
View Poll Results: Given the opportunity, would you wear traditional clothes in Japan?
I would wear traditional clothes 41 45.56%
I would just wear what I feel comfortable in 49 54.44%
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(#11 (permalink))
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02-07-2010, 12:14 AM

I think I'm the same as some of the other answers given so far; I wear yukata around the house sometimes, but I've only worn traditional gear a couple of times; once for a graduation ceremony, once for a club event (and we were asked to) and once for a school event thing back home. I wouldn't ever just doll up in kimono and go for a trot around the neighborhood though; Not unless I was on my way to something of that kind. That's a bit odd. I used to sometimes help a friend with hers as she did tea ceremony every sunday and had to wear kimono for that. She used to say people were very complimentary about it but mostly assumed she was doing it as just a stunt for attention, which made her uncomfortable.

But then it's not really every-day dress any more is it? Even Japanese people in kimono tend to stick out a bit.
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(#12 (permalink))
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02-07-2010, 12:27 AM

If I went to a festival or something like that in Japan then I would wear traditional clothes even though I am not Japanese
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(#13 (permalink))
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02-07-2010, 12:51 AM

For traditional festivals and tea ceremonies, Sur.

Casually? No, as an American, I wear more of a shirt+jeans style

Though some of what is worn in Japan seems really cute and things that would be cool to try!!


I also agree with ze people who said your wording is bad.

Are you trying to tell people that Nihonjin look down on you when you don't wear kimonos for casual use when they themselves do not?

Males them sound pretty arrogant.

My Life Sucks- The kids I babysit have drooled, ripped or drawn on all of the cards and put the cars with the little people in the microwave!

I have no Friends- The cats have scratched and destroyed all of the DVDs!

I always owe someone- In fact I put two os in it!

I always ruin my clothes with Bleach!- The show is so dom suspensful I spill my grape soda on them!

But . . .I'll live.

Last edited by manganimefan227 : 02-07-2010 at 12:54 AM.
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(#14 (permalink))
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02-07-2010, 01:04 AM

It is interesting that someone who spells the "ze" has an opinion on wording... maybe people take offense with the word "gaijin"...I will fix it.
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(#15 (permalink))
JayT (Offline)
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02-07-2010, 01:14 AM

If I look outside my window, I don't see people dressed very traditional at all.
Everyone's wearing jackets and jeans, business are wearing trench coats.
I'm confused by this topic.

[<--Nan's heart!]

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(#16 (permalink))
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02-07-2010, 01:18 AM

Originally Posted by JayT View Post
If I look outside my window, I don't see people dressed very traditional at all.
Everyone's wearing jackets and jeans, business are wearing trench coats.
I'm confused by this topic.
But it seems like I always see at least one gaijin at the airport in a hapi and geta. It is confusing, indeed.
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(#17 (permalink))
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02-07-2010, 01:21 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
But it seems like I always see at least one gaijin at the airport in a hapi and geta. It is confusing, indeed.
Oh now I see what you're saying!
I think it's indeed a bit awkward for foreigner's to dress like that.
I'd imagine it would definitely raise some eyebrows.

[<--Nan's heart!]

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(#18 (permalink))
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02-07-2010, 01:25 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
It is interesting that someone who spells the "ze" has an opinion on wording... maybe people take offense with the word "gaijin"...I will fix it.
I did that to make a point -.-'

There's nothing wrong with standing out. When it comes to expressing yourself, as long as you don't hurt anyone (including yourself) anything goes in my book.

My Life Sucks- The kids I babysit have drooled, ripped or drawn on all of the cards and put the cars with the little people in the microwave!

I have no Friends- The cats have scratched and destroyed all of the DVDs!

I always owe someone- In fact I put two os in it!

I always ruin my clothes with Bleach!- The show is so dom suspensful I spill my grape soda on them!

But . . .I'll live.
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(#19 (permalink))
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02-07-2010, 01:46 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
It is interesting that someone who spells the "ze" has an opinion on wording... maybe people take offense with the word "gaijin"...I will fix it.
When you can't refute a person's claims, you attack their grammar? Isn't that a sign you've lost the argument and you're trying to salvage your pride?

I'm glad other people posting in the thread seem to think your poll is lacking in neutrality. Was the purpose of this thread to be a judgmental flame fest with you in the position of superiority? I expected better than this from you, MMM.

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Unfortunately for you, she is not here.

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(#20 (permalink))
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02-07-2010, 01:50 AM

A Gaijin should only wear traditional clothes if they are a expert at putting them on or had them put on by another expert. The Japanese only put you down if you are not wearing them correctly.

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