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(#21 (permalink))
acorn (Offline)
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05-16-2008, 03:24 PM

come on now, im from california, where its hot all the time, honestly i really dont think global warming is real, just 30 years ago we were having a global cooling, its ridiculous. i admit this winter has been a little hotter than usual, but last summer was a little cooler than usual. but no biggie, im from northern california where the temp reaches to 120, and you dont here me complainin about it bein a little hot

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(#22 (permalink))
acorn (Offline)
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05-16-2008, 03:25 PM

are you religious or something?

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(#23 (permalink))
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05-16-2008, 03:34 PM

If deforestation and global warming is all just politics, why did Beijing start following Western thinking?!

Chopsticks = Choptrees

Straits Times, WORLD section page 40, under the Slice of Life section, Saturday, August 11 2007:

Beijing announced the end of use of disposable chopsticks in China as part of the campaign for a 2008 “green” Olympics.

“Restaurants should (permanently) abandon the use of disposable chopsticks for the good of their health and environment,” the China Daily paraphrased China Cuisine Association secretary-general Bian Jiang as saying.

In other words, it will not be a temporary gimmick for the Olympics, it’s for real!

Quoting from New Internationalist:
China is severely short of trees only – 13.9 per cent of its 9.6 million square kilometres is covered by forest. Its amount of forest land per capita is ranked 121st in the world. Now 12 of the 40 state-owned logging companies have nothing left to fell. ‘The remaining 80 million hectares of natural forests will disappear in a decade if this felling continues,’ says Professor Shen Guofang, of Beijing Forestry University.

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(#24 (permalink))
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05-16-2008, 03:39 PM

Originally Posted by TalnSG View Post
Sure! You know, like how the planet went from molten rock to continents with oceans. But oops, I forgot, the earth is the only planet in the universe and we all sprung forth from two people only a few days after this place appeared out of now here fully formed. So I guess the evolution theory is out - even from a geooogical view. We should just accept everything as God's will - even mass destruction.

(Anybody got a bucket?)
That would be the Biblical aspect of it >.>

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(#25 (permalink))
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05-16-2008, 03:39 PM

Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y View Post
Natural Evolution of what? The Earth?
must've meant revolution x]
the cycles that the earth goes through.
ice age happens now and then.
the earth warms up now and then
etc. etc. >.>'

buut yeah...
us humans are cancer x]
we destroy everything
and keep reproducing
not even the black plague was enough to wipe us out >.>'

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(#26 (permalink))
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05-16-2008, 03:41 PM

Originally Posted by yuujirou View Post
must've meant revolution x]
the cycles that the earth goes through.
ice age happens now and then.
the earth warms up now and then
etc. etc. >.>'

buut yeah...
us humans are cancer x]
we destroy everything
and keep reproducing
not even the black plague was enough to wipe us out >.>'
Hmm. Do you hate yourself a lot?

We have just as much capacity for creating as for destroying.

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(#27 (permalink))
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05-16-2008, 03:49 PM

Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y View Post
Hmm. Do you hate yourself a lot?

We have just as much capacity for creating as for destroying.
yes.. x]
your absolutely right
we have such a GREAT capacity for creation...
i mean seriously, look at all our past accomplishments~

we created inefficient factories that burn the shit out of fossil fuels
we created automobiles to burn even more fuels
we created plant life by creating greenhouses, which in turn created the greenhouse effect
we created blades, to destroy the forests so that we may CREATE more farms x]
we created all these wonderful little convenient items x]
and wrapped them in these cute little 'disposable' packages.
we created glass x]
we created nuclear factories that create massive amounts of nuclear waste
we're even creating our own demise w/ all these WONDERFUL creations of ours x]
or, if we can create even more x]
we'll create a colony in space and and and, we'll even create more rubbish to dump on it~
i mean...look at the space surrounding our lovely planet x]
we've got so much liter and trash up there already
it's a miracle they hasn't turned into garbage yet >.>'

buut then again x]
these are just some of my thoughts
in all reality
i'm a selfish person
and i could honestly care less about the world and it's issues >.>'
maybe, perhaps
but then~ meh x]
too much bother to worry about things that i can't help.

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(#28 (permalink))
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05-16-2008, 03:58 PM

wow, im new at this so ya, i think its great that someone is intersted in talkin bout global warmin. its not just politics. its a big problem. i live in sothern Oregon and our weather is crazy. one day it will be really hot then about 2 days later it will pouring down rain. its really stupid. i try 2 do all i can to help bt it just feels like its not enough
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(#29 (permalink))
AmbeRz (Offline)
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05-16-2008, 04:01 PM

Global warming is a problem...its not like I worry about it everyday lol, but when I hear the effect its having I get kinda scared...lol. According to my Geography teacher, global warming probably wont have a biiiiiig effect this century x]
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(#30 (permalink))
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05-16-2008, 04:04 PM

Originally Posted by AmbeRz View Post
Global warming is a problem...its not like I worry about it everyday lol, but when I hear the effect its having I get kinda scared...lol. According to my Geography teacher, global warming probably wont have a biiiiiig effect this century x]
biig effect?? >.>''
the glaciers are already melting
and the ocean is (quite literally x]) on the rise >.>''
of course, as stated earlier, we have had some devastating weather lately x]

In the shadows beneath the trees he waits.
In the darkness under the moon he plots
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