Originally Posted by AmbeRz
You live on earth but you dont care what happens to it? 
whatever happens to the earth is beyond my control.
any contributions that i could make...
would hardly make an impact >.>''
sure, if everyone chips in, does their part, this world would be a better place??
no, it wouldn't
the EARTH would be in a better state, but we, as domesticated humans
would be in a miserable hell >.>'''
as a few examples
no chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's); however would we power our hairspray canisters? x]
no more destructive chemical exhaust from our cars?? splendid, i'll take the 3 hour hike through 100f degree weather, drug and gang polluted neighborhoods everyday just to get to work. Hell x] i'll even take the 'scenic' route back home at 12 in the morning
stop littering and consuming so many plastic bottles that make our landfills taller than everest? sure, i'll drink from teh contaminated water systems, from the same faucet that little shits pee into and what not. not too mention that healthy dose of lead and all those other lovely minerals loaded into the public water.
but, what about being wasteful with energy, and our precious water supplies??? sure, i'll shut off the AC in this house so that when i sleep, i'll sweat my @$$ off and smell like 'man' throughout the day because i'm conserving water by NOT taking 2-3 showers a day. >.>''
bleh x]
all in all, the things that destroy this earth..we have become so dependent on them that no one would function w/o them.
sure, there might be those dedicated few, but the overall mass majority would kill to get back all their little comforts x]
and no, i'm not ignorant of other methods of conservation~
but, look at the hybrid cars we have today
they're bloody expensive =.=
most alternative products are aLOT pricier >.>'''
and (speaking from a real time standpoint) we're in a recession atm xDD
atleast the US is xDD
soo, speaking as a typical civilian x]
i'ma keep my little comforts until the economical alternatives
become more affordable and practical >.>'