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09-07-2010, 06:00 PM
You write as if Japan and the US aren't quite allies and they have different interests and different enemies.
If I understand correctly, the majority of Japanese are happy having the US taking care of Japan's military defense. Your argument about self-regulation and sexual assault around military bases in Japan vs. Korea doesn't ring true, as US soldiers have been accused of theft, and rape in Korea as well as Japan. That being the case, there are bad apples in any group of people. ALTs on the JET Program have also been accused of terrible crimes. Does that mean the JET Program should be cancelled and all foreign teachers in Japan should be expelled? Or does the benefit outweigh the cost? That's blaming the majority for what a handful of bad apples do. |
sorta not -
09-07-2010, 07:09 PM
dude, several other industrialized nations have US bases located in their countries. Some since end of WW2 1945,. Germany and Italy for example have US forces forces stationed in their respective countries for the simple reason Germany and Japan, Italy unilaterally started a 2nd World War and lost.
US forces do not operate autonomously in Japan but under A Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) is an agreement between a host country and a foreign nation stationing forces in that country. SOFAs are often included, along with other types of military agreements, as part of a comprehensive security arrangement. While the United States military has the largest foreign presence and therefore accounts for most SOFAs, the United Kingdom, France, Australia, Germany, Italy, Russia, South Korea, and many other nations also station troops abroad and negotiate SOFAs with their host countries. In order for Japan to re-arm itself - it would have to trash it's consitution and and remove the current US forces. All the while setting off a arms race throughout Asia. Japan has the 3rd largest economy on the planet with a spending defense budget that ranks fifth largest on the planet. FYI the US spends more on defense than 2nd,3rd,4th and 5th militay powers on the planet combined and then some. Good luck with your fantasy removal of US forces. |
09-07-2010, 09:56 PM
Japan has military... It's only Japanese people who say it doesn't. 自衛隊 is not 軍隊 is a word play which only makes sense with Kanji. |
09-08-2010, 12:32 AM
True, but it's not the same. Germany has a huge military - they don't need U.S. protection. those base are still there to serve U.S. needs as jump points so U.S. can project its power. The bases in Germany as well as others are only there because countries lost the war.
[quote/] The US actually even have the control of South Korean military.(戦時作戦統制権) Korean can't even control their own military force if they go into a war. Korean guys are usually very nationalistic, so I would take their word with a grain of salt. I doubt there was no rape case in Korea. I would also like to point out that American military personnel's crime rate is lower than Japanese civilians' average in Okinawa. [\quote] Maybe Koreans are bios but I'm leaving that there. I've heard of korean protest against U.S. in there country but that was 15~20 years ago. Bad comparisons. small number of U.S. solders Vs total Okinawan population. By the way, did you know up until 30 years ago a lot of this was note being recorded or cases were found innocent by military courts. One case changed all that, three black solders raping a 15 year old and dumping her for dead in the fields. The military courts tried the three and found them innocent. this time it wasn't only Japanese TV that was watching, but U.S. TV was carrying the news and following the story. The truth wouldn't even be out if it wasn't for this case. This alone is reason enough to take over the bases. [quote/] Under 米軍再編 that is going on right now, America is returning 4 or 5 bases to Japan. For free.[/quote] Good. I bet they keep at least one as a jump point, forever. [quote/] Yes, China would be happy for sure. How will we defend Senkaku and Okinawa? What do we do about 33 Chinese nuclear missiles that are pointed at all major Japanese cities?[/quote] this is were politics comes to play. Let China know that we are removing the U.S. for more stability in the region. But start anything remotely aggressive and see how fast the U.S. will jump at the chance to keep close eyes on China. "I would pass made in China when it comes to weapons." Me too. "Somewhat agree. Export of weapons may be crucial to military autonomy." And help tech all around. "Honestly, I don't find any country in the area I want to side with than the US. Yes, America is not perfect, but most anybody else is a lot worse." Asia will be the next economic giant if we work together on it. [quote/] Japan has military... It's only Japanese people who say it doesn't. 自衛隊 is not 軍隊 is a word play which only makes sense with Kanji.[/quote] I've spoken to white solders station in Japan about this( closing the bases). They felt the Japanese forces are too weak without the bases to fall back on. I believe them. But, we can turn the SDF into a force capable of repelling as well as discouraging attacks. |
09-08-2010, 01:48 AM
Not sure if cranks assertion is correct but the difference in populations of soldiers versus Okinawans doesn't influence the rates, it affects the total number. |
09-08-2010, 01:50 AM
09-08-2010, 12:32 PM
If I remember correctly, they have a similar military expeniditure to Japan. And the bases are not there just because they lost the war. There was a period after the World War 2 which ended in 1991. It was called the Cold War. Its the same reason the bases in Japan stayed. The bases are still there because the countries involved in the Cold War are still competing for influence. Anyway... I would like to see the Americans leave Japan too. But I think it can only happen under a stronger Asia. The South East Asian region needs to come together to become like the EU, and forge an alliance as potent as NATO, if it wants to be free of Chinese AND American influence. This would hopefully include Japan, Korea, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand. Unfortunately this sort of community is a long way off. |
09-08-2010, 01:34 PM
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