Originally Posted by Ryzorian
The one thing I found that was interesting...The amount of energy released by that 9.0 is the amount of energy the US consumes in a month. Every year the US consumes the equaliant of 12 9.0 earthquakes and the devestation resulting there in.
Actually, that's just the "radiated seismic energy": the amount of energy released in surface shaking, the stuff that damages buildings and such. Although that energy actually seems to be a smaller fraction of the US's annual energy consumption: around 1%, or only a few days worth. On the other hand, if you imagine taking several days' energy usage of a continent-sized developed country and packing that into a few minutes' shaking of a restricted region, it does seem like it might be pretty devastating. So, yeah, if you just count the shaking, rather than the event that caused it, that comparison makes sense.
But the
total energy released in the earthquake was
far bigger, by roughly 200,000 times. That amount of energy is roughly equivalent to Earth's entire fossil fuel reserves, or the sunlight energy that hits Earth in a day. Only a tiny fraction of the earthquake's energy went into shaking; the vast majority went into breaking the rock along the locked fault and physically moving the plates. (Think of a car's engine; only a tiny amount of its power goes into engine noise and vibration.)