09-08-2010, 05:10 PM
http://d.hatena.ne.jp/lovelovedog/20080218/beihei You can still make an argument on the exact rate, but one thing for sure is that the average of American military personnel is not that much worse than the average of Japanese people in Okinawa even in the worst case scenario. Many rape cases by 自衛官 are happening everywhere too. Including in 沖縄. 自衛官 強姦 の - Google Search A military force needs to keep its autonomy, otherwise it can't do its job. 自衛隊 holds the same kind of autonomy when it goes abroad. That Japan does its own defense is nice. But it NEEDS to BE ABLE to do it. With the US withdrawing, China is already coming. http://www.jiji.com/jc/zc?k=201009/2...15&rel=j&g=soc Unlike many people believe, the attack wouldn't start with bombing of Okinawa. It will start as "fishing boats" coming into the area, and they'll send some "guards" to protect these "fishing boats" in what they claim is their territory. China is doing it in Indonesia too. インドネシア領ナトゥナ諸島 ラウト島 - Google Search China is also taking full control of 南沙諸島 with pretty much the same tactics after the US military withdrew from Philippine. http://www.recordchina.co.jp/group.php?groupid=38700 The issue is not the US not wanting to withdraw from Okinawa. It's doing it. It's Japanese absurd military policy that is making the area unstable. Japan doesn't need to physically increase its military force, but it needs to be able to actually use it, and that has nothing to do with the US. Actually, the US WANTS Japan to take on more military responsibilities. I believe the problem lies mainly in Japanese politics. |
09-08-2010, 05:27 PM
You have found that crime rates by soldiers stationed in Okinawa is lower than other parts in the world. Why is that fishy? Every time a crime is committed by an Okinawan soldier the base goes into lockdown. I remember a very public case about 15 years ago, and the local bars complaining that when the base goes into lockdown it really hurts local businesses, like bars, restaurants and other stores the soldiers would frequent. You are not addressing my answers to your questions. You stated there was an accusation of attempted rape by a soldier in Okinawa in recent weeks (a tenuous statement at best... "Hey young lady, can I buy you a drink" can be construed as an attempted rape these days)... but I know of cases were ALTs (foreign English teachers) have been sent home for sexual assault. Therefore should all ALTs be kicked out of Japan? |
09-08-2010, 05:59 PM
統計(警察庁) 2009 number of crimes 1.Chinese 12572 2.Brazilian 4013 3.Korean 2588 4.Vietnam 1714 5.Filipino 1503 6.Columbia 723 7.Peruvian 674 8.Thai 484 9.Sri Lankan 353 10.Taiwanese 294 Others.2918 The United States was defeated. out of radar range Cryptanalysis is necessary for you. set a goal:English at the same level as Johan Cruyff |
sorta not -
09-09-2010, 12:22 AM
The EU is not a good example for SE Asia unless you have'nt followed what has happened to Greece earlier this year.
Why European Countries Are Like American Banks by Andy Kessler With Grecian urns, Irish eyes, Spanish flies, and Portuguese waterdogs all up to their eyeballs in debt, it’s only a matter of time before the whole venture implodes. Even after an almost trillion dollar bailout across Europe, Moody's Investors Service last week downgraded Greece's debt from A3 to Ba1--junk bonds. You can bail out Wall Street banks and recapitalize their balance sheets and someday they can start lending again (we’re still waiting). On the other hand, you can’t really bail out a country without massive structural changes, cuts in entitlements, huge reduction in government as a percent of GDP, and a rewriting of the social contract between government and workers. And NATO if you have'nt noticed is stuck in Afghanistan . |
09-09-2010, 04:58 AM
United States Forces Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Quote:
1995 Okinawa rape incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and here is the latest rape about 20 days ago: Marine indicted on sexual assault and trespassing charges on Okinawa - Okinawa - Stripes Last point. I'm in California(living here 20 years) and I don't know were the rest of you is at. But, the people in Okinawa or more precisely, the people that are coming into contact with the U.S,. forces are the backbones of this "get the U.S. bases out" movement. the people making a lot of money off the soldiers want them there of course, outside of the profiteers, if things are so rosy, why are the people living next to this bases the core of the voices that want U.S. bases gone? Data is not always reliable depending on the source, like "where are the WMDs??" but the opinion of a community usually was some reason for it. If enough ALTs cause problems, there should be restrictions on visa, say interviews and questions to find out the type of person who wants this visa to Japan. The ones that do cause crimes should be dealt with as the law provides. |
09-09-2010, 06:22 AM
NATO in Afghanistan is bullshit. The Americans really had no right to activate the alliance considering the Taliban were offering up Osama bin laden immediately after 911. All a SE Asian alliance need do is make their mission more focused. |
09-09-2010, 02:04 PM
I've heard of cases where Japanese men have raped Japanese children, and in the last year there have been plenty of cases of Japanese murdering other Japanese. I guess the only way to solve this problem is to remove all the Japanese from Japan...
sorta stuck -
09-09-2010, 02:20 PM
US bases are in Germany and Japan, Italy since the end of WW2 because these countries did'nt just lose the war? They unilaterally (pre-emptively) started a world war by attacking their neighbors. - quite a bit of a difference than just one side 'losing a war'.
Nato has been in Afghaniston since Dec 2001 Council on Foreign Relations Analysis Brief NATO in Afghanistan February 19, 2009 Greg Bruno After seven years of urging coalition countries to beef up troop commitments in Afghanistan, Washington appears to have concluded the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) cannot be relied upon to provide the "hard power" needed to counter Taliban gains. "When the United States asks for a serious partner, it doesn't just want advice, it wants, and deserves, someone to share the heavy lifting," Scheffer told the annual NATO international security conference in Munich. Ever since the toppling of the Taliban in 2001, the Afghan fight has been seen as a test case for the sixty-year-old NATO alliance. Few would argue NATO's International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan has passed the test. American troops joke that ISAF stands for "I Saw Americans Fight" (USNews). |
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