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(#21 (permalink))
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12-19-2010, 08:57 AM

Originally Posted by evanny View Post
P.S ronin. going on a rampage again how "self aware" animals are so precious ? i love environmental nut jobs who have the balls and don't have brains to see how fuc**g hypocritical their views are when it comes to life we should protect and then what we shouldn't. typical white people win/win situation like always - gets to eat his burger and then mentally masturbate by feeling like a hero who does smth "noble".
I'm a vegetarian fucknuts.

And you might not agree with my argument.. but it's a consistent one which sets it apart from both the whalers, the Japanese government and governments opposed to whaling.

Last edited by Ronin4hire : 12-19-2010 at 09:00 AM.
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(#22 (permalink))
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12-19-2010, 09:04 AM

made my day. yet in the original topic you said that you do eat pig and beef. only after someone said that pigs are self aware you said something about maybe not eating them too often.

and sorry. in no way i believe you are a vegetarian (still..it's not vegan so you eat fish and eggs,m? KILLER! ). i am still going with white boy who mentally masturbates with his twisted views when he gets into discussions like these about "right and wrong"

and yes. whatever views they are - they at least are consistent. ill give you that.
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(#23 (permalink))
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12-19-2010, 09:12 AM

Originally Posted by evanny View Post
made my day. yet in the original topic you said that you do eat pig and beef. only after someone said that pigs are self aware you said something about maybe not eating them too often.

and sorry. in no way i believe you are a vegetarian (still..it's not vegan so you eat fish and eggs,m? KILLER! ). i am still going with white boy who mentally masturbates with his twisted views when he gets into discussions like these about "right and wrong"

and yes. whatever views they are - they at least are consistent. ill give you that.
I've became a vegetarian just over a year ago.

And I draw the line at sentience. You draw the line according to chromosomes (assuming you don't eat other humans that is).

Therefore I think my position is a lot more significant than yours.

And what's with this "white boy" thing? I'm pretty sure that being white.. I'm going to win a racial epithet match no matter what.

Not that I believe in such things.. but still. Don't start something that you can't win.
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(#24 (permalink))
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12-19-2010, 09:32 AM

The plant is a life-form.

Please permit poor English. orz
Cryptanalysis is necessary for you.
set a goal:English at the same level as Johan Cruyff

Last edited by siokan : 12-19-2010 at 09:39 AM.
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(#25 (permalink))
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12-19-2010, 10:09 AM

Originally Posted by siokan View Post
The plant is a life-form.
Either that was in response to me or you are just a random person.

If it was a response to me then you clearly haven't been paying attention.
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(#26 (permalink))
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12-19-2010, 10:38 AM

whit people* thing is just a stereotype but however there is large % of them. people who choose win/win situations. same people who use pink ribbons for "women breast cancer awareness" - result is that they feel good - they rise awareness but that awareness doesn't change anything. they feel good without doing anything that would actually take effort and benefit someone. not just those ribbons...also - save the whales - but make sure my chicken is deep fried...etc.

well you get the point.
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(#27 (permalink))
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12-19-2010, 11:53 AM

Originally Posted by evanny View Post
whit people* thing is just a stereotype but however there is large % of them. people who choose win/win situations. same people who use pink ribbons for "women breast cancer awareness" - result is that they feel good - they rise awareness but that awareness doesn't change anything. they feel good without doing anything that would actually take effort and benefit someone. not just those ribbons...also - save the whales - but make sure my chicken is deep fried...etc.

well you get the point.
I made a lifestyle choice that suits what I think is right. I'm not qualified to do anything more than that.

Just like I'm not qualified to come up with the cure for breast cancer.

I don't think you can even compare the two either. One is a moral standpoint which involves reason and discourse (which is what I was doing here) and the other is a terminal illness (unless you are pro-breast cancer or something)

PS- You're from Latvia. I really think you should stop with the stereotyping lol.

Last edited by Ronin4hire : 12-19-2010 at 11:58 AM.
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(#28 (permalink))
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12-19-2010, 12:22 PM

and? in my lifetime i have already visited some 13 countries. i have a pretty good insight of how people are.

you are getting off the track. my point is that most people are hypocrites or are out there just for self satisfaction.
life is sacred they say - don't kill dolphins while feel free to cook and eat everything else. i hate this kind of BS. either you don't harm anything or do as you please. viruses - we use medicine to kill them yet they are living organisms. mosquitoes, bugs and millions of others we kill.
so convenient when we get to chose who lives and who not, don't you think?

it is the always same..people make themselves feel good without actually doing anything - either those are the ribbons or eating and killing only those animals who are unworthy aka not so cute.

so. i eat all kinds of things, have killed all kinds of living things also. i know that and that is why i don't go out there telling other people what to do when i am no better.
you see people form India coming over and telling you don't eat cows? a? for them they are "magical" creatures - can't be harmed. yet some people now have the balls to say something about dolphins to Japanese when they ignore that 1 billion of people believe cows are special. i guess that doesn't count...why ? because this kind of total BS can only be made up by self indulgent white people!
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(#29 (permalink))
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12-19-2010, 12:41 PM

you are getting off the track. my point is that most people are hypocrites or are out there just for self satisfaction.
life is sacred they say - don't kill dolphins while feel free to cook and eat everything else. i hate this kind of BS. either you don't harm anything or do as you please. viruses - we use medicine to kill them yet they are living organisms. mosquitoes, bugs and millions of others we kill.
so convenient when we get to chose who lives and who not, don't you think?
I'm not getting off track. You're trying to pull me onto your track and I'm not going to get on.

It's not bullshit and I'll explain AGAIN really simply how it's not.

You draw a line at humans though right? Assuming that you do (I'd be surprised if you think that eating humans is OK) then all that means is that you draw the line based on the chromosomes of an organism.

I draw the line at sentience. Now I don't think you understand what sentience means so I am going to suggest you look it up because your paraphrasing of my argument was way off. Furthermore you alluded to cows in your example. Cows and chickens are not considered animals that are self aware but I still refuse to eat them because they are sentient enough to feel stress when they are factory farmed and slaughtered.

Oh.. and I've been to 22 countries in my lifetime. Lived in 4 of them and spent a good deal of time travelling in the rest. So if we're going to see who has the biggest dick regarding this then I win.

Last edited by Ronin4hire : 12-19-2010 at 12:45 PM.
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(#30 (permalink))
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12-19-2010, 12:57 PM

i understand the term.
however i do not agree with dividing life forms eat/save categories by simply implying that they become special once they are thought to be "self aware".

i can't get behind that argument. i believe everything that lives is the same aware or not aware. so if it is ok to eat one then go ahead and eat the other one. in some cases you can have problems with law but as for the moral decision - i am not going to judge anyone and i think no one should.
so. people enjoy your dolphin burgers with bacon and McNuggets while you can.

P.S and so what? you've been to more countries. that doesn't make my statement invalid.

P.P.S and still. you don't eat them since they are aware. at the same time they don't eat cows because of their special meaning. and yet they don't go to the usa and bitch about it because they are not pretentious in their views like white people are!
take their lead - live as you like but mind your own business!

Last edited by evanny : 12-19-2010 at 01:03 PM.
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