Originally Posted by DanielSheen
Swinging is just another fancy term for cheating, which is a fancy term for pile of shit.
Although I don't agree with swinging either, I'm sure there's many 'legitimate' reasons why it could be considered an 'acceptable' activity. In a few cultures polygamous relationships are considered the norm, and I'm sure in some religions such as with Mormons it's encouraged for a man to take multiple wives. There's probably biological explanations too, such as how we're programmed to 'spread our wild oats' kind of thing, but I failed biology and psychology so I'm not qualified to give those kinds of theories.
All in all although I'm sure you're very much against it, and many people probably wouldn't be inclined to it, I wouldn't say it's a 'pile of poop'. After all it's an activity between consenting adults who have no objections to what is going on, and evidently see it as okay. I'd actually be very interested to hear a swinger's opinion on the matter.