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(#1 (permalink))
xyzone (Offline)
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Austin, Texas suicide pilot - 02-19-2010, 08:27 AM

It seems like a man angry at being handled by the IRS for several years committed suicide and wrote a manifesto suicide note.

The Manifesto Of Austin Texas Crash Pilot Joseph Andrew Stack

At first I was skeptical that it was real because I doubted anyone had the balls to actually end their life over this, but it looks real to me. I guess we wait and see if it's a hoax.
(#2 (permalink))
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02-19-2010, 08:40 AM

Originally Posted by xyzone View Post
It seems like a man angry at being handled by the IRS for several years committed suicide and wrote a manifesto suicide note.

The Manifesto Of Austin Texas Crash Pilot Joseph Andrew Stack

At first I was skeptical that it was real because I doubted anyone had the balls to actually end their life over this, but it looks real to me. I guess we wait and see if it's a hoax.
I don't think there is any reason to think it is a hoax, though he also had marital issues and set his own house on fire, as well.
(#3 (permalink))
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02-19-2010, 09:56 AM

I have a friend at the Statesman. I also know Lee Leffingwell personally (I used to work as a political reporter in Austin, 2005-2006). He informed the city that it is not a hoax, and that two bodies were found deceased. Everyone is pretty sure it was an isolated incident unrelated to terrorism. My former coworker, at the Statesman, said his own sources concur.

I'm an Austinite, so I got reports pretty quickly. I'd say this hit close to home, but that cliche seems in bad taste when it really is your hometown...

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02-19-2010, 05:24 PM

Originally Posted by xyzone View Post
At first I was skeptical that it was real because I doubted anyone had the balls to actually end their life over this, but it looks real to me. I guess we wait and see if it's a hoax.
As more and more comes out about the details of his tax issues, his level of frustration and despair become more understandable. Though taking it to this extreme was certainly off the scale of reason.

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(#5 (permalink))
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02-19-2010, 05:51 PM

Originally Posted by xyzone View Post
It seems like a man angry at being handled by the IRS for several years committed suicide and wrote a manifesto suicide note.

The Manifesto Of Austin Texas Crash Pilot Joseph Andrew Stack

At first I was skeptical that it was real because I doubted anyone had the balls to actually end their life over this, but it looks real to me. I guess we wait and see if it's a hoax.
I don't think "having balls" has anything to do with it. This guy was a home grown terrorist and suicide murderer. No different than the IRS building back in '95.

Seriously, he should of just paid his taxes and dispute the amount of tax or law of tax like everyone else. Not paying your taxes is just stupid. Complaints and dispute through the proper channels like everyone else and through free speech is the only way.

Looks like he complained and dodged various tax for 25-30 years. It seems like he just had a screw lose or two... obviously in hindsight.

Just happy he didn't survive by some miracle.

Last edited by clintjm : 02-19-2010 at 05:53 PM.
(#6 (permalink))
xyzone (Offline)
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02-20-2010, 12:34 AM

Originally Posted by clintjm View Post
I don't think "having balls" has anything to do with it. This guy was a home grown terrorist and suicide murderer. No different than the IRS building back in '95.

Seriously, he should of just paid his taxes and dispute the amount of tax or law of tax like everyone else. Not paying your taxes is just stupid. Complaints and dispute through the proper channels like everyone else and through free speech is the only way.

Looks like he complained and dodged various tax for 25-30 years. It seems like he just had a screw lose or two... obviously in hindsight.

Just happy he didn't survive by some miracle.
And of course that's a very convenient outlook to have. He's just a terr'ist. That's that. Speculate as to what "looks like" and be done with it because he criticizes the government. I don't condone what he did, but much of what that text says is absolutely true. They key point being that the gov't is run by corporations who only give themselves raises and business enhancements just like their purchased congressmen; most egregious instance being the bank bailouts that taxpayers have paid for so the executives who played casino can eject with their golden parachutes.
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02-20-2010, 01:17 AM

Originally Posted by xyzone View Post
And of course that's a very convenient outlook to have. He's just a terr'ist. That's that. Speculate as to what "looks like" and be done with it because he criticizes the government. I don't condone what he did, but much of what that text says is absolutely true. They key point being that the gov't is run by corporations who only give themselves raises and business enhancements just like their purchased congressmen; most egregious instance being the bank bailouts that taxpayers have paid for so the executives who played casino can eject with their golden parachutes.
I not minimizing this.
I'm glad you don't condone his actions.
I should elaborate more on my previous post:
"Complaints and dispute through the proper channels like everyone else and through free speech is the only way" <add> that you can redeem your liberty and stop the Tyranny of government. Just keep voting them out of office. If they break a law, then hold them to it. If the law isn't clear enough, amend it; get it changed; add some proper regulation if need be.

Sure some get away with it... but they gamble on getting caught and some get caught and do hard time.

There will be never-ending debate on how the government handled (and continues to handle) the economic crisis. However the mortgage bubble and credit fiasco has plenty of blame to go around to the consumer living beyond their means. Throw in some tyranny and here is what you got.

Of course this mess is not cut and dry, else there would be an instant solution.

the evil nnnnnnnutjob:
"The communist creed: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."
"The capitalist creed: From each according to his gullibility, to each according to his greed."

The greedy one was this domestic terrorist; he is the one who didn't think he was getting what he wanted or getting justice on his own, so lets murder some government drones to send a message.
I find it ironic that the guy burned down his rather expensive house, and owned a plane to fly into the building.
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02-20-2010, 02:38 AM

i condone his actions and applaud his veracity and his courage to take a stand and tell america that their laws and their fing country can go to hell by shoving a plane up it's ass.
congrats to you good sir, I will remember your cause.

lives need to be spent to get a message across .. i will get crap for this, but i totally agreed with him on every aspect.
seriously.. i am profoundly gratuitous to this man.

(#9 (permalink))
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02-20-2010, 02:50 AM

Originally Posted by IamKira View Post
i condone his actions and applaud his veracity and his courage to take a stand and tell america that their laws and their fing country can go to hell by shoving a plane up it's ass.
congrats to you good sir, I will remember your cause.

lives need to be spent to get a message across .. i will get crap for this, but i totally agreed with him on every aspect.
seriously.. i am profoundly gratuitous to this man.
You are damn right you are going to get crap for this. He murdered innocent people, and surely hoped to murder more. How in the world of sanity can you condone his actions?

By condoning this you are saying more people should murder innocents for the sake of their political beliefs.

For shame.
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02-20-2010, 04:52 AM

I kind of see where you are coming from... I think it would have been better if he had aimed for the top 3 levels of a new York skyscraper .. none other than the top
i aspire to be as noble as this man
and in saying that, i will now be blacklisted by the cia, and jf's server will be hacked in order to get as much info about me as possible... i'm just glad i macspoof and may or may not have given false info signing up get pwned gov't!

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