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(#1 (permalink))
hitotsz (Offline)
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Do almost all Japanese family have Buddhist statue in their house? - 04-21-2011, 12:43 AM

I think I read in a Korean blog that most Japanese believe in a mix of Buddhism and Shintoism and have a little shrine with Buddha statue.
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(#2 (permalink))
steven (Offline)
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04-21-2011, 12:57 AM

I don't know about most Japanese, but a lot of people in my area have what is called a 仏壇 (butsudan) in their houses. That might be what is being referred to.
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(#3 (permalink))
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04-21-2011, 01:41 AM

believe ×
custom ○

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(#4 (permalink))
hitotsz (Offline)
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04-21-2011, 01:51 AM

So although most of them have that butsdan in their homes they don't really believe in Buddha? I guess they pray to Buddha even if they don't learn too much about the doctrines of Buddha. I think that's the case for lots of so-called Christians. They just go to church, hear some stories about the Bible etc and never make an effort to learn about the faith. And they pray when they meet with hardships to Jesus/God because they were who they were told to pray to.

So I think most Japanese should be considered lax Buddhists if indeed most of them have butsudan in their home.
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04-21-2011, 02:07 AM

I was under the impression that Japanese people are generally non-religious, which I dig because I'm not a fan of religion (Esp. Christianity).

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(#6 (permalink))
steven (Offline)
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04-21-2011, 03:51 AM

Originally Posted by siokan View Post
believe ×
custom ○
That's what I used to think, but I've found that there is actually more believing going on than what I originally realized. I do feel that most of what I've seen is certainly stronger as a custom than a belief though for what that's worth.

And again, hitotsz, I'm not so sure about the word "most". While I've seen some amazing butsudans in some houses, there are houses/households that don't have one. I've even seen a couple of newer houses that actually have a special space for one... even though nothing was in them! Incidentally, Butsudans are expensive (although the prices vary as does the extravagance). So I could imagine that younger people might be a little reluctant to spend money on one... but that's a guess on my part.

But yea, going back to what siokan said... there are some ceremonial type things which are done in spite of the fact that to my knowledge the meaning has been lost in time. (Like sagicho or whatever they usually call it). To me that is certainly more an indication of a custom than a religious type thing.

A lot of things that are done though seem... superstitious in my (untrained) eyes. Although I'm sure Easter egg hunts look even stranger.
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04-21-2011, 05:04 AM

Originally Posted by steven View Post
While I've seen some amazing butsudans in some houses, there are houses/households that don't have one. I've even seen a couple of newer houses that actually have a special space for one... even though nothing was in them! Incidentally, Butsudans are expensive (although the prices vary as does the extravagance). So I could imagine that younger people might be a little reluctant to spend money on one... but that's a guess on my part.
I think you`ve somehow missed out the reason people have butsudan.

You buy one and put it up when someone in the household passes away. Newer houses with younger families are a LOT less likely to have lost someone, so therefore are a lot less likely to have one. We have a spot for one in our house, though it`s currently being used as a closet and likely will be for quite some time.

The custom behind it hasn`t been lost in time - it`s where you store some of the ashes from the deceased family member, and where they are commemorated. It`s a part of the funeral ritual, really. The more extravagant the butsudan you invest in, the more important you are declaring the person who passed away and the family to be. (Of course, after the first you just add to it / clean and repair it instead of buying more)

As it holds some of the ashes from the cremation, it is also the closest place in the house to the deceased - so is the place to "talk" to the dead. Prayers for the dead, to the dead to protect the family, and a place to relay family news to the dead.

I have yet to see any Buddhism connected to it in daily practice - it falls more into the tradition of relatives becoming family "gods" once they pass away. The form is just taken from Buddhism. That said, Japanese "Buddhism" is a thing all it`s own, so comparing it to other forms of Buddhism is kind of futile.

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Last edited by Nyororin : 04-21-2011 at 05:07 AM.
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04-21-2011, 03:23 PM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
As it holds some of the ashes from the cremation, it is also the closest place in the house to the deceased - so is the place to "talk" to the dead. Prayers for the dead, to the dead to protect the family, and a place to relay family news to the dead.

I have yet to see any Buddhism connected to it in daily practice - it falls more into the tradition of relatives becoming family "gods" once they pass away. The form is just taken from Buddhism. That said, Japanese "Buddhism" is a thing all it`s own, so comparing it to other forms of Buddhism is kind of futile.
Thank you Nyororin, because I was having some doubt as to my understanding of the use.

The shrine in my home is a blending of several beliefs and customs which would be misleading to many people who might recognize one item and not another. Most incorrectly assume it is Buddhist; I simply give them credit for understanding that my faith is something based in Asian culture unless they ask about it.

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(#9 (permalink))
hitotsz (Offline)
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04-21-2011, 03:34 PM

There's Korean Buddhism and Chinese Buddhism too. Is Japanese Buddhism vastly different from the other kinds of Buddhism? If so, how so?
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04-21-2011, 05:19 PM

Originally Posted by hitotsz View Post
There's Korean Buddhism and Chinese Buddhism too. Is Japanese Buddhism vastly different from the other kinds of Buddhism? If so, how so?
You`re going to have to look into that one yourself. I`m not familiar enough with the other types of Buddhism to give a good description.

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