your are a fullidiot and a non social individuem, that shows your behavior here very clear .. in your country they will not have you, therefore you are in japan ... a question of time and you are knocked out with your sight of world ... you have no respect to others, you are a terrible und unsympatically person .. in my world you would have no chance, people would ignore you completely ... nobody will know such an rude person like you ... i say only one thing, stop this here or i tell this to the administrator .. i donnot want to talk with you anymore, you must go to the doctor ... you have a profilneurose ... STOP NOW ... you tell only complete bullshit here in my thread, go off ... your are a very ugly person ... and you hate women ...
i am older than you and i have two university degrees and i am very respected person in my home here .. and the developement of fukishima i see very realistic - wait and see ...
Originally Posted by protheus
So the other thousands of people who talk about that, why are they out? Why didn't they put everybody in jail if they wanted to make them shut up? If one crazy scientist goes to jail, that means the nonsense he's saying is a truth? Heck, so even those on cocaine if they say that they see a few Gods and get caught by cops, it means it was true and they want to cover it up?
he was one of the important and responsible persons there ... and today he is important again .. not crazy ...
funny, all women you can not impress with your terrible macho behavior are zimtzicken ... a group of 15 people is here just laughing about your nonsense ... your are funny ... and poor ... shut up mr. nobody ...
we heard that a lot of people left the area by themselfes, thats great because the 20 km zone is really not enough distance .. but if you can go or not you must decide by yourself because of the radiation in air .. hope the developement will bring all to a good end but the news we get about fukushima atomic parc are not positive, its still dangerous ... the radiation in air, food and pazific is going on ... it is a similar sitation like it happen in chernobyl ... we was been 900 km far away of course, but felt not secure in that times because wind brings radiation even to us .. but of course it is a question of distance and weather ... we here hope the best for you - take care of you .. and donnot believe what people are telling you, look for own information in internet and global news ... of course politicans always make problems small ... dont believe, make your own opinion about ...