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(#11 (permalink))
Ghap (Offline)
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02-20-2011, 09:14 AM

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
Where I come from, in my opinion I see racism happening more against white people than anyone else, and it isn't taken as seriously as when it happens to people that aren't white. I can't say it DOES happen more, there are no stats on it because people don't class people being racist about white people as racism. That is wrong in my view.

Case in point, this was recently put up in my university:

Can't help thinking that if this was aimed at anyone other than white people, it wouldn't have even been considered.

In my Uni white people are the minority now.
I agree and will go so far as to say that in the Uk at the moment if you are a foreign born (any colour) national in a same sex relationship while being a non-tradional religeon (FOR THE UK) is in a posistion to do anything they want.

PC gone mad!

From personal experiance both me and my gf at the time once applied to the fire service and she was put forward auto 2 interviews while I had to go up againt 100's of other men simply beacause she was female.

PC gone mad!

Take a minute to think of those men that wish to become midwifes, nursery teachers, nannies, househusbands,nurses etc

I must point out I am a great beliver in equality but if were going to do it----

---lets do it and be equal in all ways beside the obvious
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(#12 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
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02-20-2011, 09:30 AM

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
Where I come from, in my opinion I see racism happening more against white people than anyone else, and it isn't taken as seriously as when it happens to people that aren't white. I can't say it DOES happen more, there are no stats on it because people don't class people being racist about white people as racism. That is wrong in my view.

Case in point, this was recently put up in my university:

Can't help thinking that if this was aimed at anyone other than white people, it wouldn't have even been considered.

In my Uni white people are the minority now.

it is sad that even within university there is racism when really it should be a wonderful way of integrating and better communication with all students. it should encourage better informed relations globally
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(#13 (permalink))
Ghap (Offline)
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02-20-2011, 09:37 AM

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
There is a difference between equality and special treatment. Our Universities used to accept ethnic minorities with lower grades, just because they 'needed' ethnic minorities.

As a female, I would be insulted at the fact these people would think I'd need a special interview or for them to make special allowances for me.

Race/gender should be irrelevent. The only place where this applies is with disability, because obviously some people need extra help with their physical or mental capabilities. But that's the limit.

I'm sure everyone wants to get somewhere based on their own merits rather than getting somewhere because they are a girl, or because they are disabled, or because they are an ethnic minority because the company/institution 'needs diversity.'
I agree with MissMisa!

also she is more articulate than myself.
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02-20-2011, 10:08 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
How do you come to that conclusion?
Why would you not take it personally? Isn't "cultural barrier fear" the same as racism?
If my girlfriends parents don't want her to marry me because they are afraid of a bad relationship because of a language barrier, it's not because of the color of my skin or where I'm from, it's just because of my language ability.

If they are worried about cultural differences putting a wedge in their family then it's rightly so. Racism is discrimination, as in a prejudice. Like to assume that something bad may happen without knowing the individual first.
Assuming that a foreigner will have a different culture is hardly prejudice. Accurate at the least

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02-20-2011, 10:08 AM

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
There is a difference between equality and special treatment. Our Universities used to accept ethnic minorities with lower grades, just because they 'needed' ethnic minorities.

As a female, I would be insulted at the fact these people would think I'd need a special interview or for them to make special allowances for me.
In America we still have "Affirmative Action," a legislature that only bases self performance to a certain point. By Affirmative action, there must be a certain minority quota (whether in race or sex) of a particular body (work or academic), pretty much regardless of actual work performance.

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
I'm sure everyone wants to get somewhere based on their own merits rather than getting somewhere because they are a girl, or because they are disabled, or because they are an ethnic minority because the company/institution 'needs diversity.'
Hopefully it's not as much like this where you're from, but unfortunately at least in America this is often not the case. I totally agree with you, but there are so many people who use their background as a crutch to get what they want, citing it as racism/sexism/discrimination if they don't.
Ironically and sadly, this ends up breeding more tension for those who feel like they're being fouled because of this.

I'm not a cynic; I just like to play Devil's Advocate once in a while.
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correction - 02-20-2011, 12:04 PM

Its prejudice not racism unless someone says, "whites are inferior because they do this or that." Its just prejudice, and that's everywhere you have to learn to laugh about it. Its not a big deal unless you let it be a big deal.


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02-20-2011, 12:47 PM

Well its the actual definition of racism. So not because its white people. I am bi-racial after all it would be ridiculous for me to think that way. Ya know? Don't be so touchy everyone suffers from some form of racism at some point. I've gotten it from both white and black people. But I think I'll survive. Like I said its only a big deal if you let it be a big deal.


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(#18 (permalink))
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02-20-2011, 12:58 PM

Originally Posted by Demitrichan View Post
Don't be so touchy everyone suffers from some form of racism at some point.
This is the problem..as long as there is different thoughts/process/procedures for those of different sex/colour/creed or sexual preferance how can there be equality?
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02-20-2011, 01:02 PM

Never said it was okay. Have you thought about their side of the story why they think that way? People don't just come out of the womb thinking that way. What they did might be wrong but I'm guessing at some point they've suffered some sort of injustice involving whites, its not as if people just wake up one day and think "ya know white people don't belong here I think I'll beat them from now on." Before you start thinking things are excepted by everyone just because it seems that way maybe dig a little deeper into the situation is all I'm saying. Look at both sides. Now I'm sorry about your mother though.


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02-20-2011, 01:23 PM

Did I say it was okay? No never once. What I said was look at both sides and yeah as much as your hypothetical thoughts might sound a lot of prejudice starts that way in fact most of it does. A woman might get hurt so many times that she decides to hate men, another woman might get raped by a black man and hate black men for the rest of her life. I know a person who doesn't like mexicans because his ex-best friend put him in jail for something the best friend had done. Its not so uncommon is my point. People will take things out on a group for something a small number of them did.


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