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12-18-2009, 12:38 PM
Here is a little information regarding information about Co2 and climate change by the man who is argued to be the world's leading expert: http://www.21stcenturysciencetech.co...O2_Scandal.pdf As for methane, it's levels have not been increasing, in fact they have been decreasing for some years now, yet the IPCC makes little mention of that fact in their reports. |
12-18-2009, 01:01 PM
have started reading this doc.
about half way. psudo-political nonsense-science im afraid. this is not a scientific document, or report. this is a political piece of propoganda by the looks of it. to quote: "nuclear plants, which have zero emission of greenhouse gases, are environmentally friendly, more economical" not only a simplification but not necessarily true will read the rest soon === sorry this is complete c0*k sh1te, i would not even call it psudo-science. my favourite quote is: "About 2 billion years ago, the CO2 atmospheric level was 100 or perhaps even 1,000 times higher than today" so it was either 100 times more or 1000 times more, gosh thats quite a degree of uncertenty there. Also it seems to bang on about a single ice core study? global warming is happening. I looked at some raw data from a weather station in coventry just now (for kicks) average max temp for dec in 1977 was 7.4 c in 2008 the result shows 12.5 c [ linkz Bablake Weather Station ] (note 77 apears to be 24hr, 2008 9-21hr) there is alot of nonsense out there on the internet i'm afraid. please click the vid link i posted in an earlier link, im sure it will lay some of your sceptisism to rest. |
12-19-2009, 12:15 AM
As for a variation of "100 to 1000 times higher", the IPCC report on climate change predicts temperature increases of 1.1 degrees to 6.6 degrees in 100 years, which is a variation of more than 600%. Not very exact science, is it? The graph which shows where Dr Michael Mann linked together the spike in Co2 from the late 19th century to the late 20th century to make his and Al Gore's famous "hockey stick' graph has been proven to be true, and one of the reasons that the British Government has disallowed the showing of Al Gore's movie in British schools. In that graph it shows Co2 levels of the late 19th century to have been climbing, even though there was no man-made cause. Michael Mann and associates moved the graph ahead by decades so it would appear that the rise was occurring after the industrial revolution. This is a fact, and one admitted to by the IPCC itself. Pseudo-science indeed. |
12-19-2009, 05:19 AM
The CO2 rate was up and down way back then based on Volcanic activity. Most CO2 today also comes from volcanos...one major eruption puts out far more "greenhouse" gas than man has done in the last 100 years...and we have several major eruptions a year. Mount Pinitobo actually dropped earth's mean temp by a couple of dagree's when it erupted in the 90's because of all the particulate matter in the air.
I'm sorry, but man isn't causeing earth to heat up, cool down, or have a brain freeze. It's just a cycle that both earth and the sun go through repeatedly...over and over and over again. I do think man can pollute local enviroments to the point of utter destruction, so I certainly think we should manage our natural resources better. However, that doesn't require some paper pusher at the UN telling me what I should or shouldn't do. Each nation will either learn how to utilize what they have to thrive, or they wont and die. Evolution at it's finest, isn't that what you all strive for anyhow? |
12-19-2009, 08:57 AM
I agree. (edit: I "concur", since it's not really a matter of opinion - but fact) Though evolutionary based science clearly states that animals evolve with their environment. According to that understanding, there will be a biological response as the population reaches capacity. Overpopulation and famine is a real problem. What about the insane pollution and fluoridation of public water supply? What about our agriculture, which is infiltrated with genetically modified foods? What about other problems that we may not even be aware of, because the thrust and motive force of the environmental movement has been hijacked by political interests using lies and deception? AND WHAT ABOUT THE SUN?? There is a large, flaming, energy and heat-emitting sphere located in the center of our ‘solar’ system, which has a direct, immediate effect on the temperatures on every planet in this system. It’s so important to the ecosystem of the earth, it is so integral to the functioning of life on our planet, that primitive man once worshipped the Sun! Interestingly, modern man now worships the Earth, ignoring the giant, glowing orb of burning gasses that bakes down on the earth constantly. The Sun is not only a burning sphere of gas, but it’s an unstable one. The Sun emits solar flares, meaning huge explosions, which emit large bursts of heat. Since we understand that the sun is the source of heat in our solar system, surely we can deduce that solar flares must affect our climate here on earth. Also, isn't it interesting that Mars is also experiencing Global Warming? I'm sure that's man made, as well. ![]() Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming, Scientist Says |
12-19-2009, 01:44 PM
if you were to release a single molecule of CO2 into the atmosphere.
this would increase the temp (by about 1.2X10-20,000 but still) in the same way that if a speeding train coasting along hits a fly, it will slow down. this is called Physics. did u even click link? @sang. 1. a dif of 1.1-6.6 is a world of difference to 100-1000 times. your using multiplication, so its a Huge diff. eg if your start with 10 your saying that it is anywhere between 1000-10,000. thats a range of 9000 from a start point of just 10. if we start at 100 your looking at 10,000-100,000 a range of 90,000! this is a margin of error over 100% thus any conclusion taken from this is automatically invalid 2. i dont care if he is the pope. that is not a scientific document it is a report written with intent. it is propoganda |
12-19-2009, 01:52 PM
i forget the exact details but it is something to do with the number 4 i think. like to get the rough estimate of how much energy will actually hit a certain body. you take the distance from source, multiply some numbers, devide some stuff. endresult being. if 100,000 joules were emmited by the sun, the entire earth would get about 1/2 a joule. |
12-20-2009, 04:40 AM
Again, the earth does far more to heat itself up than man does. Man isn't causeing global warming, isn't, nada, goose egg, zip, zero..polluting certain parts of it into oblivion yes, that is true. We should certainly act with more care in reguards to pollution. However, global warming is just something we will have to adapt too, same as global cooling, it isn't something we can prevent.
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