Well, Although I did enjoy this movie I have the same problem with it as I do with Titanic (also a Cameron film). Both of those movies were enjoyable but not movies I would see twice (there are a lot of movies I've seen multiple times). With that said here comes my actual problem. How in the world did they make so much money, I think there are more movies out there that are more epic, and that people actually look forward to see them, than those two. Movies like The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy, The Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, just to mention a few. When Titanic was first announced I didn't care for it. I ended up watching it in Video Tape. When Avatar was first announced I though it had something to do with the cartoon of the same name, so I was very un-interested (I love Anime, I just don't like Avatar). Once that Avatar did so well I got off my butt and headed to my local cinema to see what was all the fuzz about. So all in all an ok movie but I just don't know how it did so much money.