Originally Posted by GoNative
This has been my home for nearly 8 years. I own a house here and my daughter was born here. I consider this my home and the Japanese people my people. Do not presume to know what I would or would not do even if things did get worse. And one thing I know for absolutely sure I will never be saying oh gee that lady was right. You've come onto this forum for no other reason than to spread fear and lies and you've done it. Well done. Now go away.
that is exacly what you do, yo are the aggressive one ... you come to my thread, if you dont like this facts, go to another one ... if you are not able to write a few lines in kanji you are not really interested in this culture ... the japanese people doent belong you, they are free ... you are not the white man who tells the others what they have to do ... thats 100 years ago .. think people are friendly to you because they do not like to discuss with such an rude person .. thats the japanese behavior, always smiling and thinking inside ... i really donnot believe that a japanese person really likes you .. you are rude and unfriendly and completely aggressive . really terrible ... come down to truth .. this few lines shows me what you are for a man .. unaceptable for modern women ...
Originally Posted by GoNative
This has been my home for nearly 8 years. I own a house here and my daughter was born here. I consider this my home and the Japanese people my people. Do not presume to know what I would or would not do even if things did get worse. And one thing I know for absolutely sure I will never be saying oh gee that lady was right. You've come onto this forum for no other reason than to spread fear and lies and you've done it. Well done. Now go away.
your woman get the daughter, not you, you are only the producer, one minute fun .. thats all ...

she made the work, not you ...
and i came to this forum not to spread bullshit or panic .. i came here in the hope that people in north japan can read this, see this and look to internet if it is truth what i say .. and have the chance to make another decision and save their health and life ... that is the reason .. because i am far away and i can nothing do than this here : reach people, wake up people, save some people .. if there is only one person who read this and make a decision that will save his health or life, this would be great ... and i really hope so ...
Originally Posted by GoNative
This has been my home for nearly 8 years. I own a house here and my daughter was born here. I consider this my home and the Japanese people my people. Do not presume to know what I would or would not do even if things did get worse. And one thing I know for absolutely sure I will never be saying oh gee that lady was right. You've come onto this forum for no other reason than to spread fear and lies and you've done it. Well done. Now go away.
and i am not lying, every single word is the truth ... why should i lie, i will help people because you get wrong information .. in your country is said everything is easy, it dosent matter, close windows and doors and put sth on your head, just stay inside ... in fact of radiation this is completely surreal ... who believe in that ? .. if there is radiation in the air or water you get very ill and you will die ... thats a fact ... its no joke ... its not like going to the dentist .. its really dangerous for you and your family ... we are 900 km far away from thernobyl and we know what we are talking about ... it was in the air, in the food, in our minds and its actual up to today, the problem is not solved at moment ... and this is 25 years ago ... inform yourself, you have internet ... just look .. you see, i donnot lie with any single word.. this is the truth ... i am realistic ...
Originally Posted by GoNative
This has been my home for nearly 8 years. I own a house here and my daughter was born here. I consider this my home and the Japanese people my people. Do not presume to know what I would or would not do even if things did get worse. And one thing I know for absolutely sure I will never be saying oh gee that lady was right. You've come onto this forum for no other reason than to spread fear and lies and you've done it. Well done. Now go away.
well, i have no interest to discuss anymore with an completely uninformed person who close the eyes for the facts ... its your decision .. but i hope my words here brings you to look in the internet and inform yourself exactly, even over thernobyl ... and i hope with the facts you will find there, you make the right decision for yourself and your family ... think about your family, do this for them to look whats the truth .. and do this very quick now because saturday-sunday you have no more chance if you are in the area ... hope i have helped you to look exactly what is the fact ... i by myself would go 500 km away minimum for a while ...
Originally Posted by protheus
If the situation is so apocalyptic as described in the media, this is bad, we need to leave at least a safety area of about 510.065.600 km². We will move all the people to the Moon and Mars to be on the safe side and we will come back in a few thousand years if they stop the meltdown by then.
no, this is not correct .. there are different dangerous zones if it happen and later .. i remember the zone today of thermobyl where nobody lives in is 100 km (i donnot know exactly, but you can find in internet), in next zone you have a cancer and baby deformation risk ... and so on ... if sth happen in your contry they say 500 km radius is dangerous ... at moment it was minimum 80 km but your peole say 20 -30 km is enough, that is a lie ... that the fact we are told from tv here ... later people maybe can return in some zones .. but not in the center and maybe 100-150 km ... thats the fact ...