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(#41 (permalink))
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06-15-2010, 06:02 PM

I just don't want to believe this . . .I just can't see myself rekying on someone to pay my bills! I won't let that happen! That's why I do ym best in school. So i can work as something I like and support the family I help make later on . . .I prefer splitting over assigning "roles" or "she'll do this why he'll do that all of the time" It's more flexible and simpiler that way . . .

I'm sprry, I just can't help but cringe at depending on someone financially like that when I don't have to.

My Life Sucks- The kids I babysit have drooled, ripped or drawn on all of the cards and put the cars with the little people in the microwave!

I have no Friends- The cats have scratched and destroyed all of the DVDs!

I always owe someone- In fact I put two os in it!

I always ruin my clothes with Bleach!- The show is so dom suspensful I spill my grape soda on them!

But . . .I'll live.
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(#42 (permalink))
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06-15-2010, 07:15 PM

I am beginning to wonder if there is a serious generation gap when it comes to dating etiquette in the west from reading this.

Except from about 1980-95, I have been dating since 1968, and this is the one aspect that has never changed. Men have expected to pay for the expenses of the evening when they ask me out. Some would be highly offended otherwise; the implication being that they were unable to afford the expense.

The only exception to this is what I believe MMM meant by "casual" dating, such as when hanging out together as part of a group, or when doing something together other than what would be considered a date and then having a meal together on the spur of the moment. (i.e., helping shop for furniture or electronics, attending a class together)

Perhaps it is age making a difference in attitude. When I began dating it would have been a serious breach not to pick your date up at their house and introduce yourself to the family (at least parents), but today its more common to meet someplace mutually convenient. And likewise the older the gentlemen the more insistent I find them to be about covering all expenses. It even tends to present itself when with a group. I have come learn not to insist on paying my own bar tab when there is a man my age with us; especially if he is Asian. They not only think you are insulting their financial status, but consider it on a par with refusing a gift because you dislike them.

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Last edited by TalnSG : 06-15-2010 at 07:17 PM. Reason: grammatical correction
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(#43 (permalink))
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06-15-2010, 08:16 PM

Originally Posted by lilsgeru View Post
Thanks for all the replies! But actually i was wondering more about guys paying for platonic female friends, not their girlfriends...is that common at all in Japan?
Yes, I would say that wouldn't be uncommon. Especially if he was older than his friend.
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(#44 (permalink))
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06-15-2010, 11:11 PM

Originally Posted by SHAD0W View Post
We call this being "pussy whipped".
Pffffft, look who's talkin. Sarah's been whipping you since day one.

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(#45 (permalink))
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06-16-2010, 01:33 AM

I think that things need to really be split into clearer categories. Not every dinner with someone of the opposite sex is going to be the same in terms of "date-ness".

Friends, or coworkers just out eating together... I would see no problem with them splitting the bill. In fact, if the bill wasn`t split, I would expect the side that didn`t pay to pay in full next time.

"Casual" dating - as in not looking for a relationship / just getting to know each other... NOT looking for a one night stand.
I would expect the side that initiated the date to pay unless there is some agreement before to split it. If you ASK, then you should be able to afford it. If you can`t afford the date, then do not ask someone out on one.
I will NEVER forget the time a guy asked me out on a date, we went out to eat, and then he asked me to pay my part of the bill. That ended everything right there. I declined to go anywhere with him after that, and killed the relationship in the bud. If you`re so pathetic that you cannot afford to pay for a meeting you asked for - something is wrong.
Similar deal though with same-sex friends. I`ll also never forget the irritation of having a friend nearly drag me along with her to dinner so she could talk about something that was troubling her - eat tons (I had already eaten so didn`t order anything other than a drink and dessert)... And then expect me to split the bill 50/50 with her. I had virtually no money at the time, so it really irritated me. I was just dragged along so she could have dinner at half price.

If it`s clear from the start, then okay. But if you ask me to dinner and then expect me to pay for it... Umm.... No. I order differently if I know I`m the one paying - I usually keep the cost of my meal lower or at the same level as the other person`s. If I am paying for it myself, I will eat what I want as I won`t be costing someone else. Nothing sucks as bad as there being something that looks really good on the menu but costs way more than what they`re eating - so ordering something else... And then finding out in the end that they wanted to pay our own way.

For serious dating - as in more than just casually getting to know each other... The guy pays unless the girl has specifically asked him out and it is completely clear that she will be paying half or the full bill. Even then it is within the bounds of politeness for him to at least offer a few times to pay. When you both know each other`s financial situations really well and it isn`t an issue really as it is already a serious relationship then it no longer matters. The same with once you`re married - it no longer matters.
But in the beginning - I agree with MMM. Once the "date" changes from friends just going out to eat, to possibly something more... If the guy still wants to split the bill, it says that he does not want it to become "something more". Just as a guy suddenly offering to pay for my meal after we`ve split the bill a bunch of times would be a sign that he does want it to be something more, and suddenly wanting me to pay for my part would be a sign that it wasn`t working.

Casual sexual dating is a different world on it`s own, and I do agree that the guy paying for everything is pretty likely to be expecting something in return for his money. That world has it`s own rules and expectations.

In the end, if you`re taking out someone who takes advantage of you... You really only have your own tastes and poor judgement to blame.

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(#46 (permalink))
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06-16-2010, 05:07 AM

I agree with everything Nyororin is saying. This is how dating is, and in my experience isn't that different from the US and Japan.
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(#47 (permalink))
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06-16-2010, 01:01 PM

Originally Posted by TalnSG View Post
I am beginning to wonder if there is a serious generation gap when it comes to dating etiquette in the west from reading this.
I think you've hit the nail on the head. Most of the people going "Wha-? It's not a big deal" seem to be on the younger side. Also some of the die-hard camp for "No, men should pay" argument have spent considerable time in Japan. Slight bias there maybe?

In the UK, I think it's becoming more common for the girls to be paying the bill. I mean, it's still unusual, but it's not so readily baulked at as it once was, esp. amongst the London too-hot-to-trot set. And why not? The girls get a buzz off the role reversal, and it feels powerful and sexy to pay for dinner with a man. The guys get a chance to be treated for once and well; free dinner with a girl who's interested? Interested AND hopped up on a sexy ego boost? No wonder toy-boyism is on the rise.

Anyway, if a guy can only ask me out if he can afford it, well that kind of sucks. If he ~implies~ he's got it in the bag and then back-peddles at the last moment (a la Nyororin's example) that's one thing. My ex was broke, I had a honking great scholarship. We had a great dating relationship and yes, I footed much of the bill. It certainly wasn't a factor in why we broke up. And it kind of sticks a monetary value on the relationship before it even begins and that's a little sad. As the song goes, "Can't buy me love~"
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(#48 (permalink))
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06-16-2010, 01:20 PM

Originally Posted by Columbine View Post
I think you've hit the nail on the head. Most of the people going "Wha-? It's not a big deal" seem to be on the younger side. Also some of the die-hard camp for "No, men should pay" argument have spent considerable time in Japan. Slight bias there maybe?
Bias? Being as the original question was about how it`s done in Japan, I would think that they might want to hear from people who have dated (and seriously, not just looking for someone to hop into bed with) in Japan.

And it kind of sticks a monetary value on the relationship before it even begins and that's a little sad. As the song goes, "Can't buy me love~"
That`s true in a way, but I still think the asker should be the one who pays when it comes to a date. It isn`t about the money, it`s about being considerate and respecting the other person. Unfounded expectations are never a good thing, no matter what they are about. The expectation that the other person (who you`ve asked out on a date) will be able to afford the date is really not respecting them in my eyes. If they can and do end up paying - that is one thing... But you should never ask someone out when you cannot afford it. If it is something that is already agreed between the two of you, then there is no problem. In a steady relationship where you are both aware of and understanding of each other`s situation - it`s obviously not an issue.

There is nothing wrong with going out and splitting the bill - however, to me that says that I have not been "taken on a date" or "taken out to dinner" - just that we had dinner together. There is a difference in terms of what it means for a relationship.

I`m sure there is some level of generation gap involved, but I see it more as whether you are looking for a real long term relationship or not. If you`re just casually dating, like the youngest set on most likely is, then you`re going to think differently than someone who is actually looking for a potential life partner. I mean, I`m not THAT old - the next "generation" down from me is most certainly not looking for a partner if they`re even old enough to date. :P

If anyone is trying to find me… Tamyuun on Instagram is probably the easiest.

Last edited by Nyororin : 06-16-2010 at 01:24 PM.
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(#49 (permalink))
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06-16-2010, 02:36 PM

Originally Posted by GoNative View Post
I haven't actually dated for something like 14 years but back in the day it was certainly normal in Australia if going out for the first few times that the man would foot the bill. If things got a little more serious then normally you'd start splitting the bill or taking in turns paying. I did have one girlfriend who never offered to pay and about 3 months into the relationship I'd had enough and made it clear she'd have to start paying a little as well. She wan't happy with it but did start paying. Hell I was only a student and didn't have much spare cash!
My wife and I don't consider things in terms of yours or my money. It's just our money so it doesn't matter who pays. It's just a pain in the butt that you can't get joint bank accounts in this country!
I totally agree. It really doesn't have to be the guy who pays for everything, actually it doesn't really matter. I think it is old traditions that guys do all the paying, but it's a lot different now.

Last edited by caisaki : 06-16-2010 at 02:55 PM.
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(#50 (permalink))
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06-16-2010, 02:47 PM

Originally Posted by RobinMask View Post
I disagree slightly with this. It's quite normal for friends to treat one another (or here it is anyway). Often I'd treat my friends to a movie or a meal, and recently my friends treat me because our financial situations have reversed. I still treat them when I can, and they me. Even when money isn't an issue it's nice to just treat someone to something, not because they particularly need it, but because they're your friend and you want to do something nice for them.

I'm not sure whether this is normal in Japan or not, but personally I see nothing wrong with paying for the other person every now and again, regardless of their gender.
I suppose this is also true but more with me paying because none of my friends will get jobs. Since I will pay. Curse them they must be genius'.
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