You can't belive - who i am.. but belive, please, this info.
If i can't contact with Japan Embassy (mails,formular gov, others-no results) i'll put here info about 2 bad things similar to earthquake.
1 news is good 1/4 of Japan can be ok , the highest one

It is my 3d message, i usually send only 1 before big trouble

. 3d, because I like Japan culture ! and japanese cars (Honda Civic)! Please be carefully, it is possible, tsunami was probably 1/4 of 3/4 Japanese Trouble...

.. Parts 2 and 3 is arrived, this moment i don't know, when. Next 0-50 years

Each moment. Scietist's earthquake 7 is wrong

77 !
More informations later. If "later" happends