10-01-2008, 01:10 PM
I have a softbank prepaid phone and Mail is not exactly free, you pay 300yen a month and you get unlimited mail (up to 300kb each) and a call will cost you 90 yen a minute. You got to charge your phone every 2 months at least with 3000yen because the credit expieres after that. I dont know whats the deal about incoming calls, in Germany they are free, as they where in Australia. Every japanese mobilephone will get free incoming calls.
The phone itself will cost you betwenn 3000 and 5000yen. There is not much choice for a prepaid phone and you will need a aliencard to buy one! (the donki hote in Harajuku sells them without as i know).
Otherwise you might want to get a contract, but i felt it was quite difficult because most contract run 2 years and they will want you to pay all in advance if you are not a resident.
Have Phun
Back home after 1 year work and travel in Japan and 3 month in Korea: www.teglas.asia (text is in German, but see the pictures!)