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(#121 (permalink))
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01-19-2011, 07:50 AM

That's right, it would be wrong to infer that a girl getting lots of expensive gifts is hooking.

I should have mentioned that these friends of my gf said they were doing it.

My gf thinks that that high school girls selling sex is less common now a days but that before "sooo many girls did it!" ... she's not from the best part of Osaka

But anyways, it wasn't thought of as being as much of a big deal here as a westerner might make it out to be.

マンツーマン 英会話 神戸 三宮 リアライズ -James- This is my life and why I know things about Japan.
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(#122 (permalink))
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01-19-2011, 08:20 AM

Originally Posted by RealJames View Post
That's right, it would be wrong to infer that a girl getting lots of expensive gifts is hooking.

I should have mentioned that these friends of my gf said they were doing it.

My gf thinks that that high school girls selling sex is less common now a days but that before "sooo many girls did it!" ... she's not from the best part of Osaka

But anyways, it wasn't thought of as being as much of a big deal here as a westerner might make it out to be.
I am not saying it didn't or it doesn't happen. What I am saying is just because a girl has a nice bag doesn't mean she hooked to get it. If she's cute and smart she shouldn't have to (if that's where her priorities are).

On thing I learned after living in Japan is that the most messed up neighborhood could be a mile away from parks and mansions. How people act in the "not best part of Osaka" is actually very different then how they act in the "ok parts of Osaka".

I am not trying to judge your gf's experience... I am sure it is accurate and real... I am just saying since we are talking about Japan as a whole, it may not be universal.
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(#123 (permalink))
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01-19-2011, 09:14 AM

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
High school girls selling their bodies for handbags... brilliant.

Am I just being a grumpy old (well, young) feminist, or does anyone think this is a problem?
I guess I am confused. If girls use their feminine wiles to get what they want completely voluntarily and by their own rules, does that go against feminism?
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(#124 (permalink))
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01-19-2011, 09:26 AM

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
Because they are high school girls. We wouldn't allow them to make informed choices about alcohol (drinking age in Japan is 20) but it's openly okay to make decisions that will effect the rest of their lives at such a young age?

Girls of that age will probably just being exploring relationships and becoming sexually mature, do we really want them to learn about it in this manner?

I think it's weird hanging out with an old guy for a handbag... but it's common to go and have sex with them, or what?

I just find it weird that people give that much of a crap about a handbag, haha.

(Also, the views that have been expressed on this forum by pretty much ALL the men in relation to women just makes me wanna go and be a lesbian, no joke. Can't believe you guys are so lax about it all...)
Wait a sec. I was called an old fashioned and conservative when I said young people shouldn't have sex unless they are prepared for the consequences.

Now I am right, for the wrong reasons?
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(#125 (permalink))
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01-19-2011, 09:40 AM

Originally Posted by spicytuna View Post
Unfortunate necessity? I met several young girls who were trying to sell me their bodies for a Prada Handbag!

Here's an interesting article on this phenomenon.

"While there are a number of women [in Japan] who take up the trade looking for money to pay for their family, or for drugs, the majority of these ladies are working to satisfy a habit of a different kind — consumerism. For women who are looking for a lifestyle of posh restaurants, massages and manicures, and easy access to the season’s latest high-class brand goods, the sex industry is a viable option to earn a high income without the education, talent or long hours normally required for a high-paying career."

From :
Fuzoku Friday
ah well Ilearn something new every day.
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(#126 (permalink))
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01-19-2011, 11:00 AM

This thread is really starting to get busy. While I don't know too much about the Japanese VIEWS on sexual entertainment, I know fine well from plenty of 'internet scouring', that Japanese sexual entertainment can come in many, many forms, some of which may make people pull a disgusted face and ask "why?". lol. Of course that is perhaps another form of entertainment from what the OP asked, but I feel it still counts

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(#127 (permalink))
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01-19-2011, 01:11 PM

I think it's messed up that young girls do this.

A lot of girls that I've met who did in fact sell sex for handbags and pocket money got damaged emotionally by it later. And in a really weird way, if any guy here has ever had a relationship with an ex-teenage-prostitute you know what I mean, it's so sad to see any human in a condition like that.

I am way against anyone doing anything at a young age that could potentially scar them for life.

That story changes entirely once we reach an age of maturity, if a 26 year old woman decides to embark in that lifestyle knowing it's risks and rewards then all the power and luck to her.

There are plenty of empowered women that have put themselves through school and saved their families from financial crisis by working the sex industry in whatever way they felt was best for them, and who is to say they did the wrong thing?

マンツーマン 英会話 神戸 三宮 リアライズ -James- This is my life and why I know things about Japan.
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(#128 (permalink))
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01-20-2011, 10:02 AM

Originally Posted by RealJames View Post
There are plenty of empowered women that have put themselves through school and saved their families from financial crisis by working the sex industry in whatever way they felt was best for them, and who is to say they did the wrong thing?
For me, I think there's a vast difference between women who willingly chose to be prostitutes and manage all their own affairs and those who end up as kerb clingers with pimps telling them who they should sleep with. But while hooking to feed and clothe yourself/kids is perhaps less awful (lets not forget, belle de jour enjoyed her job!) I can't imagine many high school girls get into it for anywhere near such driven reasons. They do it because they're either forced to, they want stuff or they succumb to the peer pressure of 'everyone does it, it's normal and cool'. It takes a particular kind of person to go through that without a single regret.
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(#129 (permalink))
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01-20-2011, 06:35 PM

Again, I probably have vastly different morals, but I don't really see what the problem is if high school girls want to hook to buy the latest iphone.

Again, girls have been hooking in exchange for money/tools/food/shelter since the beginning of humankind. It's in our nature. In my opinion (again, only opinion!) you guys have a moral objection to something that is buried deep inside our DNA.

Why do you think 99% of the time the man is the one paying for sex? How many male high school boys can hook for money/dinner?

This is just how our nature works and will always work. I am believe that most of the girls will not get emotionally damaged voluntarily hooking on the weekends in their free time, and probably will eventually stop when they get their career going and don't need to hook anymore.
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(#130 (permalink))
RobinMask (Offline)
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01-20-2011, 06:52 PM

Originally Posted by Brass View Post
This is just how our nature works and will always work. I am believe that most of the girls will not get emotionally damaged voluntarily hooking on the weekends in their free time, and probably will eventually stop when they get their career going and don't need to hook anymore.
Perhaps the disagreement between your thoughts and other members stems from perceptions of who a prostitute is . . . I mean in some places in the USA its legal and there's brothels that have high security, women who are treated kindly, and some do use it as a means to pay for college and things, volunteering to do so. I have seen some interviewed who are happy and well-adjusted and 'enjoy' it.

However these women are far from being a majority. In many countries it is illegal to prostitute oneself, and even in countries when it isn't illegal 'brothels' are illegal. These women get no protection in any way or form. They can be subject to rapes, beatings, kidnappings . . . and these things are common. I'm sure a few our British members could name a fair few serial killers here who preyed on prostitutes. Then - if a prostitute does report a crime - she is hardly ever taken seriouly, because of their job.

I guess you could argue 'why not legalise it', which then falls back to 'morals', but I would point out that women - in both case - who 'volunteer' to prositute rarely do so for fun. Usually it is for various issues that Columbine named, and so many of these women will be emotionally damaged from the experience in one way or another.

That isn't even getting into issues such as sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies (and then issues of 'who is the father?'), or the devaluation of sex or the objectification of women . . . And if you want to argue 'nature', then maybe it's biologically natural for a man to 'get around', but I'm very certain that biologically speaking women are programmed to be monogamous and 'nest', in which case prostitution is unnatural. Even if it was around since the dawn of time, does that make it right? We're a civilised people, we aren't back in the time of Mary Magdeline or whatever, so surely with such intellectual evolution comes a change in morals too?
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