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Lord Monckton addresses a Greenpeace-campaigner on global warming -
12-14-2009, 01:00 AM
12-14-2009, 05:35 AM
I most certainly do agree that local climates and ecosystems can be influenced postively or negatively by man's actions. Evidence does support that micro enviromental change. Global warming, on the other hand, is a macro enviromental change and not something man can greatly effect. The Mya wiped themselves out through micro ecosystem alteration and the jungle came back as soon as they were gone, so nature can certainly recover quickly.
I'm not against trying to conserve or preserve our resources and enviroment, those are worthwhile endevors. I am against some Global cabal trying to manipulate my nation's soveriegnty for thier own personal agenda. I'm also against the UN trying to impose things on the US, exspecially when they can't do anything without our help to begin with. America will let the market decide, money motivate's inovation, it's how the US became what it is. |
12-14-2009, 09:29 AM
A vast difference. Pollution, I agree with. But Global warming, I do not. |
Global warming will rock your world -
12-14-2009, 05:16 PM
you have no idea,
going for a bite out and having 5 different kinds of meat on the menu, thats going to go. we will for the first time in many years see resource wars, (for resources that are basic, such as food and water) corporate countries and half-states NIC - Global Trends 2015 this is mandetory reading. only when you've read this can you even begin to to comment on the world. and im not saying its the be all and end all of information, but if you have not read it. you dont know half the facts |
12-14-2009, 09:46 PM
No it isn't, that's hype ment to scare folks into buying some fantasy so this global cabal can dictate to all of us what we can and can't do. It's the oldest trick in the book for would be dictators throughout history.
Find/invent some "problem", lable whose at fault /to blame, then find a souluton that useually involves removeing the one "at fault" and placeing the people who "enlightened" everyone to the "truth", in charge. Jeez people, it's straight out of Mein Kampf So what if the globe is getting warmer, really, what's so bad about that? All anyone hears is gloom and doom and frankly it gets tiresome. Perhaps studies should be made to figure out how we can use global warming to our advantage instead. |
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