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(#1 (permalink))
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Kenpachi11 (Offline)
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Dual citizenship - 12-24-2009, 03:07 AM

So i was just thinking "Why can't people that are citizens in America have dual citizenship in most places?" So i was wondering if anyone has an answer?

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(#2 (permalink))
spicytuna (Offline)
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12-24-2009, 04:51 AM

Does America allow dual citizenship?

I know Canada does. Japan doesn't after 18yrs of age. (Or maybe it was 20.)
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(#3 (permalink))
JayT (Offline)
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12-24-2009, 05:32 AM

Yes it does. I have USA/British citizenship's.

[<--Nan's heart!]

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(#4 (permalink))
WhoIsDaffy (Offline)
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12-24-2009, 08:53 AM

Originally Posted by spicytuna View Post
Japan doesn't after 18yrs of age. (Or maybe it was 20.)
unfortunatly for Japan, they do not have the int. resources to actually detect citizenship of another country.

so as long as you always use only your Japanese passport when in Japan, you will get away with it.
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(#5 (permalink))
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12-24-2009, 09:49 AM

Originally Posted by WhoIsDaffy View Post
unfortunatly for Japan, they do not have the int. resources to actually detect citizenship of another country.
Complete hokum!

We all know you spend a good part of your life defaming Japan. Of course, you do if you do it even around Christmas. If you insist on doing it, which is nothing but spamming on a site like this, at least base things on facts!

I really wish you would disappear. You contribute nothing to JF.
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(#6 (permalink))
WhoIsDaffy (Offline)
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12-24-2009, 10:44 AM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
Complete hokum!

We all know you spend a good part of your life defaming Japan. Of course, you do if you do it even around Christmas. If you insist on doing it, which is nothing but spamming on a site like this, at least base things on facts!

I really wish you would disappear. You contribute nothing to JF.
im not dissing Japan,

even the Blank-cheque funded AMericans would have trouble to do this,

the work involved is not simple,

yes its easy to prove that someone was not using a Japanese Passport legally,
but if your going to withdraw citizenship and start legals you need hard proof.

and thats easier said than done.

you cant just call up the USA gov and say, "exuse me wondering if you had mr J Bloggs as one of your citizens"

they can say, well on a Japanese passport you can only stay in country x for 6 months and you were gone from japan for 8 years and have no VISA stamps in your passport,

however it is not an offence to the Japanese gov to be an illigal immigrant in another country, and unless your willing to allocate some hefty resources to that effect they have no way to know/prove it.

even then the work involved is not simple and quick or easy.

you would have to expose countless assests just to stop people claiming Dual citizenship.

the easiest way to "catch" people is just out of thier own stupidity, IE exiting Japan with one PP and entering new country on another, (exit and entry stamps must always match up)
its also worth using a 3rd way point (e.g. China) so book flight from Japan to china on Japanese passport, then China to where ever.

its also worth noting that passport stamp / visas can be issued on paper and do not actually need to go into your passport directly, again working in your favour

so again,
its very hard to prove that you have the second passport unless you physically bring it into the country and then get searched.

Japan has a 1% GDP military budget,

this means that the Japanese inteligence network actually takes up the slack in terms of actual Military inteligence (boeicho) as these guys get thier funding from the paltry 1%,

the Minestry of Foreign affaris (MOFA - Gaimusho) gets its funding seperatly and if secure cable volumes are anything to go by has been going from strength to strength with volumes up 8 fold from mid 90's levels.

Internal inteligence is taken care of by the National Police Safety Commision,
who have a security bureau under the national police agency (Keisatsucho)

there are a few other inteligence divisions and depts that deal with trade (JETRO & METI) and justice (Homusho). however to bring about proof of Dual citizenship would (unless the person is stupid) require close co-operation between departments,

and you can be pretty sure that if one of the other agency's requested that the MOFA investigate a citizen who may or may not hold another passport that this is not going to be on the top of thier list of priorities, and that the investigation (if any) will be a simple tick box operation.

hows that for a contribution?
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(#7 (permalink))
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12-24-2009, 11:43 AM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
Complete hokum!

We all know you spend a good part of your life defaming Japan. Of course, you do if you do it even around Christmas. If you insist on doing it, which is nothing but spamming on a site like this, at least base things on facts!

I really wish you would disappear. You contribute nothing to JF.
Nobody is "defaming" Japan. You are jumping the gun..

Daffy's post is very true..

I knew quite a few Japanese living in Japan that held dual US Japan citizenship and told me that the Japanese government would never know.

You have to admit that the "checking" side of things is a bit is a bit odd..

Six years back when I went to the immigration counter in Kyoto, it was absolute mayhem as the people behind that counter could not udnerstand English!

Once again, A bit odd considering 95% of their clients can speak English..

I founf that obtaining a visa was very simple because of this..

For example. One question stated "Why are you in Japan?"

Don't get me wrong, I found Japan a great experience, but just a little behind the times..

Cheers - Oz
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(#8 (permalink))
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12-27-2009, 05:47 PM

Originally Posted by Kenpachi11 View Post
So i was just thinking "Why can't people that are citizens in America have dual citizenship in most places?" So i was wondering if anyone has an answer?
In general, the answer is because you cannot owe allegiance to two countries because if they come into conflict you would have to choose sides.
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(#9 (permalink))
WhoIsDaffy (Offline)
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12-28-2009, 01:34 PM

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
In general, the answer is because you cannot owe allegiance to two countries because if they come into conflict you would have to choose sides.
actually its not so much about allegiance , but rather ancestory.

if your mum is a US&Jew and your dad german, but you have lived your wholelife in the uk you can get.
USA, Isreali
and UKpassports.

the reason Japan does not recognise dual citizenship is because in the law,
you are either 100% japanese or 0% japanese
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(#10 (permalink))
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12-28-2009, 01:53 PM

Originally Posted by Kenpachi11 View Post
So i was just thinking "Why can't people that are citizens in America have dual citizenship in most places?" So i was wondering if anyone has an answer?

Though dual citizenship seems to have always been permitted by the U.S., the oath of citizenship included a passage "denouncing" one's previous country of origin, so the question has been ongoing for decades. However, that passage was removed recently.

The countries that do not currently allow dual citizenship are Austria, Indonesia, Pakistan, Belgium, Iran, Papua New Guinea, Brunei, Japan, Peru, Burma, Kenya, Philippines, Chile, Kiribati, Poland, China, Korea, Denmark, Latvia, Singapore, Ecuador, Lithuania, Solomon Islands, Fiji, Malaysia, Mauritius, Thailand. I was not aware of this being prohibited in Austria or Belgium until doing the research.

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