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05-23-2011, 01:07 PM
Your post is so one sided, full of holes, lacks proper information w/sources and shows that either you lack the ability to think constructively or refuse to do so. Im sure Syria is the model of a Utopian society with peace and love for all its people :-/. How many protesters has government shot so far btw? Criticizing ones own government should be a right and not punished with acts of brutality, i enjoy that right as a citizen of the US. I am not only mortified by the seemingly lack of intelligence in your post but im actually shocked that in this day and age where information is so readily available that one would choose to remain ignorant. If you think all the problems in the middle east are the result of the US you are very mistaken. Yes some problems exist because of the US's support of Israel, and my countries thirst for oil, im not even saying the US is always the nice guy i know better. However, there are many upon many internal problems that plague the Middle East that were have been around for centuries because they refuse to change. Try opening your eyes a bit and and see that the world does not exist in just black and white. Btw fyi Obama has been very critical of Israel and especially critical of their building projects so try getting some facts first. I love how you never mentioned how Al Qaeda and the Taliban use human shields of women and children while in combat. I love you never mentioned when they take an area if the residents do not side with them obey their stricter version of Islam they are executed. I love how you didnt mention how they use children as suicide bombers or marry off 12 year old girls to men 3 times their age. Theres more need i go on on or are you content? ![]() |
05-23-2011, 01:44 PM
Do you want to know the truth??? Go to Gaza and you'll see the truth .. Secondly, I am not defending my Government, I do not want the U.S. government to intervene in our internal affairs, I do not want to turn my country into another Iraq. Thirdly, I do not defend the AlQuada and not the Taliban, they are killing Muslims, Christians, and innocent people, but I believe that the cause of all this mess is Israel and the United States, and the U.S. government is mistaken if she thought she could do what they want in the Arab world without Resistance, and this is what Hamas is doing .. Fourth, I agree with you that there is a very large errors of Arab States, and impossible to get any progress if they do not unite again, they must change everything , and this is an internal matter. |
05-23-2011, 07:27 PM
I will bet you my entire years salary that not only are you mistaken about 95% of your post. But im also willing to bet that if the US disappeared tomorrow not only would you still have the same problems but things would be worse. Theres is a trend in the Middle East that has lasted for thousands of years it has never changed once you figure that out you will have your answer. Btw i do not rely on mass media as my information source. Im a lot smarter than that i am also not blinded by my governments seemingly overwhelming call for justice and the American way. I however can see a situation from many different sides i suggest you try the same. good luck to you and your people i think you are going to need it iv got news for you. If violence continues to escalate you are going to have a major problem in your country ![]() |
05-23-2011, 08:24 PM
As well as the United States be held accountable all those responsible for the killings in Afghanistan and Iraq and Palestine, and to be be equitable in dealing with the Palestinian issue, and recognize the right of peoples to resist occupation. Well , about my country, my country is dying , there are many communities in my country more than Iraq, it is difficult to describe the situation here, and it is difficult to find a solution to this crisis, ... And at the same time .... I can not bear this situation ..... it can not not be described in words and phrases.....Sometimes I can not believe what my eyes see ......I want to speak but I can not ..... |
05-23-2011, 08:59 PM
I understand what you are saying. But arms deals have been around since the first weapons were rolled off the assembly line, its the way of the world pretty much every country sells arms to another country its nothing new. Honestly, At this point both sides Israel and Palestine need to stop it past the who is to blame part it will not make thing better. I will not condone calls for the destruction of Israel but neither for Palestine. Neither side is willing to work with the other Palestine is just as guilty as Israel for the death and destruction that has taken place. The US protects its interest just like every other country in the world. Name a country that has 100% transparency. The problem is its easy for both sides the say the other is lying the US will not abandoned its allies its not going to happen. Because first and foremost Israel is counter balance in the Middle East to Iran. I have a problem with my countries unquestioning support for Israel but that does not mean i think we should abandon them either. The US most of the time is damned if we do and damned if we dont. Look at what happen in Libya the US did not lead the way the EU did. We refused to have prolonged engagement and refused to put troops on the ground. If we help we are the bad guy if we dont help we are the bad guy its a hard position to be in. My heart truly goes out to your people. I do hope that your government stops using violence on its own people. I highly doubt my country will get involved pass economic sanctions unless it the killing starts to get to a point where the world can not stand by. I do hope your people can come through this ok i am sorry that its happening. But you must understand my position as well the US is not the monster some think it is. The average American is just trying to get by take care of their families and live we are not blood thirsty and we do not wish for world domination. But one thing i can say for sure is that when we see people being oppressed and a government brutalizing its own people its hard for us to stand by and watch because of the principals this country was founded on. ![]() |
05-23-2011, 09:17 PM
OSAMA Bin Laden's replacement as al-Qa'ida leader is planning a terrorist attack on London, ordering his followers to "crush" the city.
New al-Qa'ida leader Saif al-Adel calls for terrorist attacks on London Yeah, just what we needed. Why is it that the US kills Bin Laden and London is threatened to be crushed by these little fucks? Someone in this thread said it's only right for the US to kill anyone who threatens their nation, but see? There's no way Europe's getting out of it, and supposedly we had no part in this war... everything is relative and contradictory ~
05-23-2011, 09:50 PM
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