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08-08-2011, 11:26 AM
Yes, they are not responsible for the accident at Fukushima. However, there are several steps involved. I wasn't always a physicist. I was born a farmer's son. I say they have betrayed the consumer's trust by feigning ignorance. They should have known better. They should have accepted responsibility for their own produce.
There are decades worth of research data regarding radioactive fallout and agriculture. There is nothing new about it, nothing special, absolutely nothing that is souteigai. It all happened 25 years ago in Chrenobyl, and it happened again, and it proceeded and is proceeding just like research and experience predicted it would. Shirankao simply is not good enough explanation for their immoral behaviour. Even when the news broke out, the practice was still continued, I guess in the hopes of "automatic forgiveness" or similar idiocy. There can be no acceptable excuse for that. I read that they might get compensation from Tepco. That is good, but only because I think Tepco should pay for everything alone. But that doesn't do anything to return the trust they so lightly threw away. I will eat safe beef again, but I will not buy nor eat contaminated beef (even suspected) under any circumstances. I'm not responsible for the Fukushima accident either, and I don't make innocent suffer for my inconveniences. |
08-08-2011, 10:25 PM
Everyone has a point. Regardless of the reasons for causing the beef contamination, I felt that there are still a lot of things the Diet is not telling. I may be wrong but there may be a chance that there are other food contamination not detected but is distributed without anyone knowing. I said so because there are lack of equipments to do all the checkings especially when the officials are already very busy with checking vegetables.
I am not specialise in nuclear physics but I know that there are more than just iodine-131 & cesium escaped from Fukushima Power Plant since March 12th when the first explosion occurred. Plutonium & other alpha emitter isotopes, why were they not being monitored? It is true that Plutonium is heavy in chemical term and therefore does not "float" easily into the air current or sea current like iodine or cesium does. But hey, plutonium is dangerous. I was quite shock to know that a Japanese scientist said in news tv that plutonium is not harmful to human body if accidentally consumed. Plutonium-causing cancers do not develop until 20 years later. And shockingly there is even a safe limit for plutonium in food. I understand that the geographical location of Kansai is far away from Tohoku but when it comes to food distribution. Even prefecture as far as Shizuoka is affected with its famous green tea. Aw... I really wish this is all a bad dream. |
08-09-2011, 12:12 AM
It eases the mind to study the different types of ionizing radiation, because not all radioactive material act the same. There's not much to learn, and it's quite light reading.
But for those in real hurry: - Alpha radiation is heavy and does lot of damage, because it interacts strongly with matter. But because it interacts strongly, it does not penetrate so much, and even sheet of paper is enough for a shielding. Not particularly a problem, Am-242 sources are used in standard smoke alarms. Even that one above your head, I'd wager. - Beta radiation is slightly more penetrating therefore slightly less dangerous. Plexiglass is the usual shielding. Does high damage at short range, but almost nothing at long range. Concentrations can be high, and this is why ingestion (where the ranges are short) is dangerous. - Gamma radiation has high penetration, because it interacts very weakly with matter. Shielding is lead walls and good running shoes. But because it interacts weakly, it won't do a lot of damage (in any given separate instance in time). With time, of course. - Neutron... is a problem. And so on. When ingested, radioactive particles will be passed just like any food within a day (iodine-131 excluded, of course). This is why they said plutonium is not so dangerous when ingested - it will not accumulate and it's emission is mostly weakly interactive gamma type, plus that the possible amounts for ingestion are extremely small. Not much escaped Fukushima. Of course this implies the best possible dream-land scenario that everything will be all right very very soon (Moshimoshi?!? Chernobyl?!? 25 years today and still going hot? Connecting dots here, people! ![]() Here's a nice page about the radiation situation about 150 km south of Fukushima. It's not a political institute feigning a scientific institute, and it's measurements have been active from the very beginning. You'll notice that there are several types of radiations sources monitored. So, did I make you look up and look for a smoke alarm? C'mon, be honest! ![]() |
08-09-2011, 01:59 AM
My lettuce and tomatoes (Maruetsu) comes from Gunma, Miyagi, Fukushima (less and less) and Nagano. There have been very local (probably hand-carried to the supermarket) potatoes and tomatoes lately. Those are tasty, too! I miss the Farmer's Markets where locals (and I mean "across the street" locals) carry their veggies in the morning to sell. I had one when living in Oume, and in Nagano. It was nice to greet the people who grow your food every morning. |
08-09-2011, 02:05 AM
Looking at he webpage noted above......... (Radiation monitoring at KEK | KEK )
I beleive that I am correct that the Cs134 reading of 8.4 x 10 to the minus 10on the 44th test, which was a sample of 1673 cubic meters of air drawn over the period of 5/28 through 5-30, converts to 0.00000000084 Bq/cm3. I think that is the highest reading for any isotope listed the in all the tests on the latest info published. The average human inhales and exhales about 11 cubic meters of air in a full 24 hour period. So in a day that is about 11,000,000 cm3. Seems to me the math then puts the daily internal Cs134 exposure rate at that value at about 0.00924 Bq......... Yes/ No? My understanding is that a Bq is the result of a single radiaoactive decomposition event. So 1.0 Bq is a very small amount of radiation generation. Also from the above mentioned webpage: "Transition of concentration of the airborne nuclide in semi-log scale since 15 March. (Bq/cm3) Current concentration level is lower by 5 orders of magnitude compared to 15 March, and is not of health concern." best, ................john |
08-09-2011, 09:23 PM
I see. How do you know? Are they labelled? (pardon me for asking such a funny question)
08-09-2011, 09:27 PM
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