Hi there! I'm quite new to forums, so I didn't know if I should write an introduction for myself or not, but as you can see, I decided to do it.
I hope you're enjoying Christmas, wherever you are - I sure am, although the snow is missing.
Enough blabbing, let's get straight to the point: Hi. My nick here is Kingyohime, which basically translates into "goldfish princess". I seriously have the memory of a goldfish. Information goes in one ear, and out the other, that's me. Anyway, I'm 18 years old and from Norway, currently in my last year of high school, where I also learn Japanese. In Norway we start learning English when we are about 8 years old, and we also have to learn another language in junior high and high school, so in high school I chose Japanese. There's only night courses of Japanese, so my days are pretty long a couple of days a week!
After high school I hope to enroll to a Japanese uni, or a language school in Japan to learn more Japanese. Two and a half years ago I visited Japan as a tourist, and now I really want to go there as a student.
Other than Japanese, I enjoy drawing (mostly manga-inspired drawings), and I'm also a huge fan of nail art. If I were to say one word that described me it would be "girly". I'm so girly...too girly...
I hope you'll welcome me here, as I am eager to learn what people all around the world has to say about Japan and Japanese culture and language!
Yoroshikuonegaishimasu (sorry, my mac is unable to write in hiragana