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(#301 (permalink))
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03-28-2011, 01:39 PM

Originally Posted by GoNative View Post
God another German thinking they know more than everyone in Japan! I had no idea you were such an arrongant lot
Max's first post was in the Earth Quake thread, complaining why he cannot post to this one. That said, I think he only sign up to post on this thread. According to Max's profile he is also a Physicist.

Go figure..
(#302 (permalink))
max1024 (Offline)
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03-28-2011, 01:47 PM

Originally Posted by GoNative View Post
Radiation does not accumulate over time. It decreases over time. In relation to iodine 134 it has a half life of only 8 days so decreases rapidly. It's the cancers from radiation that can take sometime to develop. As long as you don't drink contanimated water or food and have access to iodine tablets the risk is minimal. Your link shows that the increase in thyroid cancer after Chernobyl was because people didn't stop drinking the water or eating contanimated food. This won't happen in Japan.
There are at least 7 other atoms that are more dangerous than iodine 134. iodine is actually the least dangerous one because after 8 days the amount is halved. Casium(30 years) etc. are the real problems and Plutonium(25000 years) the biggest one.link Read the toxitiy part after inhalation. You can look for Casium by yourself. Tell me then again than radioactivity doesn't accumulate.

Originally Posted by GoNative View Post
It is important that people be given correct information and not just speculation. I believe this is what is occurring in Japan.
Belief is good, control is better.The problem is there isn't room for mistakes. You can't revert it afterwards.

Originally Posted by GoNative View Post
Well these plants operated safely enough for over 40 years. It took a totally unprecedented event to reach the current crisis. I have not seen any previous safety proposals that would have made much, if any, difference.
To make it short, basically, if ANY plant is cut off from their power source due to SOME reason then you get what you have in Fukushima right now.The possibility of an accident isn't zero and two of them already happened, do you want more?
One more point, once plutonium is in the food chain, you can't get it out no matter what. It accumulates and will stay there for 25000 years. They let that toxic mix into the ocean->planctons->small fish->big fish-> on your table in higher concentration. Even if the individum dies, the worms will eat it from its body and return it to the food chain.
Now, to prevent it you have to store Plutonium from burnt fuel rods safely somewhere for 25000 years! Where is the garantee of safety?

Originally Posted by GoNative View Post
Overall you've added no more to what we already knew and provided nothing to suggest that the crisis is really any worse than official reports.
Overall, you play everything down without deeper knowledge.
Germans arrogant? You can do a lot better than that.
(#303 (permalink))
GoNative (Offline)
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03-28-2011, 02:14 PM

Originally Posted by max1024 View Post
There are at least 7 other atoms that are more dangerous than iodine 134. iodine is actually the least dangerous one because after 8 days the amount is halved. Casium(30 years) etc. are the real problems and Plutonium(25000 years) the biggest one.link Read the toxitiy part after inhalation. You can look for Casium by yourself. Tell me then again than radioactivity doesn't accumulate.
Cesium is certainly a worry but one at that at least at this stage is relatively confined. I have not seen any readings thus far for plutonium. The iodine although possibly the least dangerous in your eyes was responsible for most of the cancers that occurred after Chernobyl. It is the immediate threat and in the highest concentrations. The Cesium and other radiactive isotopes will undoubtedly have long term effects in the region surrounding the reactors. How far out these affects go will remain to be seen. Thus far dangerous contanimation still appears relatively well contained. There will be years of constant monitoring to see if they do accumulate in the environment and pose a risk to human health. I'm not trying to play down the severity of the situation. It is extremely serious. But some of the suggestions from people from far away countries, including that the government can't be trusted, are at times ridiculous (like evacuacting nearly the entire country). There is an excellent network around the country to measure radioactivity and it is being monitored by more than just the Japanese government. I do trust that they will act in the best interests of the people. If for no other reason than it would be political suicide not to!
(#304 (permalink))
max1024 (Offline)
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03-28-2011, 02:27 PM

Originally Posted by GoNative View Post
Cesium is certainly a worry but one at that at least at this stage is relatively confined. I have not seen any readings thus far for plutonium. The iodine although possibly the least dangerous in your eyes was responsible for most of the cancers that occurred after Chernobyl. It is the immediate threat and in the highest concentrations. The Cesium and other radiactive isotopes will undoubtedly have long term effects in the region surrounding the reactors. How far out these affects go will remain to be seen. Thus far dangerous contanimation still appears relatively well contained. There will be years of constant monitoring to see if they do accumulate in the environment and pose a risk to human health. I'm not trying to play down the severity of the situation. It is extremely serious. But some of the suggestions from people from far away countries, including that the government can't be trusted, are at times ridiculous (like evacuacting nearly the entire country). There is an excellent network around the country to measure radioactivity and it is being monitored by more than just the Japanese government. I do trust that they will act in the best interests of the people. If for no other reason than it would be political suicide not to!
My biggest concern is Plutonium.Usually, they have 6% of it in each fuel rod, if you calculate it for all 6 reactors in Fukushima you get an amount of 150 tons of plutonium( unbelievable! People should lynch the responsible for that mistake alone!). Any kind of explosion there could contaminate the whole world in the long run. Even a nanogram plutonium is extremly toxic.I just read that there is a partial meltdown in reactor number two, I hope that it doesn't cause an hydrogen explosion.

Edit: Sorry, if you felt offended but I was and am very discontent with your gouverment's informational politic( nothing against Japanese). They talk about meltdown right now, it happened 5-6 days ago. In the reports, they only talk about iodine.Then the reports that the radiation is actually high but no cause for concerns...
It doesn't make sense to me. Either they lie or the press speakers don't know what they are talking about.Read this:
Source. It is absurd.

Last edited by max1024 : 03-28-2011 at 02:36 PM.
(#305 (permalink))
JBaymore (Offline)
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03-28-2011, 02:49 PM

Originally Posted by max1024 View Post
Either they lie or the press speakers don't know what they are talking about.
Hum......... I have listened to a number of English language broadcast news programs and hear what the talking heads SAY the Japanese are saying on the English voice overs..... but listening to the Japanese speaker in the background... that is NOT what is being said.

Don't necessarilly trust the mainstream press reporting in English or other non-Japanese langugages. They often don't get it right.


(#306 (permalink))
Ehayes (Offline)
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03-28-2011, 02:55 PM

My son is stationed at Misawa AF base. So regardless of what is going on I cannot back out of my planned trip April 27th -May 7. We were planning to stay mostly on the West coast anyway, perhaps Sapporo might be in order as well? Oh yeah, I'm new to this forum but trying to keep up with all that is going on for obvious reasons
(#307 (permalink))
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03-28-2011, 03:38 PM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
Direct and personal insults after being warned about it, for one. I gave the final warning on that - bluejeanslady has refrained from direct and personal attacks.

(Another user did not, and get a short time out)

Simply posting something that most everyone here does not agree with is not, alone, enough to get her banned. She doesn`t appear to be trolling, and the insults she has tossed out have been in response to pretty direct insults in her direction.
Hi Nyororin! Thanks for the info.
I wasn't so much concerned about the insults, I actually enjoy a good clever witted rally of insults to liven up the room.
What bothers me is that she's going on and on spouting off nonsense, blatantly disregarding anything remotely reasonable that's being said in reply, compounding fear mongering with misinformation and a complete lack of actual discussion.

The thread looks like this to me;

BJL: "Crazy nonsense"

Sensible Member: "That's crazy nonsense, check out this source, and this one, and this very long elaborate reply I took a lot of time to write so you could educate yourself."

BJL: " .... I don't need ... someone without ovaries to ... educate me you ape-nobody ... ... oh and Japan will become ... ... a mutant freakshow "

Another Sensible Poster: "But you didn't answer his questions? Nor did you make any comments about the information he presented you with..."

BJL: "... Information is subjective ... it's my opinion ... ... and your information doesn't have... the right to change my mind ... it's oppressive and sexist ... so bay bay little man "

BJL: " ... I'm starting a new post because ... I had another idea a moment after I clicked submit reply... "

BJL: " ... My idea is that Japan will become a mutant freakshow for sure... get out while you still can ... scientists .... can't be trusted "

Sensible Poster 3: "Are you serious? British scientists with noting to gain for saying what they've said have .... etc etc

If that doesn't constitute Trolling..

マンツーマン 英会話 神戸 三宮 リアライズ -James- This is my life and why I know things about Japan.
(#308 (permalink))
max1024 (Offline)
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03-28-2011, 04:21 PM

Originally Posted by JBaymore View Post
Hum......... I have listened to a number of English language broadcast news programs and hear what the talking heads SAY the Japanese are saying on the English voice overs..... but listening to the Japanese speaker in the background... that is NOT what is being said.

Don't necessarilly trust the mainstream press reporting in English or other non-Japanese langugages. They often don't get it right.


It still doesn't explain the 1 week delay of the meldown problem. Or the strange denial in each report which says in essense 'it's quite dangerous but not that much'. The meltdown is partial of course, the danger is partial, people get contaminated partially and the endangered ones are evacuated partially..... you get the idea.It's a catastrophe but not quite. I don't feel like laughing about it, it'd be very disrespectful towards the people in Japan.

Last edited by max1024 : 03-28-2011 at 04:23 PM.
(#309 (permalink))
bluejeanslady (Offline)
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03-28-2011, 05:11 PM

Originally Posted by GoNative View Post
God another German thinking they know more than everyone in Japan! I had no idea you were such an arrongant lot
you are the only arrogant one here ... you see, i am not alone with my opinion .. today we heard people ignore complete the radiation danger and drink rainwater and return to the forbidden area in their homes - they will all die a really curel death .. even the japanese governement are shocked about this ignorance ... and yes, they should have done at first after the nuclear accident a military organised mass evacuation .. this would have been the only right decision .. but they did not do this and now they are responsible for that ... i say wou how this goes to end : japanese people are complete alone with their problems and the responsible person will not give any answer, they just make harakiri ... so they are out of all ... wait and see .. up to now i was right in each point which happened ...

it will be the best for you, you wake up at once and see the reality ... you cannot ignore the facts and reality furthermore ... wake up
(#310 (permalink))
bluejeanslady (Offline)
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03-28-2011, 05:16 PM

Originally Posted by max1024 View Post
It still doesn't explain the 1 week delay of the meldown problem. Or the strange denial in each report which says in essense 'it's quite dangerous but not that much'. The meltdown is partial of course, the danger is partial, people get contaminated partially and the endangered ones are evacuated partially..... you get the idea.It's a catastrophe but not quite. I don't feel like laughing about it, it'd be very disrespectful towards the people in Japan.
hello max, i am glad to see you here because some people attack me here .. and i although have the hope that sb of japan read this and make a better decision to overcome the situation than before he has read this information here ... therefore we hope the same ... every life is worthful .. and i wished the international specialist will stop this complete desaster they do there in fukushima ... they are not able to solve this problem because this people are the problem ... other specialist must save what they can save now ... its our all problem ...
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