Originally Posted by RediscoverTravel
Many trains have a "Ladies Only" train for rush hour that will keep dirty old men away from you. Other than trains and late night drinking you should be fine. If someone does do something that you do not like just start yelling at them in English. Just be careful and use common sense.
Ladies-only carriages on trains are usually the front three. The embarkation point for these are clearly marked on the platform. These are only ladies-only for the
morning rush hour period - again, times are also clearly marked on the platform.
There are no corresponding ladies-only cars in the evenings, because salarymen tend to dribble out of the office at varying hours, so the train is never as rammed with them as it is at 08:00
Many Japanese men standing on a train will hold the overhead, hanging hand-grip while reading a newspaper or book with the other hand. Partly this is a way to pass the time without falling over or getting bored, but it also says to nearby ladies "My hands are full. It wasn't me."
Finally I have no doubt that a lot of foreign women go to Japan with ideas of getting groped on the train, so when someone does accidentally brush against them or bump into them, they choose to believe that they were groped. I'm not saying it doesn't happen - not at all. I just don't believe it's anywhere near as common as foreign ladies like to believe it is.
That or I'm freakin' ugly and no Japanese man wants to touch me