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06-09-2010, 05:04 AM
2. Soy milk? Condensed milk? Soy condensed milk?
![]() 5. Not as much fishing is done because of warm water temperatures, fishies like colder water, it's harder to preserve fishies in heat, can't grow rice in the summer, it's when rice is planted, not harvested 6. Taiyaki, marashi dango, shaved ice, ice cream, orange popsicles 7. green or yellow . . . 8. I'll assume this is a trick question and say 2nd 10: A daisy? Green tea? Sun flower? Strawberry? 11. So your brains don't rot? So you don't spend the whole time watching anime or reading manga? In respect towards teachers? 12: Kick the can! cicada/beetle catching! 14: Secaidas and beetles, ormaybe butterflies for girls! Sorry I gave so many answers to alot of these, I am sad to admit most of my knowledge of Japanese culture comes from anime, though my sensei has taught me alot too . . . I have no Friends- The cats have scratched and destroyed all of the DVDs! I always owe someone- In fact I put two os in it! I always ruin my clothes with Bleach!- The show is so dom suspensful I spill my grape soda on them! But . . .I'll live. ![]() |
06-09-2010, 06:10 AM
やっと出ました!組長からの seasonal pop quiz!Guess more people will take this quiz as it's posted in here
![]() わたしも参加します!大好きな組長を応援するのために ~ ![]() Food: 1. In Japan, we often eat cold meals in the summer. What is the name of the noodle dish in this pic? 冷や麦 hiyamugi (Japanese cold noodle) 2. Shaved ice is immensely popular here. What kind of milk is used to make flavors like "Strawberry Milk" in shaved ice? I guess it's condensed milk? 日本語では「練乳」だったっけ? 3. What kind of tea is most commonly consumed in Japanese homes in the summer that is almost always served ice cold? 麦茶です!(Japanese barley tea) 4. What do many Japanese eat on Doyo No Ushi No Hi and why? I don't know what Doyo No Ushi no Hi is but I know Japanese eat うなぎ丼 in summer. (grilled eel) 5. Why is summer generally regarded as the worst season among sushi lovers in Japan? Sushi -> Fish -> Fishing... I guess there is "fishing suspension" in Japan? Or is it because summer is the typhoon season in Japan? 6. Name a few popular summer festival food items. たこ焼!リンゴ飴!綿菓子!焼きそば! 7. Besides red, what is the color of the inside of water melons that you may encounter in Japan? Yellow? I saw it once in an asian supermarket here. I also heard there's "square-shaped" watermelons in Japan. Language: 8. When a Japanese-speaker names the four seasons in a row for any purpose, what place does "summer" come in out of the four? 2nd. 9. What's your favorite summer-related word in Japanese? 「七夕」です。そして「ゆかた」です!いつか着てみた いです。 Miscellaneous: 10. What is the plant that many Japanese elementary schools require you to grow and keep a log of its growth at home as part of your summer recess assignments? I don't know... is it green bean or soy bean? I did the same thing too when I was a child, and the plant we grew was green bean 11. What is the biggest reason that Japanese schools give you homework for the summer recess? Unlike Europe and America, September is not the beginning of the school year in Japan - instead another semester starts after summer recess. Therefore teachers give students some assignments or homework to do so that they won't forget what they have learned before summer. 12. Name a highly popular summer festival game. Goldfish scooping! 試したいなぁ~でも金魚はかわいそうですね。 13. Does Japan practice Day Light Saving Time? Why/Why not? Nope. I guess it's because Japan is too "long" (crossing from about 40°N to 30°N) 14. What are the two kinds of insect that Japanese kids (mostly boys) would like to catch in nature but often fail and end up buying in stores? Something like hercules beetle or rhinoceros beetle? or cicada? |
06-14-2010, 02:36 AM
Many thanks to those who have participated so far. I will wait for a few more people to try and answer some of the questions.
It took me quite some time to compile this quiz, so I would appreciate just a little more active participation if that is all possible. |
06-14-2010, 03:04 AM
1. In Japan, we often eat cold meals in the summer. What is the name of the noodle dish in this pic?
Soba noodles 2. Shaved ice is immensely popular here. What kind of milk is used to make flavors like "Strawberry Milk" in shaved ice? powder milk? 3. What kind of tea is most commonly consumed in Japanese homes in the summer that is almost always served ice cold? green tea 4. What do many Japanese eat on Doyo No Ushi No Hi and why? 5. Why is summer generally regarded as the worst season among sushi lovers in Japan? 6. Name a few popular summer festival food items. dango,takayaki,udon,shaveice,ice cream 7. Besides red, what is the color of the inside of water melons that you may encounter in Japan? black for the seeds Language: 8. When a Japanese-speaker names the four seasons in a row for any purpose, what place does "summer" come in out of the four? first 9. What's your favorite summer-related word in Japanese? Miscellaneous: 10. What is the plant that many Japanese elementary schools require you to grow and keep a log of its growth at home as part of your summer recess assignments? 11. What is the biggest reason that Japanese schools give you homework for the summer recess? To prepare for the next year 12. Name a highly popular summer festival game. the fish one. where you have to catch a fish with a paper net[/color] 13. Does Japan practice Day Light Saving Time? Why/Why not? No because they all share the same time zone. (the cities in japan) 14. What are the two kinds of insect that Japanese kids (mostly boys) would like to catch in nature but often fail and end up buying in stores? secada and fireflies |
06-14-2010, 09:46 PM
3. What kind of tea is most commonly consumed in Japanese homes in the summer that is almost always served ice cold? 麦茶ですか? 4. What do many Japanese eat on Doyo No Ushi No Hi and why? うなぎですか。 日の蒸しさを乗り越えるためです。 (正当の言葉を忘れてしまいました!) 6. Name a few popular summer festival food items. イチゴじゃありません! ![]() 7. Besides red, what is the color of the inside of water melons that you may encounter in Japan? 黄色ですか? Language: 8. When a Japanese-speaker names the four seasons in a row for any purpose, what place does "summer" come in out of the four? 第二番目ですか? 10. What is the plant that many Japanese elementary schools require you to grow and keep a log of its growth at home as part of your summer recess assignments? 健康診断のときのために? :P 11. What is the biggest reason that Japanese schools give you homework for the summer recess? 新しい学期が始まりますが、新しい学年じゃありません 。 そこで、できるだけ勉強すればいいです。 13. Does Japan practice Day Light Saving Time? Why/Why not? いいえ、そうじゃありません。 |
06-15-2010, 07:41 AM
Please note: The answers highlighted in bold were questions that I asked my host mother for help with, but she can't speak English so I asked in Japanese.
Does this lower my score? 1. そうめん, right? Yummy! 2. Condensed? れんにゅう! 3. むぎ茶 - I only know this because untill this weekend we constantly had お茶 in the fridge. I currently have a cup full aside my keyboard. Yum! 4. うなぎ - Eels are full of vitamins which help you feel healthy through the long summer days. 5. The heat quickly causes fresh fish to become unedible. 6. かきごおり? 7. 赤 黄色 みどり 8. 2nd, Same as English. 9. 水着 ![]() 10. Tomato, おくら、 あさがお. 11. Because they can't work at school during the holidays so they work at home instead. 12. They would be しゃてき, きんきょすくい and わなげ but apparently theres lots more. 13. No. DST was created so farmers could make the most of their daylight, but since most farmers here farm rice which seems to tend to itself, there's no point...? 14. カブト虫 and くわがた haha. That was the hardest one to ask. ![]() |
06-15-2010, 09:16 AM
It's answer time! Thanks for your participation. Please check your own answers. If you feel that you have learned something new from the Pop Quiz, its purpose has been fulfilled.
Food: 1. In Japan, we often eat cold meals in the summer. What is the name of the noodle dish in this pic? ![]() Hiyamugi. Literally, "cold wheat". Someone answered "Soba" but soba noodles are dark in color and it isn't served in iced water like hiyamugi is. At least one person answered "soumen" but hiyamugi is considerably thicker than soumen. 冷麦(ひやむぎ)です。細めのスパゲティーくらいの太 さです。夏はこれです! 2. Shaved ice is immensely popular here. What kind of milk is used to make flavors like "Strawberry Milk" in shaved ice? Condensed milk. コンデンスミルクです。練乳(れんにゅう)とも言いま す。 3. What kind of tea is most commonly consumed in Japanese homes in the summer that is almost always served ice cold? Mugi-cha (barley tea). It's brown in color. 麦茶(むぎちゃ)です。茶色いお茶です。日本の夏には 欠かせません。 4. What do many Japanese eat on Doyo No Ushi No Hi and why? ![]() Barbequed fresh water eel. We eat it because it's highly nutritional and it helps us fight the summer heat and humidity. うなぎのかば焼きです。栄養豊富なので、夏バテ防止に もってこいなんです。 5. Why is summer generally regarded as the worst season among sushi lovers in Japan? Because many kinds of fish are skinniest and least tasty in the summer when the sea water temperature is highest. Winter is the best as fish eat a lot and don't move much, making the fish fat and sweet. 夏は海水の温度が高く、多くの種類の魚がやせていてあ まりおいしくないからです。冬は逆に魚がよく肥えてい るのでスシ愛好家には最適です。 6. Name a few popular summer festival food items. Takoyaki, yakisoba, okonomiyaki, cotton candy, shaved ice, etc. たこ焼き、やきそば、お好み焼き、綿菓子、かき氷など です。 7. Besides red, what is the color of the inside of water melons that you may encounter in Japan? ![]() Yellow. 黄色です。 Language: 8. When a Japanese-speaker names the four seasons in a row for any purpose, what place does "summer" come in out of the four? Second. Spring-summer-fall-winter. 二番目です。 9. What's your favorite summer-related word in Japanese? Mine are 花火, 生ビール、海、風鈴, etc. Miscellaneous: 10. What is the plant that many Japanese elementary schools require you to grow and keep a log of its growth at home as part of your summer recess assignments? ![]() The Morning Glory. あさがおです。 11. What is the biggest reason that Japanese schools give you homework for the summer recess? Because, unlike in many other countries, the Japanese school year starts in April. That means the summer break falls in the middle of the academic year. So, you get a truck-load of homework for the summer. 他の諸国と違い、日本では夏休みがひとつの学年の中間 に来るからです。欧米では夏休みが終わると新学年が始 まります。日本では新学年開始は4月なので、夏休みに 宿題が出ます。 12. Name a highly popular summer festival game. ![]() Gold fish Scooping. 金魚すくいです。 13. Does Japan practice Day Light Saving Time? Why/Why not? No. The government actually tried to introduce it many decades ago, but many people opposed it saying it's not in the Japanese mentality to move around the clock hands with human hands. So it didn't work in Japan. 日本にはありません。以前に政府が導入したのですが、 日本人の感性に合っていないとの国民からの反発が強く 廃止となりました。 14. What are the two kinds of insect that Japanese kids (mostly boys) would like to catch in nature but often fail and end up buying in stores? ![]() ![]() Beetle & Stag Beetle カブトムシとクワガタです。 |
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