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(#91 (permalink))
ARCFLASH (Offline)
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08-22-2010, 04:12 AM

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post

Moving on...

Well, like I said, I'd rather they didn't build it but I guess it's going to happen anyway so, *shrug.*
Um no you ignorant moron, 9/11 was an inside job whether your british twat faced ass likes it or not, how about you actually look at the proof instead of dismiss it like every other ignorant moron out there.
(#92 (permalink))
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08-22-2010, 04:14 AM

Originally Posted by Ronin4hire View Post
I dislike Islam as much as the next guy... but its no different than Christian churches.

They want to spread their religious ideology at all cost and establish their own brand of Christian law also (prop 8, teach creationism alongside natural selection and evolution etc.)
Guess what dumbass, America IS A CHRISTIAN NATION, IT WAS FOUNDED BY PROTESTANTS, so if you don't like it, get the fuck out. kthx.
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08-22-2010, 04:32 AM

Originally Posted by ARCFLASH View Post
Guess what dumbass, America IS A CHRISTIAN NATION, IT WAS FOUNDED BY PROTESTANTS, so if you don't like it, get the fuck out. kthx.
lol... read a history book.

It can be said that America is a "Christian nation" because the majority of Americans are Christian.

However the USA is not founded upon Christianity. Its founded on secular principles. Furthermore, many Americans AREN'T Christians so if YOU dont like it get the **** out.
(#94 (permalink))
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08-22-2010, 05:47 AM

Originally Posted by Ronin4hire View Post
lol... read a history book.

It can be said that America is a "Christian nation" because the majority of Americans are Christian.

However the USA is not founded upon Christianity. Its founded on secular principles. Furthermore, many Americans AREN'T Christians so if YOU dont like it get the **** out.
You're an idiot.

Quite frankly "idiot" is the perfect description for you.

Also you claim the majority of Americans are Christian, yet you also claim many are not Christian in America, so if I was American why would I leave America due to a supposed minority not being Christian? Defeated by your own logic, amusing.
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08-22-2010, 05:57 AM

Originally Posted by ARCFLASH View Post
You're an idiot.

Quite frankly "idiot" is the perfect description for you.

Also you claim the majority of Americans are Christian, yet you also claim many are not Christian in America, so if I was American why would I leave America due to a supposed minority not being Christian? Defeated by your own logic, amusing.
Oh brother.

You are a Christian living under SECULAR laws and a SECULAR constitution.

If you as a Christian do not like living under SECULARISM then I suggest you should leave for Northern Ireland maybe and fight for the protestant homeland you so desire.
(#96 (permalink))
Ryzorian (Offline)
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08-22-2010, 05:38 PM

Actually yes, it was founded on christian princeable, a steadfast belief in God. The founding fathers were adament in keeping that aspect. They even warned that the American form of government would collapse and fail if it ever became an unchristian nation. To fully understand what it was that these men were trying to put together, I would suggest the Federalist papers to start. There is much more but we can stay with the basics for now.

The American legal system is not "secular" in the sense that it's with out God. law is God based, again check the Federalist papers or even many of the opions from the Judges of the time. You have to base law on a higher authority than man or you have no foundation.

How can one man judge another? who's authority would you use? cause you said so?..Cause your King? Your army is stronger? That's not "law" that's bully legality. Really, that's no better than apes.

9'11 wasn't an inside job, your flat wrong on that. They were aircraft flown into buildings. Planes taken over by Jihadi's with a vendetta. That's simply the way things happened. I strongly suggest the documentary made by a couple of brothers who were filming about a fire department and actually witness the whole thing first hand. You see the planes fly into the buildings, your inside the building when it collapeses..it was the only camera to be there on the inside. It's called 9/11 by Jules and Gedeon Naudet.

As to Islam, yes, it seeks to take over the world under one Claiphet, that's it's ultimate objective and they will use to force to get there. That would mean everyone lives under shira law, you can pretty much throw the constitution out the window if that happens, cause it won't exist.

It's all in the Koran,( a pretty scary read) wich is basically a play by play on how they are suppose to conduct operations, both within the muslim community and on the infidel.
The infidel ( wich would be everyone non muslim) either converts or they are killed, no negotians, no liveing with peace and tolerance. In fact, muslims can't sign any peace deal or deal of any kind with a non muslim that lasts for more than 10 years. They break it after that, many times before, if they can.
(#97 (permalink))
cranks (Offline)
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08-22-2010, 05:58 PM

Well, Islam and Christianity aren't that different to me (sorry, but I'm Zen and you can't tell 禅 from 日蓮宗 ether).

Ryzorian, you sound exactly the same as some Muslim fundamentalists who think their country should be ruled by God's law, which ironically proves their point that US wants to conquer Islamic countries and force feed its Christian values.

I like a country that is more lenient to different cultures and values. And I believe most people in the world think the same way. I don't like people who think they are doing God's deed and therefore they are always absolutely right. In what God they believe is irrelevant to me. And in that sense, I think this is a perfect opportunity to show the world how the US holds with the idea of diversity and freedom.

Last edited by cranks : 08-22-2010 at 07:19 PM.
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08-22-2010, 06:10 PM

Originally Posted by Ryzorian View Post
As to Islam, yes, it seeks to take over the world under one Claiphet, that's it's ultimate objective and they will use to force to get there. That would mean everyone lives under shira law, you can pretty much throw the constitution out the window if that happens, cause it won't exist.

It's all in the Koran,( a pretty scary read) wich is basically a play by play on how they are suppose to conduct operations, both within the muslim community and on the infidel.
The infidel ( wich would be everyone non muslim) either converts or they are killed, no negotians, no liveing with peace and tolerance. In fact, muslims can't sign any peace deal or deal of any kind with a non muslim that lasts for more than 10 years. They break it after that, many times before, if they can.
What? I never heard about that objective.. where did you heard or read about it? What is your resources?? Do you think every Muslim countries live according to the Sharia Laws? Do you even know about Sharia Laws anyway?? I think in your mind, Sharia Laws is all about stone-throwing to adulterers and stuff..

Do you even read the Quran? Or you read some books that put some incomplete verses from the Quran and start to infer according to the writers mind.. If the Quran was so scary to read, how come there are more than 1 billion people embracing it? What are your logic/reasons regarding the peace deal? Are you trying to talk about the case of Palestine/Israel issue?? Come on, search more, listen to both stories before making any judgment..


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(#99 (permalink))
komitsuki (Offline)
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08-22-2010, 06:30 PM

Originally Posted by Ryzorian View Post
As to Islam, yes, it seeks to take over the world under one Claiphet, that's it's ultimate objective and they will use to force to get there. That would mean everyone lives under shira law, you can pretty much throw the constitution out the window if that happens, cause it won't exist.

It's all in the Koran,( a pretty scary read) wich is basically a play by play on how they are suppose to conduct operations, both within the muslim community and on the infidel.
The infidel ( wich would be everyone non muslim) either converts or they are killed, no negotians, no liveing with peace and tolerance. In fact, muslims can't sign any peace deal or deal of any kind with a non muslim that lasts for more than 10 years. They break it after that, many times before, if they can.
What is scarier than the Quran is the Hadith. Majority of the Quran was influenced from the Old Testament traditions that even Christians can handle. What is scarier than Islam in the American point of view is the Dispensationalism being influential in American foreign policies.

It's good to be in a "half-Christian" Korean family plus an uncle who converted to Islam. I can see the both sides. You know what's funnier? Koreans have a rather positive opinion on Islam because of the American evangelical traditions.

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(#100 (permalink))
Ryzorian (Offline)
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08-23-2010, 02:38 AM

I had a much longer answer but MissMisa was correct, we were getting off track.

This is about planting the flag. When Ohio State Beats Michigan..they plant the Buckeye flag on the big M in Michgan stadium. It's sigifigance is simple...we beat you, now take this finger in your eye. The Mosque at ground zero is on the same princeable.
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