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(#61 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
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05-05-2011, 07:17 AM

I also think that many foreigners just think of L0NDOn when thinking of the UK and then only The famous parts of London.

I am told that once upon a time scotland was actually attached to Canada.

Wales has its own language as does Scotland with its Gaelic.

I am a sassenach as I am English-- but the scots would consider me an outsider and a sassenach.

I will never think of myself as being european. I wish we would come out of the European Union and have a say in our own affairs.
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(#62 (permalink))
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05-05-2011, 09:53 AM

I see myself as Scottish first and foremost, and am extremely proud of that fact, so if a Japanese person asked my nationality, I would reply with 'Sukottorando-jin desu', but if they looked confused by this, or didn't know about Scotland, I'd have no quarrels in saying I was British, as long as I could explain I'm from the bit above England. I feel todays view generally is Britain is England, so Scotland, Wales and NI exist, but its people that know well of the UK, that know of this. Also, most world maps, or list of countries on a website, will have United Kingdom. Very seldom will Scotland or Wales be put on as separate countries.

Might I also note, the Japanese for Britain and for England, is the same word

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(#63 (permalink))
tazzy (Offline)
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05-05-2011, 10:25 AM

The UK being called England- it doesn't help that Brits themselves often did this until 80 or so years ago.

But meh, UK=England is pretty understandable given how massive and dominant England is. Its not quite as bad as Holland=Netherlands.


1: British
2: Bernician
3: European
4: Quarter Irish
5: English
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(#64 (permalink))
SHAD0W (Offline)
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05-05-2011, 10:40 AM

Originally Posted by tazzy View Post
What was wrong with it?
It seemed pretty clear that for instance the male bra thing was just some little niche company and not exactly representative of the whole country. The same for most of it.

No way man, he made it look like every resturaunt in the country had a freaky monkey serving you severed heads filled with "sperm".

I'm sorry for all the bad stuff I said and all the feelings I hurt.. Please forgive me
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(#65 (permalink))
Ryzorian (Offline)
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05-05-2011, 11:57 PM

Ronin. Don't be claiming things about the US so aribitrarily. Texas is sovereign..they can still seceed from the union by law..It's written into thier state constitution and was a pre requisite to even consider joining the union..In fact, every State is technically "Sovereign". It's why it's called the United States. England signed peace treaties after the revolution with 13 independant Sovereign nations.

Now yes, we have had a civil war to try and figure this relationship between the states and the feds, and some think that settled the issue, but it never did. The issue is still unresolved and many states still do what the hell they want. Case in point, Arizona and Immigration. Virginia outlawing Obamacare.

Think of the US as 50 nation states with a kinda giant referee overseeing how they interact with each other and the world. My state of Iowa for instance, has several trade deals with other countries that are independant of the national trade deals.
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(#66 (permalink))
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05-06-2011, 02:47 AM

Originally Posted by Ryzorian View Post
Ronin. Don't be claiming things about the US so aribitrarily. Texas is sovereign..they can still seceed from the union by law..It's written into thier state constitution and was a pre requisite to even consider joining the union..In fact, every State is technically "Sovereign". It's why it's called the United States. England signed peace treaties after the revolution with 13 independant Sovereign nations.

Now yes, we have had a civil war to try and figure this relationship between the states and the feds, and some think that settled the issue, but it never did. The issue is still unresolved and many states still do what the hell they want. Case in point, Arizona and Immigration. Virginia outlawing Obamacare.

Think of the US as 50 nation states with a kinda giant referee overseeing how they interact with each other and the world. My state of Iowa for instance, has several trade deals with other countries that are independant of the national trade deals.
That was in no way relevant to the point I made.

The definition that most people have in mind when they think of country is "fully sovereign nation state". It doesn't matter how independent it is.. if it's not fully sovereign then by that definition it doesn't qualify as a country. Therefore the states that consist of the USA don't qualify as countries under that commonly held definition.

Now you can still define it as a country if you like (in fact the academic definition of country is just "area of land") but then you have to be consistent about it.

My point wasn't that the states of the USA are not countries. My point was that if you consider Scotland a country then you have to consider Texas, California, Quebec etc. countries also (and vice versa.. which means that you have to consider Scotland, Tibet, Quebec as countries because you consider Texas, Arizona and Iowa.)

As for Iowa's trade deals with foreign states... I doubt that they didn't have to go through some sort of approval by the federal government. Either directly or indirectly (via federal legislative measures for example). So stop talking bullsh*t.

Last edited by Ronin4hire : 05-06-2011 at 02:52 AM.
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(#67 (permalink))
tokusatsufan (Offline)
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05-06-2011, 01:26 PM

Originally Posted by JamboP26 View Post
I see myself as Scottish first and foremost, and am extremely proud of that fact, so if a Japanese person asked my nationality, I would reply with 'Sukottorando-jin desu'
SUBARASHII! You've gotta teach them or they won't know. I have many catchphrases. "I'm half-Welsh" sadly has to be one of them.
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(#68 (permalink))
BobbyCooper (Offline)
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05-06-2011, 01:38 PM

Don't take this the wrong way now guys.. but my own impression about the people from England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales, have been that they really enjoy to get drunk a lot.. almost every night. That they love to visit a pub almost every day and that they are very rude, loud and quick-tempered as are the girls, which freaked me out many times.

Also I really can't stand their accent. Especially the girls like to talk like boys.. or at least it always came off to me that way. I really liked to punch some of them, thats how bad it was sometimes..

The English Culture and their habits is really nothing for me.

But this is just my personal opinion about them guys and of course doesn't count for every English person.
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(#69 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
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05-06-2011, 02:31 PM

Ha Ha we are not all like that.

There is too much Binge drinking nowadays-- and the yobbos as I like to call them cause a lot of trouble. Drunken louts.

Some people don't know how to enjoy themselves without getting drunk but please do not tar the rest with the same brush.

Football hooligans are also a pain but there are plenty of decent people here, it depends who you mix with and where you go.

I know some yobbos give a bad impression of us when they go abroad and get caught up in brawls and fights.

I avoid going ANywhere where there is likely to be lots of clubs and pubs-=- especially at the weekend.

Many other people know how to have a good time without taking alcohol.
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(#70 (permalink))
BobbyCooper (Offline)
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05-06-2011, 07:09 PM

Oh I do believe you guys otherwise that would be really sad^^

I have to admit, I've met them when I was traveling throughout Australia and NZ.. so I guess the freedom part and sun played a huge factor there two^^

but really, I couldn't find an English guy who doesn't enjoy Alcohol or a girl who doesn't act like she is something better or who was at least a little shy. They were all balls out to the wall every time, especially on Partys.. and then their accent was killing me. It sounds so arrogant and maskulin.. I don't know guys, but it really takes the joy away. A girl should act like a girl I think.. soemtimes they were really so confident that it makes you puke especially when they are again drunk..
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