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(#21 (permalink))
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JasonTakeshi (Offline)
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11-11-2010, 01:51 AM

(reading my previous* posts @ other threads..)

Nope. Just being negative, hipocrite and sarcastic. The usual me.

Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like.
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(#22 (permalink))
cranks (Offline)
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11-11-2010, 03:19 AM

Haters? You must be joking. I found both of you were rather fond of Japan. But you guy's do a lot of dude talks which is fine with me, but may be offensive to some people. And the period and stuff? Dude that's not cool you know that. We have different kinds of people from Japanese teenage girls to a British lady who is in her 70's.

When Nyororin talks, I often find there is nothing else I can add. She does understand Japanese culture very well and she speaks better English than I (duh), so there isn't much I can contribute.

GoNative is more pragmatic. You probably understand many pragmatic points about Japan. But I don't think you are THAT interested in the Japanese culture itself. Not as much as Nyyororin anyways. WingsToDiscovery seems to be in a culture shock right now.

Calling Japanese food "gross" is fine. I KNOW many English speaking people think that way and it's typical. You know what though? I'll be completely honest with you. Many Japanese people will think you are kind of culturally lower than them. They'll think you are immature, but they just won't say it in your face because that's just rude and they know you are from a different culture so they'll give you a break. Culinary art is really "art" in Japan, and you are rather barbaric in the light of Japanese culture at least when food is concerned.

There are many points I like about the culture among the English speaking countries though. I think English speaking people put up more mature, constructive arguments in general compared to Japanese people who often avoid an argument altogether.

Last edited by cranks : 11-11-2010 at 03:26 AM.
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(#23 (permalink))
GoNative (Offline)
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11-11-2010, 04:01 AM

I do realise that where I live is rather unique in Japan and that I don't really experience Japan in the same way many do who say have lived in the big cities like Tokyo or Osaka. I mostly interact with other foreigners and with Japanese people who have spent varying amounts of time living overseas and generally speak good to excellent english. In the company I work at for instance we have 4 Australians (one who is a Chinese Australian and speaks english and Chinese) , 2 New Zealanders (one who is Taiwanese decent who speaks english, Japanese and Chinese), 2 Frenchman (one who speaks Japanase, English and Chinese as well) and 4 Japanese (3 of whom have spent tiime overseas and speak excellent English). The ski village itself has people working here from all over the world. The one thing most of us have in common though is a love of snow sports. Regardless of where we are from we all come together on that!
All this has meant I have mostly been able to continue living a fairly western lifestyle within a Japanese setting rather than living a Japanese lifestyle as a westener. It's a little bit like say a Chinatown in a major western city. This multicultural sort of environment is something I really enjoy and am used to from where I grew up.
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(#24 (permalink))
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11-11-2010, 11:07 AM

The question is rhetorical. If anyone were to give either answer, that's nonsense. If you love everything, you're not living on earth, because everything contradicts everything in a relative way. If you're a hater, you wouldn't even wanna live, anymore; for what is your purpose, then?

And about discussions on Japan or any other issues, I believe I've said it before, but I'll say it again, anyway. Stick to facts and logical calculations, when addressing the masses, who aren't your personal penpal. No matter how you relay that information, facts are empirical and can't be subjective. People argue a lot because they're often short on facts, therefore there is always an element of conjecture. If people argue over philosophy, being "short on facts" can't be helped. But I think a lot of inquiries here don't require open-ended answers, but simple yes or no answers, with some advice provided. To be frank, I've seen how some people responding to these questions can be verbose and totally derail into something opinionated, in their first response without even bothering to touch the question. I just find it weird.

There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.

Last edited by CoolNard : 11-11-2010 at 11:11 AM.
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(#25 (permalink))
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11-13-2010, 12:51 AM

Love and hate what you want, those who judge are not wort the concern.

My Life Sucks- The kids I babysit have drooled, ripped or drawn on all of the cards and put the cars with the little people in the microwave!

I have no Friends- The cats have scratched and destroyed all of the DVDs!

I always owe someone- In fact I put two os in it!

I always ruin my clothes with Bleach!- The show is so dom suspensful I spill my grape soda on them!

But . . .I'll live.
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(#26 (permalink))
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11-13-2010, 02:38 PM

I've frequented these forums heavily over the last years, and although I might not post at times, I would always read.

When it comes to fanatics, Japanforum is in a much better state than it used to be roughly a year or so ago. It was almost chaotic back then. It seems to have calmed down to a point now, and is a pleasant place to discuss.

However, I have noticed that GoNative and Wings are in a sort of disagreement with most other people over Japan.

Go/Wings. I understand that you both live in Japan, and you have your own opinions. I understand that ofcourse, you can't love everything about the country you are living in. That is natural. Yet, I think what you two are missing here is the fact that your opinions (as legit as they might be) will not always be correct.

Let me just say it as I've seen it. You've said something negative about Japan. Someone defends Japan against you. An argument ensues. That person claims that you are a hater of Japan. And you claim that person is a fanatic of Japan. Both sides of that argument are incorrect. As much as you are entitled to have a negative comment about Japan, another person has as much right to have a positive view of the same subject.

Unfortunately, I don't have as much experience as many people on these forums when it comes to living in Japan. Yet, I've travelled to Japan multiple times now, and have travelled around it too.

Yet, something I've noticed, is that the majority of arguments that spawn over this, isn't actually about Japan. It's more about the culture clash you may be experiencing, and finding hard to come to grips with. And because of this, arguments spawn.

That said, I don't actually find the need for this thread. I don't know what it was meant to accomplish, since it seems to be a thread that consists of subtly pointing fingers towards people, and making claims that are the result of arguments that were taken too personally.

A debate is a debate. Don't make it personal, and we wouldn't have these problems.
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(#27 (permalink))
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11-20-2010, 11:44 PM

Originally Posted by Salvanas View Post
A debate is a debate. Don't make it personal, and we wouldn't have these problems.
I agree with your entire post but wanted to re-iterate what you're saying at the end. It's the dxmn emotions that always get the better of us!

John Braden said: "I don't like labeling people-it's not wise."

I've only seen a few of your posts but enjoy reading them and the labeling of people seems to be a serious issue here. There are elitists here that feel they have more of a right to enjoy a specific culture than others and will list reasons why they feel they are justified. TO THEM: If you think someone who likes Japan is a "weeaboo" then live with it, kind of chuckle to yourself, get OVER yourself, and move on. They enjoy something that is not harmful to anyone.

MMM said: "Very few debates that happen on JF are over facts. They are over experiences and opinions."

Nicely said in a non-emotional and non-provoking way.

There are racists everywhere...to say you have friends who laugh at certain other people means absolutely nothing. We ALL have seen or known friends and/or acquaintances that make fun of, or laugh at, various groups of people.

Maybe you need to find better friends who aren't so inclined to judge.

Remember: How you treat the 1 shows how you regard the 99. In the end we are ALL a "one". If someone laughs at a person because they are poor, "ugly", "stupid", or an "outsider" if things change in your life you could find yourself in that poor, "ugly", "stupid" or "outsider" person's shoes being judged by the "friends" you thought you had.

Life is a marathon; not a 40 yard dash.

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(#28 (permalink))
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11-21-2010, 02:16 AM

Originally Posted by CoolNard View Post
The question is rhetorical. If anyone were to give either answer, that's nonsense. If you love everything, you're not living on earth, because everything contradicts everything in a relative way. If you're a hater, you wouldn't even wanna live, anymore; for what is your purpose, then?

And about discussions on Japan or any other issues, I believe I've said it before, but I'll say it again, anyway. Stick to facts and logical calculations, when addressing the masses, who aren't your personal penpal. No matter how you relay that information, facts are empirical and can't be subjective. People argue a lot because they're often short on facts, therefore there is always an element of conjecture. If people argue over philosophy, being "short on facts" can't be helped. But I think a lot of inquiries here don't require open-ended answers, but simple yes or no answers, with some advice provided. To be frank, I've seen how some people responding to these questions can be verbose and totally derail into something opinionated, in their first response without even bothering to touch the question. I just find it weird.

Thesaurus all over my head.

That's my 2cent.

Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like.
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(#29 (permalink))
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11-21-2010, 02:44 AM

Originally Posted by CoolNard View Post
The question is rhetorical. If anyone were to give either answer, that's nonsense. If you love everything, you're not living on earth, because everything contradicts everything in a relative way. If you're a hater, you wouldn't even wanna live, anymore; for what is your purpose, then?

And about discussions on Japan or any other issues, I believe I've said it before, but I'll say it again, anyway. Stick to facts and logical calculations, when addressing the masses, who aren't your personal penpal. No matter how you relay that information, facts are empirical and can't be subjective. People argue a lot because they're often short on facts, therefore there is always an element of conjecture. If people argue over philosophy, being "short on facts" can't be helped. But I think a lot of inquiries here don't require open-ended answers, but simple yes or no answers, with some advice provided. To be frank, I've seen how some people responding to these questions can be verbose and totally derail into something opinionated, in their first response without even bothering to touch the question. I just find it weird.
Unless you speak for the person who initially posed the question is it your right to tell us it was rhetorical i.e. that nobody should have answered it?

Facts are good and opinions are interesting though some people misconstrue opinions and feelings for facts. Speaking of facts where are your facts on how someone who hates doesn't want to live anymore? Or is this more of a feeling you get when you imagine how someone would feel who is a constant hater? You ask what their purpose is so I am assuming you aren't a perpetual hater but maybe their purpose is to hate, to play devil's advocate, or just to not "get your hopes up" because as soon as you do you're let down.

Speaking of totally derailing something into an opinion...you took someone's question, berated everyone for answering a rhetorical question, posted your feelings on how a hater would feel, and then berated people for speaking about opinions rather than sticking to facts.

Your opinion is to speak only on facts and logical calculations because you believe that it is a factual statement that facts and logical calculations are the "right" way to communicate. However, I think it's good to talk about opinions, experiences, people's assumptions, and beliefs but just as long as we realize that they are in fact these and not something else.

Life is a marathon; not a 40 yard dash.

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(#30 (permalink))
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seiki (Offline)
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11-21-2010, 03:16 AM

I like seeing the other side of things. It is not perfect but nothing is. You do seem to have many problems with living there though. But even if you judge it harshly I know that there is some truth behind it that I may not have known about before.
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