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(#21 (permalink))
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04-01-2010, 10:50 PM

They actually get dumber:


Yeah . . .

My Life Sucks- The kids I babysit have drooled, ripped or drawn on all of the cards and put the cars with the little people in the microwave!

I have no Friends- The cats have scratched and destroyed all of the DVDs!

I always owe someone- In fact I put two os in it!

I always ruin my clothes with Bleach!- The show is so dom suspensful I spill my grape soda on them!

But . . .I'll live.
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(#22 (permalink))
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JasonTakeshi (Offline)
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04-02-2010, 07:01 AM

Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like.
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(#23 (permalink))
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robhol (Offline)
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04-05-2010, 05:01 PM

A successful troll is no longer successful if he actually raises a valid point. Desu.

I'll freely admit there is a tad more hating active in this thread than is, strictly speaking, necessary, but I can't pretend I don't find constant abuse of nihongo in the middle of any sentence a little bit annoying. Desu.

That being said, it's not really something I lose any sleep over, and I'd really suggest that TS find something better to be annoyed over. Desu.

(Note: all desus included for point clarification. Desu.)
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(#24 (permalink))
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04-05-2010, 07:48 PM

before judging other people you should see what about u annoys others because i doubt that you're perfect, no one is perfect.
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(#25 (permalink))
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manganimefan227 (Offline)
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04-05-2010, 10:13 PM

That's true, but it doesn't exactly justify this. And like these guys did to me, we can open weeaboo eyes to the pride in our country they should have, or respect the Japanese culture and learn the language . . .

My Life Sucks- The kids I babysit have drooled, ripped or drawn on all of the cards and put the cars with the little people in the microwave!

I have no Friends- The cats have scratched and destroyed all of the DVDs!

I always owe someone- In fact I put two os in it!

I always ruin my clothes with Bleach!- The show is so dom suspensful I spill my grape soda on them!

But . . .I'll live.
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(#26 (permalink))
JayT (Offline)
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04-05-2010, 10:54 PM

I agree with this. Nothing is more annoying than those youtube kids who whore out '^^', 'Sugoi ne!!' 'Kawaii!!'. Seriously, that get's so annoying.

[<--Nan's heart!]

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(#27 (permalink))
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04-06-2010, 03:00 AM

It is nothing special. Singaporeans mix English with Mandarin expressions. I mix English expressions into my Cantonese. big deal it is common. When foreigners of Japanese use Japanese expressions, it does not mean anything. Sometimes I use Cantonese expression in an English speaking environment. Sometimes I use English expression. Sometimes I use the French expression and Japanese expression

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(#28 (permalink))
JayT (Offline)
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04-06-2010, 06:49 AM

Originally Posted by SenseofTouch View Post
It is nothing special. Singaporeans mix English with Mandarin expressions. I mix English expressions into my Cantonese. big deal it is common. When foreigners of Japanese use Japanese expressions, it does not mean anything. Sometimes I use Cantonese expression in an English speaking environment. Sometimes I use English expression. Sometimes I use the French expression and Japanese expression
Uh no it's not the same. Using one or two words over and over to try and imitate a Japanese person is lame.

[<--Nan's heart!]

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(#29 (permalink))
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JasonTakeshi (Offline)
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04-06-2010, 07:05 AM

Originally Posted by robhol View Post
A successful troll is no longer successful if he actually raises a valid point. Desu.

I'll freely admit there is a tad more hating active in this thread than is, strictly speaking, necessary, but I can't pretend I don't find constant abuse of nihongo in the middle of any sentence a little bit annoying. Desu.

That being said, it's not really something I lose any sleep over, and I'd really suggest that TS find something better to be annoyed over. Desu.

(Note: all desus included for point clarification. Desu.)
There are no valid points on the internets.

You lack rule 50. Desu.

Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like.
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(#30 (permalink))
Liongale (Offline)
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04-06-2010, 04:23 PM

Is there the same hostile negativity if someone from another country fills their sentences with English/American words because it sounds cool to them? (Which they do.)
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