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09-29-2011, 02:56 AM
Sutekidane;The US had 20 to 21% of the Worlds GDP in 1910, back when it was isolationist. We can handle ourselves fine, plenty of land mass, populaton and natural resources. Plus "isolationist" doesn't mean we didn't freely trade with everyone, and I mean FREELY TRADE, no stupid tarrifs or governmental sponserships or "forbiddin" products. We let you sell anything you can produce here and you let us sell anything we can produce there, no strings attached, otherwise no deal.
AS to what happens to those other country's you mentioned, why Nothing, of course. The US is the big bad guy here right? Everybody else is all lovy dovy if not for our bullying ways, yes? Being isolationist doesn't mean being weak. I don't mess with you and you don't mess with me, but if you do mess with me, I'll wipe you from existance. That was the essence of "speak softly but carry a big stick". Basically we didn't want to start fights back then, but we could finish them if you did. The truth of the matter is that the rest of the world has grown soft and resents relying on US power for everything. So fine, we withdraw so the world can once again feel what it is to have no "big brother" refereeing everybody. If the US did go isolationist, how long before the world plunged into a World War? Five years? Ten? MMM; Christ Lived 2000 years ago, his words have nothing to do with christianity today? Honestly, that's the best arguement you can come up with? Progressiveness is Humanisim, the manifesto is thier belief system. You can't propagate a belief without some sort of guidline to what that belief is. The Humanist manifesto is thier bible and they believe in it as surely as any relgious zealot. Planned parenthood's foundation was based on Sangers work, just check thier records, the vast majority of them are based in poor ethnic areas, dutifully keeping the "weeds" in check. Recently some folks in the African community really starting looking into why there were so many "Planned Parenthoods" in thier neighborhoods. It didn't take them long to find that they were there "planning" to make sure none of them were parents. While Hispanic and asian populations have increased, largely due to immigration, the Black population has remained stagnant if not decreased since Sangers work went into effect. This despite the fractureing of their community and 75% out of wedlock pregnacies? In fact, ever since the Progressives first introduced the "great sociaty", African American communitites have fallen apart. |
09-29-2011, 11:53 PM
Shuac Gustau was quoted saying he favored killing a few million to 'save the planet" This wasn't in the 1930's but the 1990's. Progressives are allways about protecting Humanity from the "undesireables". I have the quotes from these modern day progressives. I will get them and present them to you in due course. Not that you will believe it.
Sometimes you can't see the forrest for the trees. |
09-30-2011, 01:14 AM
The Daily Advance US Politics | AMERICAblog News: Koch Bros now worth $50 billion, up by $15 billion since March 2010 Does Isolationism mean no interference in the American hemisphere as well? What will happen to Monroe doctrine? Up in smokes? Privatized health care, safety net and education, deregulation of finance, environment and industries are recipe's for disasters, but with an isolationist USA, if the US wallows in its own misery and becomes poor and backwards, that is its own problem and not a headache for the world any more. Really, the rest of the world could care less. |
09-30-2011, 01:58 AM
Please show any support of Eugenics by significant progressive politicians that are in office or running for office today. If there aren't any (which there aren't in the first world) then your argument that this is what modern progressives want holds as much water as a spaghetti strainer. |
09-30-2011, 11:18 AM
I'd really like to see some links to the sites Ryzorian gets his information from. I mean we all know he's not coming up with any of this stuff himself. I reckon it would be very entertaining to see where he sources his 'facts' about the world.
09-30-2011, 04:40 PM
Ryzorian, sorry but the time of america as being the riches is past. it used to be that average american was 20 times richer than average chinese. now it is only 5.
TEDtalksDirector's Channel - YouTube you should watch this and other videos from TED. maybe you will learn something how a global economy works and that your isolation policy is bullshit. ![]() |
10-02-2011, 10:41 PM
UN Document Titled Global Biodiversity Assessment Includes this tidbit. "A reasonable estimate for an industerialized world society at the present North American material standard of liveing would be 1 billion, at the more frugal European standard would 2 to 3 billion would be possible." V.H. Heywood,ed., Global Biodiversity Assessment, United nations Environment Programme. ( Cambridge; Cambridge University Press.1995.
Club of Rome Document titled Goals for Mankind " The Resultant ideal sustainable human population is hence more than 500 million but less than 1 billion." Quoted Ervin Laszlo from"Club of Rome's World Government, Climate Change and Depopulation agenda exsposed" http//newworldorderreport.com/News/tabid/266/ID/28/Club-Of-Rome-world-government-climate-change-and-depopulation-agenda-exsposed.aspx/. "Global Sustainablity requires the deliberate quest of poverty,reduced resource consumption and set levels of mortality controle." Maurice King, quoted in Alan Korwin,page nine,http//pagenine.typepad.com/page_nine/2009/06/enviromental-hoax-proof.html/. David Bower, founder of Friends of the Earth, quoted in The Coercive Utopians. Childbearing [should be] a punishable crime against society...all potential parents [should be] required to use contraceptive chemicals, the government issueing antidotes to citizens chosen for childbearing." david Bower quoted in Rael Jean and Erich Isaac, The Coercive Utopians ( Washington, D.C.: Regnery,1985),74 Paul Ehrlich, author of the book The Population Bomb wrote " A cancer is an uncontrolled multiplication of cells; the population explosion is an uncontroled mulitplication of people...We must shift our efforts from treatment of the symptoms to the cutting out of the cancer.........We must have population controle.by compulsion if voluntary methods fail." Paul Ehrlich, The Population Bomb( New York: Ballantine,1968),xi,166. Are they "world leaders" Not in the traditional sense. most are "scientists esteemed writers, members of the eletist universities" But they have the government's ear and advocate these things on several boards, recomending polocies that will advance this agenda through various comittees. Global warming is a big one they use...It's a flat out hoax designed to de industrialize the US and western governments in general. The earths mean tempature actually droped a dagree in the last 12 years, this measured by the oceaonic institutes 3800 temp gauge bouys. So cry all you like, doesn't matter to me. Evanny; 600 million chinese below poverty, 42 million americans...that's going to be a bigger problem for china than for the us. |
10-04-2011, 05:24 AM
Lemmings wake up when they are air borne:
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-kH3LTcJwde...0/lemmings.gif |
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