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Taking a trip next Fall. - 05-27-2009, 12:19 AM

I plan on going to Tokyo for 2 weeks to a month next fall depending on my funds. I'm mainly going for sightseeing, shopping, and the arcades that I so wish we had in the US.
What I want to know is, whats the age limit for smoking and if I'm under the age limit, will I most likely be IDed at the counter?
I hear your not IDed at most bars but wondered about my beloved nicotine addiction.

I plan on skating a bit there aswell, when the oppurtunity arrises for my to go to a country other then my I own, your damn well better belive I'm going to risk myself a little bit.

I already know where to go to get some H, so that dosen't need to be asked ^//^

About the red light districts, I hear that there are alot of "Japanese Only" signs around there. Are there places that I (A White Male from the US) Go to some of these skanky and risque areas?

Thanks for the help and sorry for the long read.

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(#2 (permalink))
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05-27-2009, 01:53 AM

The age limit for smoking is 20. You will not be able to purchase from vending machines without ID, but can at convenience stores that sell cigs.

I am not into prostitution or paying for sexual favors, so I can't help you with your other part.
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05-27-2009, 01:58 AM

Heh, I dont want to give out the wrong idea "this kid is into prostitution and is a horrible person" its just something I was wondering and might experiance while their.
Thanks for the answer on smoking though, helped out alot.

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05-27-2009, 02:01 AM

I'm pretty sure just about anyone can go to a Hostess club or a Soapland.

There is an age limit, of course. But I've never heard of a "race limit"

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05-27-2009, 02:03 AM

Thanks for the quick reply.
I just find that the shadier areas of a city can end up being the most fun and exciting.

Alanx: Love the location "An arrogant nation" I assume you live in the US?

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05-27-2009, 02:08 AM


I find it rather shamefull to take the time, money, and effort to visit a such a great nation like Japan, only to skateboard and pick up hookers.

But to each his own, I assume.

Yes, I can tell by your posts you do too.

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05-27-2009, 02:12 AM

Oh no no no, thats not all I plan on doing at all, I just wanted more info on it incase the option was given to me and it felt like it was right, and it was one of the few things I couldn't find using the search function!
I plan on climbing up Mt. Fuji and seeing alot of historic scenery.
It sounds like I gave you guys the completely wrong idea ^_^;

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05-27-2009, 02:25 AM

Originally Posted by Quailboy View Post
Oh no no no, thats not all I plan on doing at all, I just wanted more info on it incase the option was given to me and it felt like it was right, and it was one of the few things I couldn't find using the search function!
I plan on climbing up Mt. Fuji and seeing alot of historic scenery.
It sounds like I gave you guys the completely wrong idea ^_^;
Ohhh. I understand, that's better.
Where will you be staying?
A hotel in Tokyo for 2 weeks will be extremely, extremely expensive.

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05-27-2009, 02:29 AM

Probably a Sakura house as that has been reccomended to me in numerous threads. I dont see myself getting much sleep while I'm there so my sleeping conditions dont need to be top notch, I'll have about $5000 for this trip saved up so I have a bit of spending money ^_^

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05-27-2009, 03:14 AM

Originally Posted by Quailboy View Post
Probably a Sakura house as that has been reccomended to me in numerous threads. I dont see myself getting much sleep while I'm there so my sleeping conditions dont need to be top notch, I'll have about $5000 for this trip saved up so I have a bit of spending money ^_^
Sakura houses are often overlooked. I'm surprised to hear that others have recommended them, it seems like I'm the only one who ever mentions them on here. They are a great idea, and great deals. Dunno why people sometimes have negative views on them so much.

And $5000 is about the perfect amount for the plane ticket, 2 weeks in sakura house, all the necessities, and souvenirs. More than enough, actually.

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