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(#61 (permalink))
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04-07-2010, 08:24 AM

Originally Posted by clintjm View Post
I haven't really read this thread, but I thought I'd give this a listen! It was very interesting until just before he started talking about the freedoms a doctor would lose.

First of all, he implied that patients wouldn't be allowed to change doctors. I don't know how health services were back in the day, but today, in France and England, it's a national health service, but I can change my doctor as many times as I want! Only the other week I changed my GP (general practitioner) for the sole reason that he annoys me and I didn't feel happy with him!

Second; I wonder why a doctor would be reluctant to say what he pointed out? Perhaps because it's not exactly true. Again, I don't know how it was back in the day, but I have an uncle and two cousins that are doctors in France. They're as free to move towns/cities and hospitals as any other professional in the world.

Finally, he said something about the government deciding the future of the children! In the future telling children and grandchildren what it was like when Americans were free etc! Paranoid much? or just propaganda to scare people? I know back in the day, propaganda wasn't pretty blunt, but still!

With the US introducing this health service and having so many countries to compare to, I think it'll probably be the best health service in the world! France, right now, has the best service in the world, but it's not perfect! So, the US, can look at this and insure that they resolve the issues France has! With all that said, I haven't followed the details of this, I'm just hoping they take whats good from other countries and try to leave out whats bad!
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(#62 (permalink))
jesselt (Offline)
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04-07-2010, 06:45 PM

Silly noodle. Doesn't even know how terrible her(?) life is under harsh socialist rule. The government probably edited the post.

This thread is pretty funny, but I feel bad that so many people have been convinced that this is the end of the country as we know it. They said the same thing back when medicare came around!

My favorite part is how people just throw out as many scary words as they can, even when they contradict themselves by doing it. One minute Obama is a Fascist, then he is a communist, then this legislation is so socialist!

This isn't sweeping change. People in Universities are already forced to purchase health insurance. How unheard of! The bottom line is that my insurance company can't deny me cancer treatment because of some ear infection I had 5 years ago. About time.
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(#63 (permalink))
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04-07-2010, 07:03 PM

Clint, apparently we live in different planets. Utopia bills? Death panels? Heath care rationing?

And using the mining disaster in W.Va as a platform to criticize the president. C'mon. Really? The president didn't show enough fake emotion? Wow. He probably shifted his weight too many or not enough times and tied his shoelaces wrong, too. For shame.

Change the channel, man.

Last edited by MMM : 04-07-2010 at 07:13 PM.
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(#64 (permalink))
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04-07-2010, 07:45 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Clint, apparently we live in different planets. Utopia bills? Death panels? Heath care rationing?

And using the mining disaster in W.Va as a platform to criticize the president. C'mon. Really? The president didn't show enough fake emotion? Wow. He probably shifted his weight too many or not enough times and tied his shoelaces wrong, too. For shame.

Change the channel, man.
No, man.
Just like the so called "benefits" of the "reform", the payment and the damage to the existing health care and insurance system will not be immediate.

If you didn't watch the video or audio then you shouldn't comment.
The Fort hood example is more than enough. So I'd like to give you a shout out... man.

This is the reality of your hope and change. Deal with it, as will the younger generations of the US.
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(#65 (permalink))
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04-07-2010, 07:49 PM

Originally Posted by clintjm View Post
No, man.
Just like the so called "benefits" of the "reform", the payment and the damage to the existing health care and insurance system will not be immediate.

If you didn't watch the video or audio then you shouldn't comment.
The Fort hood example is more than enough. So I'd like to give you a shout out... man.

This is the reality of your hope and change. Deal with it, as will the younger generations of the US.
Since change isn't immediate, the bills should be rejected?

The president was criticized in that commentary because he didn't show enough fake emotion. Sorry it was a slow news day when your job is tearing down the president, but if that isn't a desperate attempt to make a daily dose of hate speak, I don't know what is.
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(#66 (permalink))
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04-07-2010, 08:46 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Since change isn't immediate, the bills should be rejected?
Never said that. My point was that the benefits AND the massive issues with this law will come in time. This is why he can enjoy the victory laps now and figure out how to spin its failure in the coming year(s).
No the law should be rejected because it is stupid; i.e. it does much more harm than good while giving the government the power to grow and control.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
The president was criticized in that commentary because he didn't show enough fake emotion. Sorry it was a slow news day when your job is tearing down the president, but if that isn't a desperate attempt to make a daily dose of hate speak, I don't know what is.
So the Fort Hood shout out incident was just a mistake? The video of that
I just call them like I see them, like a majority of the people of the country. This president is just disingenuous; plain and simple. He made me sick when he did that with the Fort Hood press conference; the underware bomber, the state of the Union, the summits, the interviews on all networks; the lies.

Aren't you just disappointed the article I posted wasn't from Fox News?

Here, I'll sum it up for you:


These aren't polls done on just Tea Partiers. These are polls done by the American People.
Are more than 50% of the American people just stupid and need to be dragged to it? Obama drones would think so.

You seem to want to make me out to be the bad guy here with the "your job is you want to tear down our great leader the president". These are just facts. He is not a king.

Watch Video Obama Gives Shout-Out before he Comments on Fort YouTube at blinkx

YouTube - The Obama Shout Out: Two Minutes Before He Mentions Attack on Fort Hood
YouTube - Obama Gives "Shout-Out" before he Comments on Fort Hood Army Base TX Shooting

Watch Video Fort Hood and Disrespect at blinkx

I'll give you this; I don't want the American President to fail or be the ass that he is. He is the American president. But this guy will stop at nothing to complete his agenda. He believes that Socialism or a worst -ism is that utopia for America. He is an elitist. He is wrong is the sense that he flat out lies and plays on sympathy to further his agenda.

More on the Tea Party:
Reporter's notebook: What really happens at Tea Party rallies - CNN.com

Last edited by clintjm : 04-07-2010 at 09:26 PM.
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(#67 (permalink))
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04-07-2010, 11:16 PM

1) I had to go back and look up this "shout out" incident that has marred your image of the president.

Holy hell, Clint. Between that and the fact that the president didn't show enough fake emotion at the mining tragedy the conservative pundits complaining about these non-incidents come across as INCREDIBLY petty.

It just proves my point, again, that if the president does something perfectly correct, the right can find any number of ways to pick it apart into making him look like a monster. And they got you, too, Clint. Hook, line and sinker.

2) Rasmussen Reports is a conservative polling company. Scott Rasmussen was a paid consultant for Bush's 2004 campaign. Yes they are "American people." They are conservative American people taking polls.

3) I am not making you the bad guy, Clint. I was referring to the writer of that article that said the president should show fake emotion when talking about the tragedy in W. Va. He is disingenuous for not being fake. I like that. That sounds like right wing pundit logic.

4) I hope you mean it when you say you hope Obama doesn't fail. Too often conservatives use that line to look sympathetic after Rush Limbaugh's honest but ill-advised statement that he hopes the president fails. Behind closed doors when the mics are off are conservative leaders REALLY saying they hope the president doesn't fail? Hmmm...

5) But this guy will stop at nothing to complete his agenda. That is awesome. The same phrase was used by conservative leaders to praise President Bush when he ignored the polls and did what he wanted to complete his agenda. "He is bold! He makes the hard decisions others won't!" which is another way of saying "He does things the people don't approve of."

6) He believes that Socialism or a worst-ism is that utopia for America. Are we really at the point that we have run out of negative words so we have to make up new negative words to describe the president's actions? That's tea bagger talk. "Obama wants to instill Worst-ism on America!" And again with "utopia". These are scare tactics, Clint, and you are smarter than that.

Like before, I am not going to spend too much more time on such petty non-issues like the "shout-out" and the lack of tears in the presidential speeches. If you, like some conservative chatterboxes, think these are impeachable offenses (or offenses at all) that is your business. It all seems like a silly waste of time to me when there are so many more important issues that need to be resolved.
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(#68 (permalink))
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04-08-2010, 12:31 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
1) I had to go back and look up this "shout out" incident that has marred your image of the president.

Holy hell, Clint. Between that and the fact that the president didn't show enough fake emotion at the mining tragedy the conservative pundits complaining about these non-incidents come across as INCREDIBLY petty.
Holy Moly MMM; it is not petty. It goes to the core of his character. The first video is the standard response of the average Joe watching this. The fact you had to go back and look up the incident obviously shows how out of touch you are. The fact that he joshes around for over 5-10 minutes AFTER being briefed with shout outs about a MILITARY BASE ON US SOIL BEING ATTACKED by a Terrorist is just insane.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
It just proves my point, again, that if the president does something perfectly correct, the right can find any number of ways to pick it apart into making him look like a monster. And they got you, too, Clint. Hook, line and sinker.
The Fort Hood response as with the others I listed are far from petty.
Are you proud of how he performed? who is they?

Now here is the video of the Miner explosion. He does it again! He is all smiles, gives a shout out to the commerce secretary, Janet Nosecurity, shout out to the chorus over there,"however they are looking very serious"...

He is the one should serious and not be joking...

Obama On Mine Explosion Video

There is seriously something wrong here and I'm not nit picking.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
2) Rasmussen Reports is a conservative polling company. Scott Rasmussen was a paid consultant for Bush's 2004 campaign. Yes they are "American people." They are conservative American people taking polls.
Soooo despite the numbers, you argue the facts?
Give me some polls turning that graph upside down. (You can't us MSNBC)
They don't exist.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
3) I am not making you the bad guy, Clint. I was referring to the writer of that article that said the president should show fake emotion when talking about the tragedy in W. Va. He is disingenuous for not being fake. I like that. That sounds like right wing pundit logic.
UK right wing pundits of US politics... yes.....
Watch the video I posted. Almost as bad as the Fort Hood.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
4) I hope you mean it when you say you hope Obama doesn't fail. Too often conservatives use that line to look sympathetic after Rush Limbaugh's honest but ill-advised statement that he hopes the president fails. Behind closed doors when the mics are off are conservative leaders REALLY saying they hope the president doesn't fail? Hmmm...
I don't want the president to fail only because he is the leader of the free world and of my home country. I want his agenda to fail before he takes us to the point of no return... which I don't know if we are there or not.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
5) But this guy will stop at nothing to complete his agenda. That is awesome. The same phrase was used by conservative leaders to praise President Bush when he ignored the polls and did what he wanted to complete his agenda. "He is bold! He makes the hard decisions others won't!" which is another way of saying "He does things the people don't approve of."
Well to be fair, once we were in the situation that he and his administration started with the war... there was little turning back. Is that the agenda you write of?

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
6) He believes that Socialism or a worst-ism is that utopia for America. Are we really at the point that we have run out of negative words so we have to make up new negative words to describe the president's actions? That's tea bagger talk. "Obama wants to instill Worst-ism on America!" And again with "utopia". These are scare tactics, Clint, and you are smarter than that.
Read the CNN article regarding Tea Parties. The term you are using is profane and without class. Why can't you use the term Tea Party? Do you have to strengthen your point by using derogatory terms? Come on... you like CNN, NPR and MsLSD.

Yes, despite the progressive's attempt to not call it what it is, the majority of America know exactly what it is, as does most of the mass media; America (and the Mass Media) just can't say it without destroying ourselves. It is a socialist agenda with possible other -ism in the lye.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Like before, I am not going to spend too much more time on such petty non-issues like the "shout-out" and the lack of tears in the presidential speeches. If you, like some conservative chatterboxes, think these are impeachable offenses (or offenses at all) that is your business. It all seems like a silly waste of time to me when there are so many more important issues that need to be resolved.
Well don't let me waist your time MMM... Allow me to let you get back to talking about the Start of hope and change. Tell me about how good things are.....and how Obama is going to bring us together as a nation. Funny my calendar says 4.2010. When do the Rainbows start sprouting?

Watch the latest video I posted on the West VA. Miner's. plus the Fort Hood incident. Tell me there isn't something wrong with the guy. Tell me we couldn't have another 9/11 or terrorist threat and this guy wouldn't be bothered. They guy couldn't be bothered to be briefed on the underware bomber - nor could Janet Nosecurity Napolitano.

I'd rather have real "Glenn Beck" tears or tears of anger than the shout-outs followed by a fake somber recognition of Obama any day. Oh and lets not jump to conclusions about the Fort Hood shooter either.

I still agree with you that Obama (as well as any government rep ) could do almost anything without being impeached. Look at Bill Clinton; the guyed LIED under oath to the public and got a pass.

Yes yes... it always becomes a silly waist of time when we can repute what we start eh...

Trillions later in debt, private sector being suffocated and ridiculed, jobless numbers on the rise, still at war, laughing stock of the globe, ...... good times... More Hope and Change. Lets have a party at the White House or go travel somewhere fabulous... or to collect a noble prize of some sort.

Last edited by clintjm : 04-08-2010 at 12:36 AM.
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(#69 (permalink))
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04-08-2010, 01:58 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Sangetsu, I know you are more intelligent than to mix up Marxism and socialism. Sadly now these are two "key words" to describe what is going on in the Obama administration, and this really couldn't be further from the truth.

The health care reform bill is NOT universal health care, not socialized health care, or anything like it. That's way many of its naysayers the problem is that the heathcare reform bill (more accurately the heath insurance reform bill) doesn't go far enough. There is no public option and no universal health care. How is this socialist reform?

It isn't. Nothing close to it.

The Marxism/socialism points were not the main ones in my post. Can you tell me how America is going to pay for this new program? America cannot even keep up with it's other entitlement programs; the date at which social security will become insolvent has been moved ahead, and this year, for the first time, social security payments were greater than the amount paid into the system.

You said in the other thread that you were self-employed, and were having trouble paying for health care for your family. That is regrettable, but who's fault was that? Didn't you think about things like health care when you started in your current profession? If you could not afford insurance for your family, why did you start a family?

These are sore questions, but if you can't be honest with yourself, who can you be honest to? Do you really think that because you can't afford insurance that others should have to pay for your coverage? It is not the government which is paying for these programs, it is your neighbors.

While we grow up, we are supposed to think about our future, the things we need, the things we want, and how to get them. It involves a lot of thought, and a lot of hard work. This is why people study hard in school, and get a university education. By doing these things we hope to be successful in life, to afford the things we need and want.

You should be thankful that this isn't universal health care, the cost for the current "Mickey-Mouse" program is nearly a trillion dollars, how much would universal health care cost?

Instead of spending a trillion dollars on health care reform, the money should be spent on providing university educations to Americans so they can find good jobs, or start businesses of their own which will allow them to afford whatever kind of insurance they like.

But, the government continues to spend money hand-over-fist in order to make life "better" for everyone, but what will happen when it comes time to pay the piper? Another depression is in the making, what if it happens during your lifetime? What if it happens in your children's lifetime? Who will you blame? George Bush?
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(#70 (permalink))
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04-08-2010, 02:53 AM

Since when is acknowledging the people in attendance bad form? That is standard protocol, Clint. Since when has being calm and collected a negative attribute for the American leader?

Would you want him crying into the cameras? Should he be slamming his fists into the podium?

Imagine the field day Rush Limbaugh would have if our president were to lose his cool or shed a tear?

You are a part of a no win argument. You know it. He knows it. So he is doing what is correct, knowing that people will criticize him for it.

Again, petty, petty, arguments.

Sangetsu, yes I thought about health care when I started my current profession. What a statement to make that it is my fault that we live in a system where a person might not be able to live his dreams because of something like health insurance.

If you could not afford insurance, why did you start a family?

What a sad state that we live in a country where one American would actually ask that question to another American.


The rates of my insurance have increased dramatically over the past few years, but I don't think I was complaining that I couldn't afford it. I was complaining that I am being denied service despite the outrageous increases and outrageous rates.

The CBO has predicted the bill will actually help reduce the deficit. That is different than 1 trillion. I don't anyone can possibly know what the actual costs will be, because we are talking about predicted costs, but the numbers are dramatically different depending on who you talk to.
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