Originally Posted by berrypie
I totally agree. Why should I pay more for hamster food! (My friend and I call veggies as "hamster food" 'cause I share my salad with my hamster. Of course, no dressing) Frankly speaking, you won't go to Mcdonald for just a salad or apple slices. The only reason I go to Mcdonald and eat is when I want some fries.
Then again, it doesn't really matter if he needs to be retired or not, I think time will fade Ronald out  Or someday he will have a new renovation......
I have never had a Mcdonald's salad, hect I hardly even go to the place period, but I would imagine the ingredients are in fact fresher, which usually means more expensive, and since their other stuff is processed mass produced garbage, they can sell it on the cheap. Or it could be the fact that people, generally, are willing to pay a premium for healthy options that they do not have make themselves. Just speculation though.