i had 15 missed calls. I can bet that 14 out of those 15 calls were people calling to just BS becasue they were bored (At work) the 15th call was probably my mom. Did i check to see who called nope i went and worked out for a bit lol.
But they do have their uses especially for emergencies and the camera since i like taking pictures of weird things that interest me.
Yeah...I mean, I think it's cool what phones can do these days. It's just weird how most people don't use them at all for what they were originally meant for. And yeah...useless calls are annoying as ****! Fortunately, I don't get those anymore

And I think one problem is that it *does* make (some parts of our) lives easier. Almost making us dumber (liktxtin u no?).