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12-06-2007, 07:39 AM
First, the name is Samurai007, I don't know why you keep changing the number, but just call me Samurai... it's what I usually go by, but the name was already taken on this forum when I signed up.
Second, America has an incredibly free and open society, and you can read all kinds of dissenting opinions and "America is EVIL" junk from books published right here. Sure, reading the accounts from other nations can give important perspectives... for instance, when writing my honors thesis on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, I read the translated accounts from the Japanese meetings and debates going on before and after the bombs were dropped. They were quite enlightening. Many Japanese didn't believe Hiroshima was really an atomic bomb, just some new bigger firebomb. And many of the ones who did believe the US claim of having built an atomic bomb were sure they America only had 1 of them. The vote to continue the war was unanimous at that point. And even after Nagasaki, the vote was a 50/50 split. From the Japanese own account, the war ended by only the tiniest of margins, a tie-breaking vote by the Emperor. Before Nagasaki, it was unanimous to continue the war, even though by that time it was becoming very clear to outside observers that Japan would lose. It's a terrible choice, but if you must choose either a few hundred thousand people or several million to die before the war can end, you choose the lesser number. You obviously don't know about the massive training program for civilian defenders of the homeland. 28 million Japanese men, women, and children were trained in combat and suicide bomb tactics, and were ready and willing to give their lives to defend the homeland and Emperor. If the 50,000+ civilians and 100,000+ Japanese soldiers who sacrificed their lives trying to defend Okinawa were any indication, millions more Japanese civilians and soldiers would have died in an invasion than in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Military Magazine Online Quote:
Personally, I think you do the Japanese a disservice by suggesting that only a very tiny fraction of the Japanese people would have given their lives fighting for their land and Emperor... |
12-06-2007, 09:37 AM
Samurai007 your points are all valid, but the thing is such stories are often written just to justify US actions. Many WW II experts believe Japan would surrender even if A-bombs weren't used. And it's not that A-bomb alone forced them to capitulate, carpet bombings were in fact more "efficient" especially since US started using fire bombs to burm mostly wooden japanese cities to the ground, in some of those bombings more people were killed than in Hiroshima and countless more were made homeless. Other than that japan was very afraid of soviet invasion and many wanted to surrender to US just to choose "lesser evil". The thing is US wanted to trial Hirohito and that was unthinkable for japanese people, they capitulates shortly after US resigned from this demand.
But Tenchu I think you are exagerating a bit. It's not like all americans think the same as their politics do. |
12-06-2007, 04:18 PM
![]() and we should protect those people or avoid them being hit by an attack or bom... |
12-06-2007, 04:46 PM
And I don't consider frightened civilians trying to defend their home and feebly attacking the troops worthy of wholesale slaughter by the millions, just to save a few hundred thousand other civilians, many of whom would have died during the invasion anyway, a fair trade. What's more, most soldiers and their families would have been furious if it ever came out that the US had worked so hard to develop the atomic bombs, (which were no more devastating than the combined power of the firebombs dropped on Tokyo and elsewhere), but refused to use them, choosing instead to have several million US soldiers give their lives, and kill 10 million+ Japanese soldiers and civilians in a needless invasion. I would not consider that a "brave" act on the part of the US govt, I'd call it an act of horrific brutality that could have been avoided, and thankfully was. A lot of your words clearly have no relation to real life, and seem to be meant only to conjure images of barbarism. US soldiers were not "grabbing children as they run screaming to burn their skin off". They did not gas the Japanese, despite all your talk of that. They were and are NOT the same as Nazis, and if you'd heard of Godwin's Law, you'd know that you just fulfilled it. (If you don't know it, google it) Finally, your comment about a soldier's greatest ability is to kneel is completely backwards IMHO. His greatest ability is to stand strong, defending the country and free people the world over from tyranny and oppression. Kneeling to Hitler and Hirohito would have been a disaster for the world, and meant a world living under the yoke of brutal and genocidal madmen and their regimes for "a thousand years Reich", if the Nazi rhetoric were to be believed. You say that would have been a good thing, if it meant sparing a few civilian lives in the short run? What about the long term, as those oppressive regimes slaughter all the remaining Jews, gypsy's, homosexuals, and disabled people in the world, enslave many other minority races, and crush anyone who dared try to stand up to them after they consolidated power... Is that the world you would choose? I sure wouldn't, and I thank the soldiers and civilians in WW2 who fought and died in order to prevent it. |
12-06-2007, 04:52 PM
A Gallup poll done this week puts the President's approval rating at 34% His dissapproval rating is at 62%. This is the opposite of "most". It is the majority that dissapproves. |
12-06-2007, 04:57 PM
12-06-2007, 06:07 PM
Actually, its not so random, the reason i mention this cos your post reminded me of something, and its simply a question... Do you think that the disapproval is low now because of things like "this war has lasted longer than the world war?", or "people are fed up and arn't happy with the number of americans dying", or "because USA is getting a negative image"? I wonder, if a poll like this was made in the first couple of years of the war, how many people would have agreed? even though, america (in my opnion), had nothing to do in the middle east! |
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